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Tough Times...


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Just wanted to say that that even though I've been through a bunch here, it couldn't hold a candle to what I've been through over the past year in dealing with my divorce (fellow league mates know this already). Making the decisions that I have to get divorced, basically left me being disowned by my entire family (mother and sister included as they're the religious type and look down on divorce). I haven't really spoken to anyone in my family at any length and haven't been a part of any family function going on 8 months. My kids have been put in the middle of things and it's really taken a toll on them. I have and continue to do my best to protect them. Anyhow the point of this post was to say thanks to all you Huddlers who have provided me with any sort of distraction from my reality at all, be it with jokes, stories, complaining, fighting about politics or shooting the shizz about football and fantasy football. Without even knowing it, you guys have helped me cope with the most difficult time in my entire life, when I have not only felt alone but have been alone dealing with my personal drama. You guys are the best and have become the closest thing I have to any semblance of a family.



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Time will heal this wound, and the good thing is you have a fair amount of time in already.


Now two bad jokes.


Q. If your ex and her divorce lawyer both fall off of a 50 story building which one hits the pavement first?

A. Who cares, as long as they both hit the pavement.


Q. Why is divorce so damn expensive?

A. Because it is worth it.

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Sorry, man. You would think "religious types" would be more understanding. Why should it matter if they look down on divorce? Thier beiliefs are more imporatnat than family? How does you getting a divorce affect their "religious" standing?


I hope things get better for you and your kids soon.

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Sorry, man. You would think "religious types" would be more understanding. Why should it matter if they look down on divorce? Thier beiliefs are more imporatnat than family? How does you getting a divorce affect their "religious" standing?


I hope things get better for you and your kids soon.


Sorry to hear Irish, hope you can make amends.

Catholics are interesting creatures at times.


In the catholic religion (as is my understanding from some friends) divorce is about as acceptable as molesting a child serial drunkenness any of the other major sins of which one can think.

Edited by SEC=UGA
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Sorry to hear Irish, hope you can make amends.

Catholics are interesting creatures at times.


In the catholic religion (as is my understanding from some friends) divorce is about as acceptable as molesting a child serial drunkenness any of the other major sins of which one can think.

Except the definition of divorce in that church is separating and then marrying someone else. But many Catholics themselves think it is the same definition as a civil divorce.

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Sorry to hear it man. I wish you the best going forward. As far as your family goes, if they can't be supportive during one of the most trying times of your life, then I would reassess how much I want them in my life anyway. Sounds like they've made that decision for you, which while difficult to accept, may end up being for the best in the long run.


I do hope you are able to take this opportunity to go out and rack up as much strange tail as possible. You are entering a period where men often get laid as much or even more than their early 20s. For that you have reason for optimism and gratitude for the volume of ass you will be receiving.

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Don't know you that well but very sorry about all of this and props for being able to just come right out with it that way. The kids make this a lot more complicated and harder, but also can be very much a positive as they "force" you to go on and fight the good fight for their greater good, and so in a way yours as well, to say nothing of just having them in your life. Hope that works out. As for family, BJ shed some light on it and I'd add that contrary to popular belief not all Catholics are self-righteous d-bags. I mean just look at me!




Wait forget that last part.


Seriously I am sorry they are being that way. Never ceases to amaze me how family can act so - I don't even have the words. In fact I wish I had some brilliant insight or something but for now just want to say hang in there and if you need an alibi while you were out cutting her car's brake lines, just let me know. g/l with all this.

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Your kids wil appreciate your efforts someday even if they don't understand it all today.



Irish. Look at the bright side. Your situation finally brought a good post out of Opie :wacko: Good luck with all of this

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that wasn't me as much as my dad showing me. My mom was a raving lunatic and tried to turn me away from my dad. He didn't fight fire with fire, just patience and love. I don't know what he said or did in court, but in front of his kids, he was nothing but a good dad.


So, have some hope Irish, your kids will appreciate you for it.

That's great. My mom completely trashed my dad, called him a deadbeat and constantly complained about how he never came to visit, and made fun of how he used to sing and play guitar. When I was a kid my mom's opinion of someone was fact as far as I was concerned, so obviously it had a hugh impact on how I viewed my dad. The things she said were accurate, but still, saying those things was damaging. So Irish, don't do that.

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Sorry, man. You would think "religious types" would be more understanding. Why should it matter if they look down on divorce? Thier beiliefs are more imporatnat than family? How does you getting a divorce affect their "religious" standing?


I hope things get better for you and your kids soon.


The answer to that is an ABSOLUTE yes. Not only their religious beliefs but their personal beliefs/morals as well. Almost 8 months later and I'm still in shock over everything.


Thanks for the positives vibes fellas.

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That's great. My mom completely trashed my dad, called him a deadbeat and constantly complained about how he never came to visit, and made fun of how he used to sing and play guitar. When I was a kid my mom's opinion of someone was fact as far as I was concerned, so obviously it had a hugh impact on how I viewed my dad. The things she said were accurate, but still, saying those things was damaging. So Irish, don't do that.


I never have or would, not about my ex-wife and not about any member of my family. The kids don't need and just shouldn't be put in the middle. However, my family has said some awful things and have put the kids squarely in the middle on several occasions. I am open and honest with the kids and explain everything to them without making them feel bad or responsible. Hell, I even explain to them why my family members are saying some of the things they are to try and make them understand better and not just feel hurt or hatred toward anyone. It's been SO HARD.

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