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Anyone else getting snow today?


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9 months? You might need some remedial geography classes.
So does anyone who thinks it's humid 9 months out of the year in "the South" (which is more than a small generalization as well). That was actually my point; my bad for not just saying so.


Unless you think a pretty autumn day of 60 degress with the trees in full fall beauty is freezing yer behind off.
No and I've enjoyed many of those here in the South already this year. :wacko:


You can always put more clothes on if it's cold. You can only get naked once if it's hot, and you could get arrested.
ha - used to say the same thing. Changing my mind about that advantage as I get older. For one if it's too hot out, there's this thing called A/C. And regardless I'd rather be a bit too hot vs chilly/freezing/etc, and no matter how much you bundle up, being out in freaking cold (and having to wear all that crap) still sucks, unless maybe you're skiiing. To each their own but I'd rather be hanging out in a t-short and shorts.
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Snowing like crazy here in Central Jersey and I love it! I wouldn't move south if you paid me!! This is an early snow but we've had snow like this and even slightly earlier in the past.


6-10 inches of snow forecasted.


Well, we'd probably stop you at the Mason-Dixon and escort you back to Jersey, so, no worries. :wacko:


No snow here, just a wee bit chilly.


Hope you guys are back up an running soon.

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This was one of the most bizarre snow falls I have ever witnessed in my life. Since the snow came so early , the trees all still had leaves on them. This made the trees catch more snow than usual and get very weighed down. I stood in front of my house and listened and every 20 seconds a hugh branch fell somewhere on my block. My daughter was playing a game where she would count to 11 and every time she hit 11 we heard one snap. Very scary and eerie. Thank God I removed this hugh oak in front of my house a few months ago. That was 1400 well spent

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What is the northerner's lie?


I love a change of seasons.


Yeah...I'm not even gonna try to argue that the weather here in Michigan is ideal. The winter's suck...what else can I say. However, I think the snowbird idea is the best. Head out in December and come back in April.

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