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Remembering "old school" arcades


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Man . .. great thread.


Loved pinball games.



Rush N Attack


Elevator Action

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom



Donkey Kong



Top Gun




And one of my favorites . . played this for hours with my little brother . . . Ikari Warriors

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The NarC I think was actually looking for physical arcade games that gave way in the 70s. I recall a baseball game that used a small pinball and had home runs etc. if you got the ball over the fence in what was a small mocked up park. The X and O football game with the trackball was always good for pinching you skin badly if mishandled as well.


Here's a game I'm trying to recall the name of: it was a sit down interplanetary motorcycle racing game that was kind of like Lode Runner meets Tron. Anyone know this? it's a late 80s/early 90s play...

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How about the mechanical baseball game in which you hit a metal ball and it would sometimes go up ramps for homeruns, etc.


Seawolf where you shot at boats through a periscope was a cool early video game. I was also a fan of Centipede and Tempest.

I remember both of those, yeah they were some of the earliest. Loved seawolf, still remember it.


Flashback of many of the old ones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OET6NpZTeLs

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Name that game (it's already been mentioned in this thread): "Elf needs food badly." "Use keys to open doors." I can still hear that voice in my head.


There was a place where I lived that charged like $1.50 to get in the door and then every game was a nickel (or two nickels). I remember Cyberball, a 7-on-7 football game that had robots instead of humans. I loved that game.


Here's a game I'm trying to recall the name of: it was a sit down interplanetary motorcycle racing game that was kind of like Lode Runner meets Tron. Anyone know this? it's a late 80s/early 90s play...


I think I remember that one. Didn't it have lighted rectangles that gave you a boost when you passed over them? Name's on the tip of my tongue.

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Name that game (it's already been mentioned in this thread): "Elf needs food badly." "Use keys to open doors." I can still hear that voice in my head.


There was a place where I lived that charged like $1.50 to get in the door and then every game was a nickel (or two nickels). I remember Cyberball, a 7-on-7 football game that had robots instead of humans. I loved that game.




I think I remember that one. Didn't it have lighted rectangles that gave you a boost when you passed over them? Name's on the tip of my tongue.


Gauntlet. :wacko:

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not the one I was thinking of. found it though,

This was one of my favorites. If you pushed the left joystick up while simultaneously yanking down on the right one, you could do a flip and land behind your opponent, then quickly backkick and get a full point. I loved that move.


Super sprint was also the tits.

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the original mario brothers was pretty great. and excitebike. pole position. and that star wars piloting game was another I really liked. and the popeye video game that was kind of a donkey kong knockoff. I also loved RBI baseball, but most of my memories playing that were on the NES.


as far as the original post...I always liked pinball, and the few places I remember seeing that mechanical baseball game, I remember loving it. does skee-ball qualify?

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the original mario brothers was pretty great. and excitebike. pole position. and that star wars piloting game was another I really liked.

good calls on all of these.


Does anybody else remember playing table-top mechanical bowling (in which you actually rolled a ball rather than slid a puck)?


Wizard of Wor was pretty cool because you could put 50 cents in at the beginning and get 6 lives instead of only 3.


I also liked the airplane game 1942.

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good calls on all of these.


Does anybody else remember playing table-top mechanical bowling (in which you actually rolled a ball rather than slid a puck)?


Was that where the "pins" were just flat metal and sort of laid down when the ball "hit?"

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What about exploiting the bugs in those early arcade games? Here’s a few that come to mind:


1. The Pac Man pattern. If done correctly you cleared the maze every time.


2. A trick in Galaga where you could get the invaders to stop shooting bullets altogether. The only way they would eventually kill you was to crash into you.


3. The Space Invaders trick where you let the invaders come all the way down to the bottom row then their bullets would go right through you. You would just zip across and take them out one by one.


These are a few that came to mind. I know that there’s a whole lot more.


The was a trick in Tempest (great game) that gave you 99 free credits if you got killed with an exact score. I used to sell 10 games for a buck. Bought all my Atari games with that cash!

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What was the one with the tanks? The one where you looked through a periscope and had two joysticks to move backward/forward or to turn around. The tanks and blocks you hide behind were simply green lines.


Battle Zone!

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Space Invaders



and there was one, I think it was based on Death Race. You had tiny stick figures running across the screen and you had to run them over. It was a tabletop game and the only one I every saw was in a little dive bar in Adelanto, CA back around 75.....

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