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Delta to dump pension plans

Letter from Delta CEO says that bankrupt airline will terminate pilots' pension plan Monday, effective Sept. 2; federal pension agency could take biggest hit ever if other Delta plans follow suit.

By Chris Isidore, CNNMoney senior writer

June 16, 2006: 5:59 PM EDT


NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) - Delta Air Lines will move to terminate its pilot pension plans Monday, attempting to shift responsibility for the future benefits to the federal agency that guarantees such payments.


The decision, which was not unexpected, was announced in a letter from Delta CEO Gerald Grinstein to Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., Friday. Delta intends the termination of the plan to take effect Sept. 2.




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Corporate pensions suck!!! :D Toooooo many loop holes, the bastooges! :D Thank you president Bush! :D And another thank you to Raygun........who killed unions and declared a dallup of ketchup the equivalent to a tomato! Freakin' morans running this country.

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Corporate pensions suck!!! :D Toooooo many loop holes, the bastooges! :D Thank you president Bush! :D And another thank you to Raygun........who killed unions and declared a dallup of ketchup the equivalent to a tomato! Freakin' morans running this country.


I fixed one of the best posts that I have ever read.

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unions suck....let em die!!!




This is just the start of favors given to corporations-dumping promises made years ago.


BTW union people are not the only ones with pensions.

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I thought we all concluded a while back that the pilots were greedy mother f*ckers who deserved to be fired and replaced for striking. I'm sure you could hire an illegal Mexican guest worker to fly a 727 16 hours a day for like $23,500.00 a year with no benefits.

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They are certainly the problem. I don't put much faith in any company that has unionized workers.



Welcome Jimmy! You bit on some bad bait though! :D


Go here and check-in..............


Newbie welcome.............. :D

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Haven't flown Delta in years but the last time I did they HELD a connecting flight for me (and others on our plane) when our flight from Dayton to Atlanta was held up by weather. I will always be grateful for whoever made that decision that night. Doesn't sound like it was these dooooooshbags, though.

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I beg to differ. He is actually dumber than a rock.


Don't you know only union members have pensions. :D




thats why they are dying.....they served a purpose when they were first formed, now they just aid the lazy worker!!!


airline unions are dying....uaw is dying


explain to me the reason that nearly every foreign automaker is building plants in the south....because the workers down there are non-union!!!!

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