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Someone replaced their lineup with kickers


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Someone who lost in the playoffs dropped their team and picked up all kickers off of the waivers list.  Other than telling people those players are off limits is there anything I can do?  I tried changing the waiver period time to 7 days so they will be out of the way, but it's not affecting the players currently on waivers.  I'm on Yahoo and I'm not sure if I can do anything further on my end.

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You can actually edit his roster as commissioner in Yahoo. It's under settings/manage other teams. So you should be able to restore all the players he dropped and put the kickers back on the waiver wire. I'm not positive because I've never actually had to do it and it's a very drastic move that should only be done in situations like this.


Main thing is to get all those stud players back on his roster where they belong so that whoever is in the playoffs in that league can't get their hands on them. This person pulled a dick move because he/she is pouty about losing. Free or not, there is no reason to let this fool ruin the league for other people that want to enjoy it, so as commissioner you are well within your rights to address it.


Once you put those players back on his/her roster, then you can "lock" their team to prevent them from making any further moves. That is also under settings/manage other teams.


The only drawback is that the kickers will still have to remain on waivers.


Also, be sure to kick this person from your league if you intend to keep it active next year. Someone that does this kind of thing will be nothing but a drama queen and a pain in your ass. Trust me on this.

Edited by Alphashado
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make sure you've followed the above directions to lock other teams down.

make sure you've notified all remaining teams still in the championship chase that those players are off limits.

if they pick up one of those players, reverse the transaction.

kick out the d-bag that did that move.

kick out anyone else that picks up any of the dropped players after you've let them know that wasn't to be done.

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