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Vaccines do not cause Autism


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Speaking as a parent with an autistic child . . . .. the struggle going through this with no support from insurance companies (who dont cover most treatments, cause autism either is a "pre existing condition" or suggested therapies arent covered/recognized by insurance as valid) and without having any idea of what has caused this or what can be done to help/prevent it is maddening.


This jagoff should burn in hell for having people doubt vaccines and put children at risk of disease . . .

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I mean, if he convinced just one family to not get vaccinated and that kid got seriously sick or died, then this fooker deserves torture before death, yeah?
Is it that different then other quack medicine, misdiagnosis, or accepted medical practices that later were discovered to be bunked?
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Is it that different then other quack medicine, misdiagnosis, or accepted medical practices that later were discovered to be bunked?


that's the thing....anyone who listened to real doctors or real experts already knew there was no link between vaccines and autism. that is what they have been saying all along.


don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this guy drawn and quartered. but the parents who ignored the vast preponderance of the evidence to believe crackpots, conspiracists and charlatans really have themselves to blame first and foremost.

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didn't read the link, but heard that the concern was if mercury in vaccines caused autism? My pediatrician said a vaccine has no more mercury in it than a can of tuna fish; my sis has a boy w/ it (or rather a milder version --Aspberger's syndrome..spelling?)

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that's the thing....anyone who listened to real doctors or real experts already knew there was no link between vaccines and autism. that is what they have been saying all along.


don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this guy drawn and quartered. but the parents who ignored the vast preponderance of the evidence to believe crackpots, conspiracists and charlatans really have themselves to blame first and foremost.


Good info here. I don't want to get off topic but there are plenty of studies out there that are funded by pharmaceutical companies whose lead authors are also on the pharmaceutical payroll. Unfortunately, this sort of news is no shock to those of us who are in the health field and whose job entails reading and interpreting studies :D


E2A: interesting to note that the filter changes ph@rma to spam :wacko:

Edited by Piles
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California has a disproportionately high amount of autistic children in it's population compared to most of the rest of the USA, except for one other state which I can't think of off the top of my head. Researchers are baffled as to why this is but this could definitely point to some type of environmental cause for it. California is known to have lot's of heavy metals in the soil/water, especially mercury which was used by miners to leech gold out of the earth. A lot of this mercury is pooled up at the bottom of various lakes and rivers as it takes a helluva long time to dissipate, and fish from California show an abnormally high concentration of this metal in their systems.


Not saying this is what causes it but it is one of the things they are researching...

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A lot of the theories (and no matter what you THINK you know Az, they are still only theories) is that heavy metals "may" affect kids that have weakened immune systems when they are young, therefore developing allergies that may or may not be to heavy metals.


Vaccines used to have more heavy metals in them. That ended some time ago.


Part of the theory is that even trace amounts of heavy metals , if they have weakened immune systems and are very sensitive to certain things, could trigger an allergic reaction that can impair brain development.

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California has a disproportionately high amount of autistic children in it's population compared to most of the rest of the USA, except for one other state which I can't think of off the top of my head. Researchers are baffled as to why this is but this could definitely point to some type of environmental cause for it. California is known to have lot's of heavy metals in the soil/water, especially mercury which was used by miners to leech gold out of the earth. A lot of this mercury is pooled up at the bottom of various lakes and rivers as it takes a helluva long time to dissipate, and fish from California show an abnormally high concentration of this metal in their systems.


Not saying this is what causes it but it is one of the things they are researching...

Here's a fascinating map of autism prevalence with a whole raft of clickable links to see prevalence within states.

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California has a disproportionately high amount of autistic children in it's population compared to most of the rest of the USA, except for one other state which I can't think of off the top of my head. Researchers are baffled as to why this is but this could definitely point to some type of environmental cause for it. California is known to have lot's of heavy metals in the soil/water, especially mercury which was used by miners to leech gold out of the earth. A lot of this mercury is pooled up at the bottom of various lakes and rivers as it takes a helluva long time to dissipate, and fish from California show an abnormally high concentration of this metal in their systems.


Not saying this is what causes it but it is one of the things they are researching...


Michael Waldman from Cornell University has an interesting theory on television watching in young children. He has drawn some correlations to autism and the boom in cable tv. I believe he looked at data in California. He also looks at low rates in Amish and a possible correlation between ADHD and TV watching. By no means is he suggesting it is a definitive cause but something that needs to be further researched. I found it to be interesting.



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Like that article states, another factor is that since the mid-90's, individuals started being grouped into the ASD spectrum...Autism, Aspergers, and PDD-NOS. Before that it was strictly autism. Most Aspergers and PDDs are generally reasonably good to great with math/logic, socially inept, and not able to express themselves that well...plus a bit repetitive.


We called those kids nerds and geeks...

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. Most Aspergers and PDDs are generally reasonably good to great with math/logic, socially inept, and not able to express themselves that well...plus a bit repetitive.


We called those kids nerds and geeks...

there some study i read a few years back that they think about 60-70 % of all collage professors have Aspergers.

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my wife's cousin has apsperger's, he is 18 or so now, and in his case there is definitely a little more too it than being socially inept and repetitive. they are hopeful he'll be able to live on his own, support himself, etc. some day, but from the time I've spent around him I certainly wouldn't say that's a slam-dunk.


BUT, there is no doubt that part of the issue with so many more people being diagnosed is greater awareness, and all the stuff that article goes into. as far as I can tell, it seems doubtful that stuff alone can totally explain it, though -- seems like there is probably some environmental, bio/chemical factor at work as well. who knows. it just seems pretty obvious that vaccinations have nothing to do with it, and that gullible people believing in that connection and not vaccinating their kids has been a great tragedy.

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Speaking as a parent with an autistic child . . . .. the struggle going through this with no support from insurance companies (who dont cover most treatments, cause autism either is a "pre existing condition" or suggested therapies arent covered/recognized by insurance as valid) and without having any idea of what has caused this or what can be done to help/prevent it is maddening.


This jagoff should burn in hell for having people doubt vaccines and put children at risk of disease . . .


+1, I too have an autistic child. To this day nobody really knows where the condition comes from or what causes it.


And +1,000,000 for dealing with the insurance companies or even trying to look into ABA treatment and other options... :wacko:

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+1, I too have an autistic child. To this day nobody really knows where the condition comes from or what causes it.


And +1,000,000 for dealing with the insurance companies or even trying to look into ABA treatment and other options... :wacko:


I spend about a grand a month out of pocket on different therapies and medications that arent "covered" by insurance like speech therapy. . . dirty rotten bastards . . .


I feel your pain . . . very frustrating when the insurance industry has you by the balls . . . . best of luck with your child!

Edited by bpwallace49
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Some parents with an Autistic child feel that it isn't necessarily the vaccines themselves but rather the amount of vaccines given at one time. Theory being that the overload to the system is just too much for their little bodies.


To blindly believe that all vaccines are harmless, regardless of how many are given at one time, is being a little too naive, IMHO.

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I spend about a grand a month out of pocket on different therapies and medications that arent "covered" by insurance like speech therapy. . . dirty rotten bastards . . .


I feel your pain . . . very frustrating when the insurance industry has you by the balls . . . . best of luck with your child!


TYVM, best of luck to you as well!


We have been very blessed for the move to North TX and that my wife is an absolute champ of research and fighting with insurance companies. We were lucky enough to have move when our son was still 2 in '06 and got the benefit of the Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) for TX and even more when we won a figh with the Insurance co (BCBS). to get treatment at Baylor's. Plus Frisco ISD has an excellent program and group of teachers.


I feel for you man, speech and occupational therapy (ot) worked wonders at Baylor. We did have to fight with BCBS but in the end we only paid the deductible ($35 per session which averaged about $500 a month). It did cover the all day long torturing Certified Autism test (50_ can't remember the number now). We have met our insurance catastrophic quota for 3 years in row now (and always by August or September), It's tough on the pockets but after that we can do labs and everything else without paying extra.


We have been scared of the medications and have stayed away from them so far, and instead have tried gluten free and casein free diets. Discovering that the gluten one (the casein didn't do anything but make him hungrier, lol) has worked the best to date, although he is not fully immersed in it so far. My wife also got some information from the ABA therapy and we still do some of the techniques, apply pressure in different areas (mostly the back, hands and legs), kinda like a rub. Singing soft smoothing songs or hummunig sounds works wonders as well.


We just had to do the 2nd part of a vaccine in order to keep him in the school system and I have to admit that the fear lurks in the back of your head. As such we are watching him closely. A regression (really possible with autism) would be devastating at this stage.

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Some parents with an Autistic child feel that it isn't necessarily the vaccines themselves but rather the amount of vaccines given at one time. Theory being that the overload to the system is just too much for their little bodies.


To blindly believe that all vaccines are harmless, regardless of how many are given at one time, is being a little too naive, IMHO.


:wacko: so listening to doctors, experts, and every legitimate statistical study that's been done = "blindly believing"?

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