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The uninvited Dog


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I will start out by saying that I love animals. I have 2 dogs, 2 birds , fish and I love all of them. That being said, I would never bring my Dogs to a party uninvited. We went to a going away BBQ for my nephew yesterday and the hosts brother brings his dog. Beautiful Chocolate lab, did tricks, I had no problem with the actual dog but he was a little disruptive. Begged for food all day . Nosed at your plate while you were eating. One of the little kids was scared of him and made a scene every time he entered the room.


Again, I liked the dog but think its a little obnoxious to bring one to a busy party unannounced and look the other way while he sticks his nose in peoples plates while we are eating and also makes us have to deal with a screaming kid all day. The parents of the kid who was scared were so pissed. The guy was trying to watch the game and enjoy a good sunday bbq with football and beers and he had a kid on his lap sobbing the whole day

Edited by whomper
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You sure the dog was uninvited? Was it a normal practice for the host's brother to bring his dog around?

If so, the host is at fault. Otherwise, I agree 100%. That being said, the host probably should have seen the issues and had a talk w/ his bro.


I remember at Hugh Ones BBQ he kept his dogs in complete check and they weren't a bother at all. Of course they would've been there as it was his house, but it's up to the owner to "put a leash on the dogs" as necessary.

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I remember at Hugh Ones BBQ he kept his dogs in complete check and they weren't a bother at all. Of course they would've been there as it was his house, but it's up to the owner to "put a leash on the dogs" as necessary.


Thanks FW. :wacko:


If there was a child that was scared of the dogs, I would have crated them, even at my own house.

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If I were the dad, I might say something in earshot of the dog owner like "Well, I guess we may have to cut this short, junior is really afraid of the dog. Might start getting packed up and ready to go at halftime." Hopefully 10 heads would swivel around sharply and say "Ohhh no, you can't leave..." and the dog owner would hopefully get a clue. My wife would then stab me in the leg with her fork. I'm awesome in social situations, it's a thing of beauty really.

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Thats the thing. If you have a kid thats afraid of a dog and you know the homeowner has a dog , you could use your own discretion as far as going to the party or how you are going to handle the situation. If you are invited to a party where you know the homeowner doesnt have a dog and you go and a guest brings one , you are sort of on the spot and unprepared


When it became a bit of a scene with the kid , the kids dad said he didnt know there would be a dog at the party and the other host (the boyfriend of the sister host ) said that they didnt know the bro was bringing the dog


The dog was friendly and the dog did tricks so maybe the guy thought it wouldnt be a big deal and might be fun. The fact that there was a kid scared of dogs at the party was something the guy didnt plan on I suppose. The parents of the scared kid handled it well. They were upset but didnt get pissy . they just looked like 2 people whose day was unexpectedly ruined by something they didnt plan on . They tried to bring the dog by the kid to show that it was friendly but she wasnt having it. She just turned 3 and it was tough to reason with her which was understandable

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My dogs are 2 big harmless dopes. Thankfully they have never shown any aggression towards anyone . My kid has a friend (neighbor) that is very scared of my dogs. When she comes over for a playdate we lock the dogs in the kitchen. The kid is a sweet kid and my daughter likes her. It isnt a big deal to accomodate her and keep the dogs away for a few hours

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I'd rather have a dog at the party than some little twit of a child that is scared of a freaking lab to the point where she screams and has to sit on her daddy's lap and sob... It isn't the dogs fault that some jackhole decided to bring his skittish child to a Football, beer and BBQ party.


But, hey, I'm a dick. :wacko:

Edited by SEC=UGA
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If I were the dad, I might say something in earshot of the dog owner like "Well, I guess we may have to cut this short, junior is really afraid of the dog. Might start getting packed up and ready to go at halftime." Hopefully 10 heads would swivel around sharply and say "Ohhh no, you can't leave..." and the dog owner would hopefully get a clue. My wife would then stab me in the leg with her fork. I'm awesome in social situations, it's a thing of beauty really.



Good idea but I'm afraid that if this guy didn't get the hint that his dog was bothering people just by watching what was going on (kids crying, dog begging for food, etc), then no amount of subtle hints would have probably worked either.

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I'd rather have a dog at the party than some little twit of a child that is scared of a freaking lab to the point where she screams and has to sit on her daddy's lap and sob... It isn't the dogs fault that some jackhole decided to bring his skittish child to a Football, beer and BBQ party.


But, hey, I'm a dick. :wacko:



Well in fairness. Inside the guys were watching football and drinking beer. There was also a lot of kids running around and playing. It wasnt just a football beer bbq. The guys just made it that way in the main room

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You never bring a dog without asking the owner first...period.


Kid needs to grow a pair


+1 on this, but mainly on the "kid needs to grow a pair part".


If that would been my kid screaming and crying, I woulda been all over my kid - not the dog or the owner. Kid needs to realize that dogs are part of this world and they'll encounter them.... a lot. Being a wuss about them is on the kid and the parents. And yes... I'm serious.

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+1 on this, but mainly on the "kid needs to grow a pair part".


If that would been my kid screaming and crying, I woulda been all over my kid - not the dog or the owner. Kid needs to realize that dogs are part of this world and they'll encounter them.... a lot. Being a wuss about them is on the kid and the parents. And yes... I'm serious.

The girl is only 3. Maybe she was bitten or the big thing just looks like a monster to her. She's 3 for crissakes. 5 or 6, you have a point.

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The girl is only 3. Maybe she was bitten or the big thing just looks like a monster to her. She's 3 for crissakes. 5 or 6, you have a point.


Had a 4th of July party once... once...


Crated the dog for the sake of the children, who apparently commenced to terrorize the dog while it was in the crate. I didn't happen to see what went down because I was outside for the most part... But, when I got the dog out, during the party, to walk him he went straight for a couple of the kids and to this day flips out when he sees anyone under the age of 10 or so.

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+1 on this, but mainly on the "kid needs to grow a pair part".


If that would been my kid screaming and crying, I woulda been all over my kid - not the dog or the owner. Kid needs to realize that dogs are part of this world and they'll encounter them.... a lot. Being a wuss about them is on the kid and the parents. And yes... I'm serious.



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My dogs are 2 big harmless dopes. Thankfully they have never shown any aggression towards anyone . My kid has a friend (neighbor) that is very scared of my dogs. When she comes over for a playdate we lock the dogs in the kitchen. The kid is a sweet kid and my daughter likes her. It isnt a big deal to accomodate her and keep the dogs away for a few hours

Agreed. My dog is big, fat, lazy, and harmless. My 3.5 year old isn't scared of him at all, but many of our friends who don't have dogs come over and their little kids can get spooked so we crate him every time. He just falls asleep and he'll be fine. No need to spook some little kid. 3 year olds are crazy enough as is. I'd have said something and asked if he could keep the dog somewhere.

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Glad you find that funny.


I meant every word.


I know. That's what makes it even funnier. :wacko:


Manning up is a term that I frequently use with my kids. I grew up in a very strict environment and got the occasional smack or whack. I'm strict with my kids as well, and have no problem with giving them a smack when warranted. I also have 2 big dogs, so I have a little experience on both fronts. My kids are 6, 4 and 9 months, they are not and have never been scared of dogs because they've been around them their entire life, even despite my 6 year old getting bitten by one of my dogs last year. However, the notion that you are going to be stern with a 3 year old girl that has a fear of dogs is completely idiotic. You'll end up being up all night while she tremors with nightmares. But hey, you're a man so you'll make your wife deal with that, right? :tup:


Again, in that situation, I would make every effort to make the girl comfortable around the dog, but forcing it on her won't work. As a parent, you should then focus on exposing her to dogs, quiet, smaller, calmer dogs at first maybe. Get her around dogs as much as possible, expose her to them and eventually the fear will subside. Smacking it out of her or forcing it down her throat won't work, and will do more damage than anything else.

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