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Happens all the time. ALL the time. Kerry did the same thing. I can remember screaming at the tv when he said he had all these plans. You must not have watched the news yesterday. The annointed one has a great plan to save the US economy. Of course he won't share the details until he is back from his lavish vacation on the Vinyard. So is this the type of person you want as president? Or does that only apply to people you don't agree with. Our system sure is sad beyond description. However, part of that sadness is caused by dishonest people like you that post crap like this. BTW...this has not a thing to do with Bachman...she won't even sniff the nomination. But that does not matter to you.


Any politician could have been inserted. I'm not of fan of any of them. I'm not right or left. I'm just sad that the best people America has to offer, know better than get involved in politics.

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Any politician could have been inserted. I'm not of fan of any of them. I'm not right or left. I'm just sad that the best people America has to offer, know better than get involved in politics.

The reason the best people this country has to offer don't get into politics is evidenced in your original post. People are attacked from all sides for silly reasons. If any politician could have been inserted(which I don't believe) then why make the post about Bachman. You made it about her with your comments regarding not wanting someone like her to be president. Well the current president has done the very same thing and on the day before you post no less and no comments about him. You are not being truthful. It would have been much more relevant to title your thread based on the crap Obamer pulled yesterday. But for some reason, you pick the currrent media whipping girl.

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Happens all the time. ALL the time. Kerry did the same thing. I can remember screaming at the tv when he said he had all these plans. You must not have watched the news yesterday. The annointed one has a great plan to save the US economy. Of course he won't share the details until he is back from his lavish vacation on the Vinyard. So is this the type of person you want as president? Or does that only apply to people you don't agree with. Our system sure is sad beyond description. However, part of that sadness is caused by dishonest people like you that post crap like this. BTW...this has not a thing to do with Bachman...she won't even sniff the nomination. But that does not matter to you.


They're probably still working on the plan. Plus, if he shares any details now the plan would start to get ripped to shreds before he even has a chance to release the whole plan. This happens on both sides. Washington has gotten so bad these days that that is how people need to operate going forward. Release plan details and start selling it on the same day, otherwise it will be DOA.

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The reason the best people this country has to offer don't get into politics is evidenced in your original post. People are attacked from all sides for silly reasons. If any politician could have been inserted(which I don't believe) then why make the post about Bachman. You made it about her with your comments regarding not wanting someone like her to be president. Well the current president has done the very same thing and on the day before you post no less and no comments about him. You are not being truthful. It would have been much more relevant to title your thread based on the crap Obamer pulled yesterday. But for some reason, you pick the currrent media whipping girl.


I didn't see what Obama did yesterday. I saw her foolish comment, first. It was just an example of how politicians advisors, do their jobs. Deciding that for her to make a statement like that is the best way to grab some attention. That the general public is so stupid, that most will say "She is the one."


This is just an example. I'm not attacking anyone. But if you think I am, then I'm attacking them all.

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She's going to bring us $2 gallon gas by co-opting Perry's plan to hang Bernanke and drastically tighten the money supply, making the dollar scarce and driving down prices.


Maybe she'll pull a page outta the Yugo Chavez hand book and nationalize the petrol industry.

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Who Needs A Minimum Wage, Anyway?

In what could best be described as a dubious economic platform, Bachmann suggested that eliminating the federal minimum wage would alleviate the country’s employment crisis. “If we took away the minimum wage — if conceivably it was gone — we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.” I wonder how she would feel being compensated at “whatever level” as president.


So minimum wage needs to be dropped to whatever it is in Taiwan?

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Edit: And c. the "left wing media" will be to blame when her campaign collapses, just as they were at fault for Sarah Palin's complete inability to answer the simplest question



But for some reason, you pick the currrent media whipping girl.



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I really try hard not to get caught up every conspiracy theory that comes along, I just figure that everyone is out to screw everyone. However I have a real hard time wrapping my hands around how the media seems to have such an easy time accepting Bachmann as a top tier candidate, and seems to ignore Ron Paul or dismiss him as a fringe candidate.

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I really try hard not to get caught up every conspiracy theory that comes along, I just figure that everyone is out to screw everyone. However I have a real hard time wrapping my hands around how the media seems to have such an easy time accepting Bachmann as a top tier candidate, and seems to ignore Ron Paul or dismiss him as a fringe candidate.


They are scared of him. Eventhough he really won't have any power but veto. And that veto is scary for lobbyists.

Edited by WaterMan
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They are scared of him. Eventhough he really want have any power but veto. And that veto is scary for lobbyists.


For that to be the answer wouldn't it mean that lobbyists control the media? I really am having a very hard time understanding this.

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The Huddle, You have been weighed and considered and have been found hypocritical and wanting.


You shut down threads where conservatives launch a fiery rebuttal, yet you let this thread stand.


You should be ashamed.

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The Huddle, You have been weighed and considered and have been found hypocritical and wanting.


You shut down threads where conservatives launch a fiery rebuttal talk out their ass, yet you let this thread stand.


You should be ashamed.



It avoids you being unduly embarrassed

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