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Spartacus: Blood and Sand


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Decent fight scenes.


Not much beyond that, but for an escape it provides decent enough entertainment.


Don't watch it with the kiddos around.


Netflix must have some sweet deal to be streaming this already, as it is very new to Starz and only about 6 or 7 episodes in.

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I watched the first two or three episodes. I love dang near everything ancient Rome - but could not get past how over sylized it was enough to take it seriously. Perhaps I need to give it another watch



not sure what you mean here....


I just started watching the show about 2 weeks ago...I ordered Starz just to watch it and am caught up on the 7 or 8 episodes...


great show here and it's a mix of Gladiator and 300 chopped up into a weekly series...


there is however a bit more nudity than anyone would expect unless you've seen Caligula.....


so I will warn anyone who wants to watch the show, but hasn't....there's quite a bit of man junk in the show, but lots of :wacko: also....so it at least tries to balance it out..


regardless....this is my favorite show right now..

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Decent fight scenes.


Not much beyond that, but for an escape it provides decent enough entertainment.

Don't watch it with the kiddos around.


Netflix must have some sweet deal to be streaming this already, as it is very new to Starz and only about 6 or 7 episodes in.



The acting is pretty brutal but there's enough nekkid wimmens, sex, and violence to make it watchable on nights where there's not much else on. The last episode I saw was titled simply "Whore". That should tell you something about it right there :wacko:

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Entertainment is all I want. If I want heavy, I'll rent "Precious".



lol...its a man show 100%. I'm not watching it for the directing,cinematography or any of the other crap I usually give a rats @ss about.


Kick ass show. It's like 300 the series.

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Im a huge fan of everything gladiator, ancient rome, and fighting but this show was absolutely atrocious. I couldn't make it through the first episode, it looks like a computer video game.

Joey, have you ever been inside a Turkish prison?

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Im a huge fan of everything gladiator, ancient rome, and fighting but this show was absolutely atrocious. I couldn't make it through the first episode, it looks like a computer video game.



couldn't agree more -


Starz is a few years late with this chit, post Gladiator and Rome. The special effects are a joke and I just can't get past them - just brutal......


throw in the bad acting and a big no thanks

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really? the silly blood and slowmo doesn't seem a little gimicky to you?


I was questioning the word more than your statement.....I wasn't sure what you were saying...


and they are clearly trying too hard with the blood and nudity....but I still accept it for what it is..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I totally take back whatever negative things I said about this show. I gave it another try and I'm hooked, its my favorite show out by far, over Lost and 24. Still some weird computer graphics but once you get past that the storyline is pretty intriguing

Edited by Flip_Side
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I totally take back whatever negative things I said about this show. I gave it another try and I'm hooked, its my favorite show out by far, over Lost and 24. Still some weird computer graphics but once you get past that the storyline is pretty intriguing


I would agree... The story lines are very interesting...

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I totally take back whatever negative things I said about this show. I gave it another try and I'm hooked, its my favorite show out by far, over Lost and 24. Still some weird computer graphics but once you get past that the storyline, the boobs are pretty intriguing


FYP with the bolded

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