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Potato Chips Now Cost 6.29/lb


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The second ave deli is btter than Carnegie.


While that issue is highly contested, I'll weigh in and say the Carnegie is the best deli in the city. And therefore best in the world.


Last stop on the V train downdown, but worth the trip. All they do is pastrami. OK corned beef too, but it's the pastrami, it melts in your mouth. Was featured in the Harry met Sally movie. Out of the way but worth the trip.


No, the deli in When Harry Met Sally was Katz's, which is on Houston and 1st. And it ain't close to as good as Carnegie either.

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After my kidney stone I have cut WAY back on stuff like this so let em charge whatever they want. I'll just snack on my unsalted peanuts and carrots and incredibly unsatisfying stuff like that.



:wacko: Not laughing at your situation . Just at that line

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