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Why is it okay to be blatantly racist/prejudiced?

Bronco Billy

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You don't consider the direct slur that most if not all deep Southeners consider dog fighting part a normal part of their culture prejudiced? The racist angle is a bit more subtle - which is why I'm sure it completely flew by you - but I'd think that someone as enlightened as you would at least pick up on the prejudiced part. The slam on the South is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.


I guess I overestimated you...

well the south is full of wetared morans... that is undeniable....

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In the deep south, in the 60s it was acceptable for white kids to spit on black kids while they walked the halls of the schools. According to Whoopi's logic, that behavior was acceptable since it was part of the culture.


it's not just whoopi's logic that forgives this, it's our entire society's logic. we elect people like segregationist leader strom thurmond and klan keagle robert byrd to the US senate, over and over again. how many of us have blatantly racist older relatives that we still think are basically good people? as much as we as a society have come, in the last 40-50 years, to believe that racism is bad, we forgive it in those who "come from a different time", or place.

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Here, let me try by omitting some of the passage I posted:

I hope that may help you a little bit. Did you catch the part where she states dog fighting is part of the culture in the Deep South?

What I am catching is the way you are twisting her words to suit your point. What she said was "...This is part of his cultural upbringing." There IS undoubtedly a culture of dog fighting as well as cock fighting down here...but that has nothing to do with black or white and it is something that IS done predominately in the deep South.


"Deep South" is a euphamism for southern blacks.
Since when? Deep South relates to white people just as much as it does black.



well the south is full of wetared morans... that is undeniable....
Idiots live everywhere, the North has more than it's fair share as well.
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Idiots live everywhere, the North has more than it's fair share as well.

oh that i very true but i assure you they have all come from the south looking for better jobs and real edjumacations ... well except maybe the sconny inbred red necks .. :D

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how is it racist to point out that vick comes from a subculture that views dogfighting as a legitimate sport? :D


is it racist to point out that spaniards and mexicans come from a culture that enjoys bullfighting?

that's not his point. BB is outraged that Whoopi can make a generalization about southern blacks and get away with it and he can't.

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Not, I think, in the context in which she is using it.

Completely disagree...I think the context she is using it in refers more so to his social class than his race.


Edit to clarify: But she is referring to his social class, not that of the entire Deep South.


oh that i very true but i assure you they have all come from the south looking for better jobs and real edjumacations ... well except maybe the sconny inbred red necks .. :D

:D touche'

Edited by rajncajn
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when will you all learn :D


White Christians have to be understanding of different "Cultures" in America. It is wrong for us to assume that what Mike Vick did was wrong. Since it is acceptable to him and done all over where he grew up then we should accept that he didn't know right from wrong. Just like the thugs who carried guns and shot people in his neighborhood. If Mike starts shooting people here in a few weeks, who are we to assume it is not acceptable?

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when will you all learn :D


White Christians have to be understanding of different "Cultures" in America. It is wrong for us to assume that what Mike Vick did was wrong. Since it is acceptable to him and done all over where he grew up then we should accept that he didn't know right from wrong. Just like the thugs who carried guns and shot people in his neighborhood. If Mike starts shooting people here in a few weeks, who are we to assume it is not acceptable?


i think your dumb slippery-slope argument would have been much more effective and evocative if, instead of shooting people, mike began humping dogs. JMHO. :D

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Yeah, I'm sure that most Southerners are out fighting their dogs when they are in between cross burnings.


What a f'n dolt she is. I'm sure she'll act completely indignant & offended when someone with some pull has the balls to call her on her bullspit.


Nobody can call her out. She is a black person speaking about another black person and that can't be called - Why you ask? Because that is the black culture so you can't call her out.


It has always been the culture of the NFL to have white coaches - so next time Jesse Jackson wants a black coach we can just say "Nope it is the culture of the NFl to have white coaches so that is OK"


Hypocritical idiots!!!

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