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If you've ever complained about the iphone battery


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You've obviously never owned a droid. Not only does it require charging numerous times per day, it literally takes hours to charge. I've been told there are secrets to avoid this issue, but I didn't need secrets to get far better results from my iphone.


That is all.

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You've obviously never owned a droid. Not only does it require charging numerous times per day, it literally takes hours to charge. I've been told there are secrets to avoid this issue, but I didn't need secrets to get far better results from my iphone.


That is all.


Big con of a droid.


But worth it.

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Except the difference is you can get an extra battery or 2 and a stand alone charger (I got both off amazon for like 20 bucks for my droid x) and be able to do whatever you want all day... There is not a smart phone battery in the world that will last all day if you're using battery intrensive apps and features, but that's no worry at all with an extra one. You cant do anything but be plugged into the wall when your iphone dies.


Sorry, but what you see as a strength is one of the main weaknesses that I see with the iPhone.

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You are doing it wrong.

I'm leaving it turned on, typically avoiding as many calls as I can get away with and checking e-mail and voicemail as they come in.


soooo.....I gather detlef's as long winded on the phone as he is on the huddle... :wacko:

:tup: Well played. But, really, like I said above, I've never actually burned through the minutes.


Except the difference is you can get an extra battery or 2 and a stand alone charger (I got both off amazon for like 20 bucks for my droid x) and be able to do whatever you want all day... There is not a smart phone battery in the world that will last all day if you're using battery intrensive apps and features, but that's no worry at all with an extra one. You cant do anything but be plugged into the wall when your iphone dies.


Sorry, but what you see as a strength is one of the main weaknesses that I see with the iPhone.

At no point did I say that it's a good thing that you can't switch out the battery. Rather, that there were no special tricks involved with not draining it. Nor did it take so damned long to recharge. I agree. It would be better if you could change the battery on an iphone. That is not a strength of the iphone. You know what would be really cool? If you could, not only switch out the battery on a droid, but that the battery was also not a worthless POS.


I mentioned this to one of my bartenders and he chuckled. Then he went on a 10 minute "how to" lecture about all the apps I needed to download to make my battery last and all the tricks I needed to employ to avoid this.


Honestly, that seems like the main difference between Mac and PC. When I complain about the things that are so much easier on a Mac and such a pain on a PC, someone always comes up with the same line, "It's easy. All you have to do is reformat the flim-flam modulator and set the parameters to blah, blah, blah. Then restart and turn off all the things the computer wants to launch at start-up."


Here's an idea. How 'bout they assume that I'm not an IT guy and just set the defaults for what someone who wants to use the thing for normal chight would have it?

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You've obviously never owned a droid. Not only does it require charging numerous times per day, it literally takes hours to charge. I've been told there are secrets to avoid this issue, but I didn't need secrets to get far better results from my iphone.


That is all.


Have you tried JuiceDefender from the Market? Give it a shot and watch your battery life at least double.

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Have you tried JuiceDefender from the Market? Give it a shot and watch your battery life at least double.

The aforementioned bartender is setting me up with a list of apps. If that is not among them, I'll add it to the arsenal.



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I just got a droid too and the battery was getting drained at an alarming rate. My bro in law has one. I asked him to check it out and my problem was that my wifi was on all the time. See if yours is too. If it is, shut it and only put it on when you need it. It made a world of difference

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I just got a droid too and the battery was getting drained at an alarming rate. My bro in law has one. I asked him to check it out and my problem was that my wifi was on all the time. See if yours is too. If it is, shut it and only put it on when you need it. It made a world of difference


JuiceDefender takes care of all of that for you so you don't have to. I'm telling you guys, it is an amazing app. It comes in 3 versions, I believe: Free, Pro and Ultimate. I have mine just set to "balanced" (which is the default) and on my Samsung Captivate I can go at least 2-3 days before charging. However, I'm not that heavy of a user. If you're using every minute of the day then you won't see such a dramatic increase.

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JuiceDefender takes care of all of that for you so you don't have to. I'm telling you guys, it is an amazing app. It comes in 3 versions, I believe: Free, Pro and Ultimate. I have mine just set to "balanced" (which is the default) and on my Samsung Captivate I can go at least 2-3 days before charging. However, I'm not that heavy of a user. If you're using every minute of the day then you won't see such a dramatic increase.



Just downloaded it. Thanks. Just a FYI. If you also are using a task killer, make sure you exclude juicedefender or it wont work properly

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Just downloaded it. Thanks. Just a FYI. If you also are using a task killer, make sure you exclude juicedefender or it wont work properly

Everything I've heard is that task killers are nothing but counter-productive anyway... IIRC, it uses more battery life killing them than running idle in the background.

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JuiceDefender takes care of all of that for you so you don't have to. I'm telling you guys, it is an amazing app. It comes in 3 versions, I believe: Free, Pro and Ultimate. I have mine just set to "balanced" (which is the default) and on my Samsung Captivate I can go at least 2-3 days before charging. However, I'm not that heavy of a user. If you're using every minute of the day then you won't see such a dramatic increase.

So far, so good. Thanks mucho. Hours into my day and my little green battery is still green.


ETA: 2:22 and I'm still golden. Tosberg, you da man.

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