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Hillary finally shows in Wisconsin


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Last week her comments to Obama about a Wisconsin debate came from Ohio and Texas. :wacko:


We notice such things here.


Now she's here one day before the primary. We have an open primary where anyone can register and vote the same day. Should be interesting.

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That's okay. She nailed Obama on plagiarizing two sentences from his friend Patrick Deval in MA. Deval could care less because they share the some of the same ideals. But this is all she can come up with to sink his candidacy. :wacko:

Each day before a vote, there has been some "event" since Iowa. We had tears in New Hampshire. We had calls for unfair voting in Nevada. This is the pattern.


It was the same in the Clinton White House. If the news could be controlled, bad news was often released on Friday. People don't usually watch the news on the weekends.

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This will help. :wacko:


A co-chairman of Hillary's Michigan campaign and has a line that's sure to drive a whole bunch of red state governor's up the wall:


"Superdelegates are not second-class delegates," says Joel Ferguson, who will be a superdelegate if Michigan is seated. "The real second-class delegates are the delegates that are picked in red-state caucuses that are never going to vote Democratic."

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This will help. :wacko:


A co-chairman of Hillary's Michigan campaign and has a line that's sure to drive a whole bunch of red state governor's up the wall:


"Superdelegates are not second-class delegates," says Joel Ferguson, who will be a superdelegate if Michigan is seated. "The real second-class delegates are the delegates that are picked in red-state caucuses that are never going to vote Democratic."

He's from my area. :D

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Where to find your polling place.


Wisconsin rules...


* Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Anyone in line at 8:00 p.m. must be allowed to vote.

* You can register to vote today at your polling place.

* To register, you must present proof of residence showing that you have lived at your present location for at least 10 days before the election. Proof of residence might be a current and valid Wisconsin driver's license, a Wisconsin ID card, a college ID with a photo, a utility bill, a paycheck, or a government document.

* If the voter has a current, valid Wisconsin driver's license but does not know the number and did not bring it to the polling place, poll workers should allow the voter to vote by provisional ballot. (Note: the voter cannot use the last 4 digits of their Social Security Number if he or she has been issued a Wisconsin driver's license). The provisional ballot will not be counted until the voter either:

a) brings his or her driver's license number to his or her polling place before the polls close at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day; or

:wacko: transmits (via fax, email, telephone call or personal visit) his or her driver's license number to the municipal clerk before 4:00 p.m. on the day after the election.

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Crap...again. Dang Northerners.


Oh well, at least Canadians probably brought beer. Eh?



When we invade we only target beer distributors and donut shops (and then slip back across the border). :wacko:

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This sounds a lot like FDR(from Huckabees web site)



If we're going to spend $150 billion, I'd like to suggest that maybe we add two lanes of highway from Bangor all the way to Miami on I-95. A third of the United States population lives within 100 miles of that. This nation's infrastructure is falling apart. And if we built those lanes of highways -- with American labor, American steel, American concrete - I believe it would do more to stimulate the economy.



When China contracted a German company to build a supertrain the contract required they locate the manufacturing in China, using Chinese materials and Chinese labor.

Edited by Randall
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Obama didn't agree on public financing with McCain the way it's being reported as far as I can see. He agreed to discuss it.


Yesterday he said he could agree but wouldn't if the republicans fund swiftboats like they did last time. He's not stupid.

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If the majority of dem voters in the country feel shafted by backdoor shenanigans (stealing super-delegates), Clinton will lose the general election for sure. I certainly wouldn't vote for her if her first major act was violating the will of her constituents.

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