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Why is it okay to be blatantly racist/prejudiced?

Bronco Billy

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You don't consider the direct slur that most if not all deep Southeners consider dog fighting part a normal part of their culture prejudiced? The racist angle is a bit more subtle - which is why I'm sure it completely flew by you - but I'd think that someone as enlightened as you would at least pick up on the prejudiced part. The slam on the South is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.


I guess I overestimated you...


I don't think she attempted to say that. I agree with Rajn....it was an ignorant and stupid statement. You can claim all you want that something flew by me and start with the vitriol....which I will be happy to participate in. But, if you google dogfighting and search the origins in this country...and follow the time line....one could make her argument...and appear equally as stupid.


I am so glad you overestimated me....I don't want to appear as stupid as you.

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If you're black you're allowed to be racist.


You also get a free pass for making ridiculous excuses/justifications for bad behavior by people of your race.


LOL at the lack of Caucasians, Hispanics, or Asians making excuses for Ron Mexico. Pop quiz: What do Whoppi, Jamie Foxx, and Clinton Portis all have in common? :D

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I watched this segment on ESPN last night and couldn't believe what I was watching.


Since when is it okay in this country to be blatantly racist/prejudiced as well as incredibly stupid & ignorant and not be called on the carpet & fired out of hand immediately afterwards when propogating those incredibly ignorant racist/prejudiced views as a celebrity in a national forum?



when will you all learn :D


White Christians have to be understanding of different "Cultures" in America. It is wrong for us to assume that what Mike Vick did was wrong.



If you're black you're allowed to be racist.



Nobody can call her out. She is a black person speaking about another black person and that can't be called - Why you ask? Because that is the black culture so you can't call her out.


It has always been the culture of the NFL to have white coaches - so next time Jesse Jackson wants a black coach we can just say "Nope it is the culture of the NFl to have white coaches so that is OK"


Hypocritical idiots!!!


You also get a free pass for making ridiculous excuses/justifications for bad behavior by people of your race.


Wow, a stupid statement by a celebrity regarding Michael Vick results in an equally pathetic over reactionary right wing circle jerk. Who would have thought? :D

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You also get a free pass for making ridiculous excuses/justifications for bad behavior by people of your race.


LOL at the lack of Caucasians, Hispanics, or Asians making excuses for Ron Mexico. Pop quiz: What do Whoppi, Jamie Foxx, and Clinton Portis all have in common? :D


A serious question...can a black person be RACIST...or merely be a bigot or prejudiced? Thoughts?

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Whoopi Goldberg defends Vick's dog-fighting role

Wed Sep 5, 2007 5:26AM EDT


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Outspoken comedian Whoopi Goldberg drew a scathing rebuke from animal rights activists on Tuesday for defending U.S. football star Michael Vick's role in dogfighting during her debut on ABC's talk show "The View."


"He's from the South, from the Deep South ... This is part of his cultural upbringing," Goldberg said of the Atlanta Falcons quarterback, whose recent fall from grace has been one of the most stunning in the history of U.S. sports.


Vick pleaded guilty last week to federal dogfighting charges, admitting he took part in an illegal, interstate enterprise known as Bad Newz Kennels and helped kill underperforming dogs.


The 27-year-old, who grew up in Virginia, faces up to five years in prison when sentenced in December. He has been suspended indefinitely by the National Football League.


"For a lot of people, dogs are sport," Goldberg said on the show. "Instead of just saying (Vick) is a beast and he's a monster, this is a kid who comes from a culture where this is not questioned."


I watched this segment on ESPN last night and couldn't believe what I was watching.


Since when is it okay in this country to be blatantly racist/prejudiced as well as incredibly stupid & ignorant and not be called on the carpet & fired out of hand immediately afterwards when propogating those incredibly ignorant racist/prejudiced views as a celebrity in a national forum? First Rosie the Moran on the view, then Whoopi the Moran. Hell, why doesn't the view just go to a classroom for retarded 2nd graders and get its hosts there? The discourse would be more intelligent by a factor of 3.




Why you ask? The same reason it's ok for you to suggest picking the next View host from a class full of retarded children..

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A serious question...can a black person be RACIST...or merely be a bigot or prejudiced? Thoughts?

While I personally think that sword cuts both ways, there are all too many willing to take the opposite view.

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OK...but doesn't racism also imply a position of power. There has to be a distinction between Prejudice and racism...and that distinction is power...is it not?


i think that's a stupid definition of racism, as it essentially excuses any racial discrimination outside of the white-on-minority variety.


racism is, simply, dicrimination based on race. the difference between prejudice and racism is simply that prejudice is more broad.

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OK...but doesn't racism also imply a position of power. There has to be a distinction between Prejudice and racism...and that distinction is power...is it not?


racism: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race


By definition, I don't see anything about power. And given the general physical domination on the part of African-Americans in some sports, I can see how a few of them might feel superior to the short, unmuscular white guy who can't dunk.

Edited by Bill Swerski
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i think that's a stupid definition of racism, as it essentially excuses any racial discrimination outside of the white-on-minority variety.


racism is, simply, dicrimination based on race. the difference between prejudice and racism is simply that prejudice is more broad.


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racism: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race


By definition, I don't see anything about power. And given the general physical domination on the part of African-Americans in some sports, I can see how a few of them might feel superior to the short, unmuscular white guy who can't dunk.


I know what the Webster's definition is....I am talking practical application. For instance, if say Jesse Jackson were to say something like all whites are gonna be slaves....I would chuckle...I simply would find it absurd. But if W were to give a speech and say that it is part of his administrations platform that all blacks are to be slaves again....blacks might chuckle....but wouldn't there be a difference between the two.


I posed this not to invoke a vitriolic conversation...but one where reasonable people can be honest. It seems BB has failed.

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I know what the Webster's definition is....I am talking practical application. For instance, if say Jesse Jackson were to say something like all whites are gonna be slaves....I would chuckle...I simply would find it absurd. But if W were to give a speech and say that it is part of his administrations platform that all blacks are to be slaves again....blacks might chuckle....but wouldn't there be a difference between the two.


I agree with Az's comment that the "position of power" provision is a load of crap that was developed (probably by a minority sociology professor with an axe to grind) to direct blame away from African-Americans.


And, again, is it really that much of a stretch to believe that some African-Americans may feel superior to Caucasians? Have you ever watched an NBA game?

Edited by Bill Swerski
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OK...but doesn't racism also imply a position of power. There has to be a distinction between Prejudice and racism...and that distinction is power...is it not?

It is this take that I was pointing to in my earlier, off the cuff, statement.


I will address this without resorting ot the name calling that seems to be the favorite past time of many huddlers.


Any attempt to interpret racism as anything other than discrimination based solely on race is fataly flawed. It is an attempt to justify and therefor propagate a bias against another race, whether that bias exists at the cultural or individual level. Within the context of the United States it is designed to allow all races other than Caucasian the opportunity to express racially based discrimination at will. It also serves to perpetuate the myth that the Caucasians are actively attempting to keep other races from achieving socioeconomic equality, especially to those who are uneducated. It is at best, a disingenuous argument designed to open the door to racially based discourse over topics and situation where race shouldn't be an issue.


Let me ask you something. Do you think that there are laws on the books making dog or cock fighting illegal because A) making animals kill each other for sport is reprehensible or is it because B) it is white society exercising its political will in an attempt to eradicate a portion of the black and hispanic cultures?

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It is this take that I was pointing to in my earlier, off the cuff, statement.


I will address this without resorting ot the name calling that seems to be the favorite past time of many huddlers.


Any attempt to interpret racism as anything other than discrimination based solely on race is fataly flawed. It is an attempt to justify and therefor propagate a bias against another race, whether that bias exists at the cultural or individual level. Within the context of the United States it is designed to allow all races other than Caucasian the opportunity to express racially based discrimination at will. It also serves to perpetuate the myth that the Caucasians are actively attempting to keep other races from achieving socioeconomic equality, especially to those who are uneducated. It is at best, a disingenuous argument designed to open the door to racially based discourse over topics and situation where race shouldn't be an issue.


Let me ask you something. Do you think that there are laws on the books making dog or cock fighting illegal because A) making animals kill each other for sport is reprehensible or is it because :D it is white society exercising its political will in an attempt to eradicate a portion of the black and hispanic cultures?


I think your reasoning is solid....I wouldn't necessarily argue with it. Race is something I struggle with as a human being...as I think everyone does....and ANY conversation which is reasonable about race can only further relations than hurt them. I guess I have always tried to distinguish between Bigotry, Racism, and Prejudice using their actual applications within society....kind of a distinction between degrees...if that makes sense.


And to answer you question about laws....I would not agree with B at all. I would more think that society as a whole...black, white, or indifferent would think such practices as archaic and as you put it reprehensible. To think it was B would be ignorant in my opinion.

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