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Christmas Tipping


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That's pretty much my feeling....I like to be generous at the holiday's, and its almost insulting to have the dude feel he needs to hand me an envelope to entice me to do so.



I dont blame you and agree 100 %. Its the height of tackyness and very obnoxious . On principle alone he would get zero and I am an overtipper

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I consider myself a generous cat. I love gift giving. I get all my friends, family and co-workers things and put some pretty good thought into their gifts. I am great with tipping at restaurants and with deliveries and such. I, however, hate tipping folk that don't make a living off tips. They are paid to do their job. DO IT.


I have busy times of year at work too. Nobody is tipping me. I simply don't get it.


Folk are doing what they do because it is their job. They get paid to do their job. They take the job based upon what they are going to be paid. The thought that I need to tip my mail-man or garbage man because they are doing their job is stunning to me.


Busy time of year or not, I am sure they get overtime.


If I was buddies with them, sure, but otherwise?

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Odd, I just had the opposite experience, and not for the first time. "So, how much should I tip you?"


We don't deliver often but, every now and then, we get a big enough order that I just go ahead and bring a drop-off catering. Tonight was just such a night. A good customer was having a get together and asked if we'd do the food.


At any rate, I get out there, and dude asks me how much he should tip me. I said the same thing I always say. "You really don't have to, since I'm the owner, I don't really rely on tips."


"No, but I should really give you something. How much do you think is right?"


"Honestly, you really don't need to worry about it."


"Is 10% OK?"


"Really, thanks. That sounds great."


Now, here's the deal. I like $50 as much as the next guy, so I obviously don't mind a tip. I also realize that people enjoy tipping, so you don't want to flat-out refuse it. Not if it literally comes down to saying "I don't want your money." But I just have a hell of a time answering the question.

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I like $50 as much as the next guy, so I obviously don't mind a tip. I also realize that people enjoy tipping, so you don't want to flat-out refuse it. Not if it literally comes down to saying "I don't want your money." But I just have a hell of a time answering the question.


Soooooo...did you pocket the fifty, or give it to the staff :wacko:

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He should shove the envelope up his ass. I tip nicely around the holidays. Mailman, sanitation but if one of them ever handed me an envelope they would get nothing


As far as sanitation, my town is pretty picky about what they take and dont take. I tip the garbage men during the year too on occasion and they take whatever I leave out




That would be like a bartender putting out a humongous ass empty wine glass to encourage you to tip them. What nerve!!!



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He should shove the envelope up his ass. I tip nicely around the holidays. Mailman, sanitation but if one of them ever handed me an envelope they would get nothing


As far as sanitation, my town is pretty picky about what they take and dont take. I tip the garbage men during the year too on occasion and they take whatever I leave out


Agree 100%

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I consider myself a generous cat. I love gift giving. I get all my friends, family and co-workers things and put some pretty good thought into their gifts. I am great with tipping at restaurants and with deliveries and such. I, however, hate tipping folk that don't make a living off tips. They are paid to do their job. DO IT.


I have busy times of year at work too. Nobody is tipping me. I simply don't get it.


Folk are doing what they do because it is their job. They get paid to do their job. They take the job based upon what they are going to be paid. The thought that I need to tip my mail-man or garbage man because they are doing their job is stunning to me.


Busy time of year or not, I am sure they get overtime.


If I was buddies with them, sure, but otherwise?

My thoughts exactly

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