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iTunes question

Chief Dick

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New computer is coming in about 10 days. Need to get iTunes songs from the old computer to the new. Is it as simple as having all my songs on my iPhone and then plugging it into the new computer after I download iTunes?


Last time itunes crashed, I had to buy some software to get my music off of my ipod. I'd back up my library onto a hard drive or CDs as a last resort.


It does not seem to matter which computer I log in from, I can only access my itunes from this computer. Maybe that's an ip address thing, I don't know.

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New computer is coming in about 10 days. Need to get iTunes songs from the old computer to the new. Is it as simple as having all my songs on my iPhone and then plugging it into the new computer after I download iTunes?


No, its not that simple, but there are a few ways you can do it.




Easiest way is via the external drive method.

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New computer is coming in about 10 days. Need to get iTunes songs from the old computer to the new. Is it as simple as having all my songs on my iPhone and then plugging it into the new computer after I download iTunes?



For songs that you have purchased from iTunes, once you install iTunes on your new computer, there is an option to download "purchased songs". You can transfer purchased songs to 7 machines from what I remember so 1. old PC 2. iPod 3. iPhone 4. new PC. You can move them again a few more times. I did this when I bought a new lap top and a new iPod. I still have 2 moves left.


On songs that you burned to your hard drive via CD or flash drive, there is a free program called Music Rescue that you can download. It will pull songs from your iPod/iPhone and put them into your new iTunes on your new PC. They have a free version (they want you to buy the "professional version") that works no problem other than the fact that for every 20 songs you download, you have to click "No Thanks" on the dialog box that pops up wanting you to "upgrade to the Pro Version". Kinda a pain but I transferred over 3,000 songs in a little over an hour.


Music Rescue


Again, use the FREE version.

Edited by 'canes2004
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For songs that you have purchased from iTunes, once you install iTunes on your new computer, there is an option to download "purchased songs". You can transfer purchased songs to 7 machines from what I remember so 1. old PC 2. iPod 3. iPhone 4. new PC. You can move them again a few more times. I did this when I bought a new lap top and a new iPod. I still have 2 moves left.


On songs that you burned to your hard drive via CD or flash drive, there is a free program called Music Rescue that you can download. It will pull songs from your iPod/iPhone and put them into your new iTunes on your new PC. They have a free version (they want you to buy the "professional version") that works no problem other than the fact that for every 20 songs you download, you have to click "No Thanks" on the dialog box that pops up wanting you to "upgrade to the Pro Version". Kinda a pain but I transferred over 3,000 songs in a little over an hour.


Music Rescue


Again, use the FREE version.


Sounds pretty easy. Thanks!

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It's a simple drag and drop on a Mac and I would assume it's the same on a PC.


No need to copy it all over to your iphone then transfer it unless you have no way of hooking up your old computer to your new computer.Look under advanced in prefs then you'll see where your music is located on the old computer. Drag it over to your new computer and place it in the same directory.


As mentioned before, buy an external HD and put all your music on there - point itunes in that direction then never have to worry about this issue again.

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It's a simple drag and drop on a Mac and I would assume it's the same on a PC.


On a PC it's a one way trip. You can drag and drop from your hard drive to your device, but you cannot drag and drop from a device back to a hard drive. Not sure why other than Apple making things difficult on us PC users. That's why there are quite a few programs that will help with your transfers to new PC's. Although if you've purchased music from iTunes itself, they make that transfer to new devices pretty easy.

Edited by 'canes2004
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As mentioned before, buy an external HD and put all your music on there - point itunes in that direction then never have to worry about this issue again.


This. I've learned my lesson with all of my media now on external drives (music, video's, documents, pics etc...).

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On a PC it's a one way trip. You can drag and drop from your hard drive to your device, but you cannot drag and drop from a device back to a hard drive. Not sure why other than Apple making things difficult on us PC users. That's why there are quite a few programs that will help with your transfers to new PC's. Although if you've purchased music from iTunes itself, they make that transfer to new devices pretty easy.

That's just craptacular.

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