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So how long does mankind have



39 members have voted

  1. 1. How long do we have??

    • until Dec 2012 or sooner
    • before I died of old age (assuming I do)
    • well past my lifetime, maybe hundreds even thousands of yrs
    • a really long time, like way into thousands of yrs or even much more
    • other (desc)

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I know this will end up mostly jokey but hoping some might have a legit answer of what they believe, not just timing but the gist of what happens and why/how. Will we overcome and have some major change (whether it's technological or other) that will ? Will we blow ourselves up before long all nuclear like? Will we digress into chaos due to economic collapse? Some/all of the above? Other?

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There will be catastrophes that wipe out millions of people like diseases, supervolcanoes or perhaps nuclear strikes, but it would take something like a massive meteor colliding with the earth to wipe out the whole population at once. Even with global warming, melting of the ice caps and all that, millions of people will survive and migrate to more hospitable areas and continue to breed like chipmunks. Maybe current coastal areas will be underwater and maybe the median temps near the equator will be 200+ degrees, but people will adapt and migrate as necessary.


I believe the sun will support life here for millions of more years before it finally expands and swallows up the earth, so odds are good that humans will be around for many more thousands of years. And by then, technology could evolve to where deep space travel is possible, so people could possibly migrate to other galaxies. It is even possible that one could walk into a restaurant thousands of years from now and encounter a family with young children sitting quietly and eating their meal like everyone else.

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I thought it would all end today. Did you know that today is the only 11/21/11 in this entire century? I was pretty sure that we'd all be done in at 11:21:11 AM (probably Greenwich mean time). Maybe it will happen in the PM?


Oh well, if not today, maybe tomorrow! :wacko:


P.S. Oh, and what matt770 said.

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I thought it would all end today. Did you know that today is the only 11/21/11 in this entire century? I was pretty sure that we'd all be done in at 11:21:11 AM (probably Greenwich mean time). Maybe it will happen in the PM?


Oh well, if not today, maybe tomorrow! :tup:


P.S. Oh, and what matt770 said.

11:21:11 GMT = 6:21:11 EST




Oh, it ends when Puddy ends :wacko:

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I believe the sun will support life here for millions of more years before it finally expands and swallows up the earth,

About 5 billion actually, but I have no doubt we will be gone long long long before then, even if some other natural thing or other doesn't do us in ie we do in ourselves.


I guess I should have clarified a little that I didn't necessarily mean technically every single human being is eradicated per se (though that might be) but at least so close to it as to mean we are effectively "gone" or a tiniest of whispers on the planet.

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If there's one comon theme for mankind, it's that nearly every generation assumes that things are so much worse than the last one, that the end must be near.... It's been going on for centuries...


I too believe that it is inevitable that at some point the population could and probably will be greatly reduced (there's also a huge history of that too), and our liefstyles may drastically change, but as a race, humans have proved to be quite resilient in rebounding and rebuilding...

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About 5 billion actually, but I have no doubt we will be gone long long long before then, even if some other natural thing or other doesn't do us in ie we do in ourselves.


I guess I should have clarified a little that I didn't necessarily mean technically every single human being is eradicated per se (though that might be) but at least so close to it as to mean we are effectively "gone" or a tiniest of whispers on the planet.

Species come and go and we're no different. We consider ourselves more important and significant because we are humans and we view everything in terms of how this will affect me. There will come a time when we're gone, for whatever reason, then all the water will boil away and the earth will be a chunk or rock with no atmosphere just like Venus or Mars.


What I find more interesting is the idea that time is not linear, and it could be possible to travel "forward" to witness the destruction of the Earth, or backward to see those statues on Easter Island being constructed. I think it is pretty awesome that even with all of our supposed advances in technology, there is so much that remains disputed and unexplained.

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If there's one comon theme for mankind, it's that nearly every generation assumes that things are so much worse than the last one, that the end must be near.... It's been going on for centuries...

“Our Earth is degenerate in these later days; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; every man wants to write a book and the end of the world is evidently approaching.” -Assyrian clay tablet dating to around 2800 B.C.

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. The guy with the blue turban hasn't even shown up yet.

I'm going to start referring to time like he does. "Seven and twenty years". That sort of thing. Gonna see how long I can keep that up before my wife hits me in the head with a pan.


"When do you want to leave?"

"Oh, five and forty minutes."


"Hang on a sec. There's four and thirty seconds left in the game and the Niners are on the 2 and twenty yard line."


I give it 30 minutes, and that's assuming I can keep a straight face.

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Mankind will continue on infinitely. I know this because I believe in the promises of Jesus Christ, who lowered himself to become a human being, forever changing the relationship between God and His Creation. Not only does he redeem us (if we only choose it), but God himself is now intimately intertwined with Creation, whereas before the Incarnation God and Creation were completely and wholly separate from each other. Sure we might go through some profound changes, but that God himself has forever chosen the form of a human being, is not insignificant.

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Mankind will continue on infinitely. I know this because I believe in the promises of Jesus Christ, who lowered himself to become a human being, forever changing the relationship between God and His Creation. Not only does he redeem us (if we only choose it), but God himself is now intimately intertwined with Creation, whereas before the Incarnation God and Creation were completely and wholly separate from each other. Sure we might go through some profound changes, but that God himself has forever chosen the form of a human being, is not insignificant.


I floated something like this in the FF advice forum and BJ outed me just as I got some dude on the hook... Man, I was looking forward to yanking that dude's chain for a while.

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I floated something like this in the FF advice forum and BJ outed me just as I got some dude on the hook... Man, I was looking forward to yanking that dude's chain for a while.



I've re-read this a number of times now and I just have no idea what you are trying to say. Sorry. :wacko:



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I think it is pretty awesome that even with all of our supposed advances in technology, there is so much that remains disputed and unexplained.


Mankind will continue on infinitely. I know this because I believe in the promises of Jesus Christ, who lowered himself to become a human being, forever changing the relationship between God and His Creation. Not only does he redeem us (if we only choose it), but God himself is now intimately intertwined with Creation, whereas before the Incarnation God and Creation were completely and wholly separate from each other. Sure we might go through some profound changes, but that God himself has forever chosen the form of a human being, is not insignificant.

It's fascinating to read all the mythology that various cultures have developed to help them explain that which cannot be explained. I'm all for faith and spirituality though, these are needs that evolved in our psyches and there is no doubt they help immensely.

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It's fascinating to read all the mythology that various cultures have developed to help them explain that which cannot be explained. I'm all for faith and spirituality though, these are needs that evolved in our psyches and there is no doubt they help immensely.



Wow, condescend much? :wacko:


My faith has absolutely nothing to do with needing an explanation for the inexplicable. You have zero clue as to what has contributed to my belief in God, so please stop trying to summarize it for me. TIA :tup:

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