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Superman Talk


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ok, leave this thread if you don't want to ruin your superman experience ...


































really, go now if you haven't seen the movie.






































i'm not kidding people.


































ok, here we go ...

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pope and i will probably be the only ones posting for now, but i encourage others to chime in once you have seen the movie.


what i loved about the movie:


brandon routh. as stated in the other thread, although he may not be a polished actor, he is the perfect choice. i'm already looking forward to more of him in the role. i wished there were more scenes of him camping it up as clark, but they probably didn't want to go over the top with that.


the moments. for a true superman fan, there were great moments. superman holding up the daily planet globe a la charles atlas. great moments with lex luthor whether he is brushing his teeth or "monologuing" (think the incredibles) to lois. all of the little clark/superman moments in the daily planet offices. there are just many, many still frames in the movie that are classic shots.


the effects. the plane scene was just awesome. bringing it down in a baseball field was over the top, giving the audience a chance to cheer along with everyone in that stadium. that was the official "superman is back!" moment - not just in metropolis, but in the movie theatres! i never got tired of watching him fly, and i loved the "far away" scenes were he is flying against the backdrop. oh, and the bullet off the eye was intense.


the mood. some will say that it is a brooding picture, but think about what is going on. lois is a single mother, scorned by superman's disappearance. richard is losing the love of his life. they boy is part alien, probably going through all sorts of changes since he is part superman. superman is realizing that his home is truly gone, and now his fortress of solitude on earth is invaded. martha is dealing with the emotions of a mother who lost her son and worries about him constantly. this is heavy stuff! while the earlier movies were fun in their campiness, they were just too over the top silly at times. this one does the best job of capturing what it would truly be like if there was a superman in the world.


some say it is too long, i say fiddlesticks. i've waited nearly 20 years for a superman movie, i'll take every minute i can get!


next post ... what could have been improved.

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ok, here are some things i would have changed ...


i love the superman theme, don't get me wrong. it is what made me soar around the house at 12 years old when the original movie came out. john williams is a genius and has put down some of the best film music in the history of film making. however ... it was just called upon too much in the movie. during every feat by superman, there it was! i don't mind it in the opening, maybe subtly referencing it during the movie, and i want it to bring down the house at the end. i don't need it every time superman does something!!!


why the heck wouldn't superman do some x-ray on luthor before walking right up to him to see if he has any green rocks in his pocket? he knows the meteor rock was stolen from the museum, he specifically sat up when that was stated at the daily planet. of course, if he didn't just walk up, he wouldn't have been beat up, and couldn't have been saved, and on and on ... but he should be smarter than this.


there is a little manipulation going on with just how strong superman is. that plane scene was fantastic, but isn't he strong enough and fast enough to just swoop down and guide it anywhere he wants? i wouldn't change the scene, but you do have that going through the back of your mind.


once the kid shoved the piano, i wanted to see him do more! it would have been great to see him actually use some x-ray vision to find superman in the water. it was great to anticipate him tearing off that door. he also was a bit omen-like, i have to agree with roger ebert on that. couldn't he have just a bit more personality?


we are also never sure if superman can really die. once luthor kicks him over the edge, he doesn't really know if he dies. it was good drama that he was in a coma in the hospital, but other times, once the kryptonite is gone, superman just springs back into action. there were some smallville scenes where clark was knocked out after a bout with kryptonite, however.


he never retrieved the crystals for his home. we don't know if he hurled them out into space with the big rock, or if they fell off and are in the ocean. i would have liked to have seem him recover those and restore his home, possibly with a final word from father marlon.


superman having a beer was ahoot! budwieser ...

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and i have to check out if the female voice in the beginning of the movie is margot kidder ... it sounds just like her. for that matter, she might be the old woman in the bed.


i'll have to do some checking ... :D


edited to add: i can't find her name in the credits ...

Edited by tonorator
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caught Superman this afternoon with my daughter- I really liked it a lot and my almost 7 yeard old says it was "awesome"-





yeah, after my screening, i'm taking the boys (11 and 7). the worst parts are where the bad guys get smashed by the falling pillar and when superman is getting beat up. if they can watch anakin skywalker's burning flesh, they can handle this!

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saw it last night and loved every bit of it. no complaints here. agreed that parker posey did a great job. routh was perfect as superman as well. no problem with the superman theme song in fact i had a hard time sitting in my chair when they played it the first timewith the credits. also dug the little homage to the cover of action comics #1(the photo of him lifting the car). Best summer flick i've seen so far. Singer truly gets how to translate comics over to movies. may have to go see it again.

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he never retrieved the crystals for his home. we don't know if he hurled them out into space with the big rock, or if they fell off and are in the ocean. i would have liked to have seem him recover those and restore his home, possibly with a final word from father marlon.


superman having a beer was ahoot! budwieser ...



i was thinking if they fell in the ocean wouldn't they have produced another land mass. plus, there was no way he should even know where they were. it's not like lex told him. guess they are gone.


yeah, the beer helps a little with the boy scout image.

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discussion point for those who have seen the movie ...


does lois know that clark is superman in the movie? i know superman II ended with the kiss and lois forgetting everything, but she now knows that she had superman's baby. that means that she knows that she slept with superman. that must mean that she has some recollection of how that came to be ...


in the scene where she announces that she needs a smoke, and then tells clark that "we'll talk later", it is almost as if she is telling clark to meet her on top of the building as superman. also, she really downplays ANY interaction at all with clark at the daily planet. singer leaves it open i think as to whether lois knows or not.


i'm going to watch closely for this during the 2nd viewing ...

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discussion point for those who have seen the movie ...


does lois know that clark is superman in the movie? i know superman II ended with the kiss and lois forgetting everything, but she now knows that she had superman's baby. that means that she knows that she slept with superman. that must mean that she has some recollection of how that came to be ...


in the scene where she announces that she needs a smoke, and then tells clark that "we'll talk later", it is almost as if she is telling clark to meet her on top of the building as superman. also, she really downplays ANY interaction at all with clark at the daily planet. singer leaves it open i think as to whether lois knows or not.


i'm going to watch closely for this during the 2nd viewing ...



it seemed like she didn't know. she practically laughed when he mentioned them having a relationship.

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i was thinking if they fell in the ocean wouldn't they have produced another land mass. plus, there was no way he should even know where they were. it's not like lex told him. guess they are gone.


yeah, the beer helps a little with the boy scout image.


When the shiat was hitting the fan at Kryptonite Island Luthor told everyone to vamoose and don't take anything, but he scooped up the crystals in that velvet sleeve as he was running off- so Lex still has them right?

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When the shiat was hitting the fan at Kryptonite Island Luthor told everyone to vamoose and don't take anything, but he scooped up the crystals in that velvet sleeve as he was running off- so Lex still has them right?


you missed it when his gal pal dumped them out of the helicopter before they took off ...

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you missed it when his gal pal dumped them out of the helicopter before they took off ...


you know what my little one had to use the bathroom right around that time (of course) so we ran out and missed maybe 2 minutes of the movie- must have been part of what I missed! Thanks!

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I saw it tonight and enjoyed it all around. One question, when Superman finally came out of his coma, was it natural or did it have something to do with his kid kissing him? Just wondering. :D


i think they left that to our imagination ...

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I wasn't as bowled over as i would have hoped: despite the upgrade in SpFX being apparent I would hope that after 25 years that would be the case.


My main problem with the film is that Kate Bosworth just wasn't 'it' as Lois and.....it's essentailly a remake, complete with entire lines lifted out of the first movie. Lex Luthor wants to create valuble real estate through the murder of billions, and Superman chases earthquakes. Been there, done that.


I wish honestly that we would have seen more 'Bryan Singer' moments: the stuff with him in orbit listening, the shots of him being everywhere in the world on TV - THAT stuff was new but that was it. Everythign else was a revamp which is fine but fer cryin' out loud let's do _something_ different.


In the end, it was a great film but it lacked the 'crackle' that the 1978 version did. I think the running time didn't work as well as it did in 1978. The first one is like 3 films: Krypton, Smallville, & Metropolis. This is just one BIG movie.


ton - as far as the plane goes, keep in mind the physics of the plane itself - the scene was about him controlling the momentum of the plane. If he just stopped it it would tear apart. Then again, arguing physics in a film where some guy flies around is a little dense....

It's very good - I will see it again because I went to the eye straining 3D Imax last night - but not as good as the original and not better than Batman Begins IMO. That movie had crackle AND tons of originality:.

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agree about the originality part pope. i too was searching for anything new! in the end, given the original came out nearly 30 years ago, it is great to have this movie to introduce a new generation to superman at the movies and it is a great tribute to a great film. it will be great to see now what happens with sequels. i hope singer stays at the helm to see what he can come up with next.


for the plane, i was thinking that he could just redirect the flight pattern from straight down into an gentle arc where he could then put it down anywhere ... but doing it in the ball field was just too good of a scene!

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I'm obviously in the minority, but I couldn't stand this movie. I thought it dragged and I was yawning throughout.


It was fairly obvious that the kid was SM's son. Too mnay convenient coincidences. And let me see if I understand this correctly--kryptonite kills superman. SM has a piece of kryptonite so deep in him that a doctor has to surgically remove it. Still SM can burrow down into the earth and lift the crystal continent out into space.


I could pick at all kinds of areas in this movie, but I just didn't like it.

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