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Tea Party travesty


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The Obama regime will not call Muslim Terrorists, "Muslim Terrorists" because they don't want to offend Muslims, but they have no problem calling Law abiding, peaceful and America loving Tea Party protestors, "Terrorists" and they go out of their way to offend us by calling us "tea partiers" "racists" and "astroturf."

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The Obama regime will not call Muslim Terrorists, "Muslim Terrorists" because they don't want to offend Muslims, but they have no problem calling Law abiding, peaceful and America loving Tea Party protestors, "Terrorists" and they go out of their way to offend us by calling us "tea partiers" "racists" and "astroturf."


You're clearly a victim of political correctness.

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The Obama regime will not call Muslim Terrorists, "Muslim Terrorists" because they don't want to offend Muslims, but they have no problem calling Law abiding, peaceful and America loving Tea Party protestors, "Terrorists" and they go out of their way to offend us by calling us "tea partiers" "racists" and "astroturf."

good point. :wacko:


...minus the Obama regime as it is more just liberal politicians in general.


but hey, some people just wont call a spade a spade.

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Perhaps those folks are seeing the ballooning deficits and, like obamessiah lied about increasing taxes once, they think they're next? Or they have kids they're worried about?


Actually I posted that in the hopes that you would post something like this . . . :tup:


When a lot of Taxed Enough Already people write signs that are grossly misspelled and some borderline racist, I am SUUURE they are really concerned with the overall picture and deficits. Particularly when these Taxed Enough Already people are likely NOT paying any tax at the end of the day at all. Not to mention any public assistance they might be receiving . . . . :tup: While the uneducated tend to get most of the TV coverage at these rallies, I am sure that there are people that actually have some semblance of what is going on (like when Perch goes to his rallies).


Perch calls people that protected slaves "domestic terrorists" during the civila war, but TEA party people that hurl bricks at congressional offices are "peace loving protestors" . . . . .:wacko:

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bp, do you think some of the people at the TEA parties are principled and don't think a few people should pay for everyone? Do you think that they might see our government spending on programs that would have are founders rolling in their graves, and want to get government back to the right size.


One of the biggest TEA party supporters I know barely has a pot to piss in, and definitely falls into the group not currently paying taxes, but he thinks it is absolutely wrong of the government to take from one individual and give to another. It is about fairness to so many, and they see the current set up as unfair, and are smart enough to know if you tax the business owners to oblivion, it is going to have a negative impact on business eventually, and thus on them as well.


I have seen a TEA party demonstration . . and most seem like they are on public assistance. I am sure they are just protesting the taxes that dont go to THEIR programs . .:wacko:


SOME are principled . . I have no doubt about that. But I think you are giving the overall majority of the protestors WAYY too much credit.

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I have seen a TEA party demonstration . . and most seem like they are on public assistance. I am sure they are just protesting the taxes that dont go to THEIR programs . .:wacko:


SOME are principled . . I have no doubt about that. But I think you are giving the overall majority of the protestors WAYY too much credit.


Actually read something where their average income is higher than non-tea partiers. 20% have incomes over 100k. And one of their issues is being taxed to pay for programs for the poor.

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Actually read something where their average income is higher than non-tea partiers. 20% have incomes over 100k. And one of their issues is being taxed to pay for programs for the poor.


The rally I saw was during the week . . when people that HAVE jobs are at them. That easily could have altered the demographics of their rally.

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Read a GREAT comparison to the current Tea party movement and the America First people led by Charles Lindbergh in the 1940's.


Disaffected conservative start= check

include independents and people upset with the Dems and Republicans= check

Opposed to running up debt (primarily by NOT getting into WWII)= check

Fringe elements of the group were highly racist/bigoted= check


Of course this party disbanded right after Pearl harbor . . . but the singular focus and lack of any other goals is similar to the TEA party of today. Single plank political platforms have a huge difficulty when it comes to actual elections. Case in point: the TEA party backed Scott Brown, who isnt exactly the standard bearer for eliminating debt so far.

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Such as the billions in farm subsidies vacuumed up by the giant agriculture companies.


You can thank democrats for that. And, you can thank them for all of the small farms going under due to the inheritance tax.

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And generally are fine with the programs being used for their benefit.



Such as the billions in farm subsidies vacuumed up by the giant agriculture companies.


I know I've said for a long time, and I think most of the conservatives here agree that we should get rid of all deductions with the possible exception of charitable donations and go to a flat tax if the left is unwilling to go to a straight sales tax. So what both of you are saying is in direct conflict with the views I hold and the views most of the conservatives on this board hold, but it sure is a good talking point.

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Dude, if you fail to realize that farm subsidies we're started by a democrat admin, you've lost it. If you don't realize that farm subsidies have historically been pushed by dems, then you aren't pating attention. Next thing, the main reason I once described my political affilliation as republican is because I was against all the diaper dirt that the southern democrats used to help push through in regard to pork projects and farm subsidies.


The inheritance Tax was also instituted by a democrat dominated congress and a Democrat Pres in Wilson...

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What increased taxes?



Good question.


obamacare hits those w/incomes of UNDER $250K (you know, the ones he promised would see NOT ONE DIME of new taxes?) with 3.9BB in new taxes.


He's a lying scumbag, just like the rest of politicians. New taxes for those he specifically promised not to hit with new taxes.

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obamacare hits those w/incomes of UNDER $250K (you know, the ones he promised would see NOT ONE DIME of new taxes?) with 3.9BB in new taxes.


He's a lying scumbag, just like the rest of politicians. New taxes for those he specifically promised not to hit with new taxes.

There MAY be increases (if you don't count the counterbalancing expense reductions) in 2019? That's all you got? :wacko:

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Tea Parties & The Inconvenience of Truth

By Ross Mackenzie


Let's talk tea parties -- and the press.


The past week included Tax Day (April 15) and a lot of local tea party rallies drawing thousands of primarily middle-class citizens protesting the growing role of government in their lives.


These rallies heard much about federal abuses to capitalism, liberty, the Constitution, individual responsibility, and national sovereignty. Perhaps the earliest indication of public disaffection happened Feb. 27 of last year with small rallies in 50 cities at which taxpayers protested the $786 billion stimulus bill. Those rallies began the tea party movement.


Protest is the essence of America. It formed the nation. To say people attending these rallies are loons is to say the same of those who dumped tea into Boston Harbor to protest British taxes.


Yet to read in much of what remains of the mainline press, many tea partiers at Tax Day rallies are nothing good -- racists, fascists, gun nuts, gay-bashers, militant separatists. They are described as generally hateful, ignorant, unhinged, and of course extreme.


Most are none of those things. Rather, they are largely independent voters angry at relentless Democratic leftism, frustrated by big-spending Republicanism (primarily under Bush II), and outraged by the hubris, pretension, shameless immoralism, and patronizing arrogance so widespread among the lofties in both political parties.


Are these people lopsidedly Christian? Yes indeed -- and so is the nation. Are they conservative? Yes again, and hence typical of how a large percentage of voters describe themselves (a percentage consistently larger than voters describing themselves as liberals).


Are they loons swimming out of the mainstream? Here's NPR and Fox analyst Juan Williams:


A Pew poll in early March found 78 percent of Americans "dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country today." . . . A Fox poll in February found that 59 percent say they don't trust the federal government. A CNN poll the same month reported results that suggest 56 percent are well beyond mere mistrust: They agree that the federal government is "so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens."


And are they defectors from the mainline press? You'd better believe it.


For years, generations, first the print press, then network radio, and then network television gave little comfort to conservatives -- and still don't. So conservatives and independents either turned off or turned away. They went first to talk radio, then to cable news (Fox), then to the Internet. Liberal talk radio (Air America) never took off; National Public Radio wouldn't exist were it not for various forms of federal favor. Viewership of liberal cable (MSNBC and CNN) is plunging, paralleling network viewership. And too many newspapers continue to struggle.


All object to any ideological characterization. Yet the truth is leftism long has dominated in newsrooms, and long has dominated among top television and newspaper editors (polls in 1972 indicated about 90 percent of them voted for George McGovern). At an April 1980 convention of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, just 1 percent of about 500 editors marking a preference ballot signified for Ronald Reagan.


Talk radio, cable, and the Internet liberated today's independents and tea partiers -- gave them niches where they could go for news and comfort. Long subdued (remember the Silent Majority?), they now find themselves emboldened and vocal. They are turning out to make their voices heard -- and their votes count.


In many cases, neither Republican nor Democrat can win without many votes from independents, whom many tea partiers typify. Your average tea partier will give his vote to whichever candidate, of whichever party, deserves it most.


That is why so many Democrats and Obamians (and so many mainline pressies who keep the Obamian tablets) so detest tea partiers -- disparage them, call them names. It is also why some who see the risks tea partiers pose are seeking (in the words of one wire account) "to infiltrate and dismantle" the group "to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic, and moronic." Still, from the president on down, leftists vilify and caricature tea partiers (a) at profound peril to the perpetuation of their ideology and (:wacko: at political peril principally to themselves.


What moves the tea partiers? Perhaps these sentiments and beliefs . . .


They tend to wonder -- despite the fall of the Berlin Wall -- whether Obamacare, federal bailouts for everyone with a lobbyist, and government takeover of General Motors and the student loan industry suggest socialism has won. Whether the coming debt/inflation tsunami -- with Obama having obligated, pre-Obamacare, more federal debt in just one year than his 43 predecessors combined -- will make the Greek and European Community debt problems look like spring showers. Whether punishing those who tell the truth about Obamacare, as Rep. Henry Waxman proposes to do April 21, is a prudent course.


They tend to wonder why the mainstream media do not hold liberals and Democrats to the same standards of behavior they impose on conservatives and Republicans. Why it is fiscally responsible to add trillions in debt for Obamacare when Social Security, already with a negative cash flow, will have no cash at all in just eight years. Why it is OK for members of Congress to pass a health plan for the everyday rest of us, yet one exempting them.


And tea partiers tend to wonder why it makes any sense to cozy up to our declared foreign enemies and insult our foreign friends, to enhance the power of unions (most noticeably public-employee unions), to expand federal regulation and federal intrusion, and to permit Iran to move unfettered toward development of nuclear weapons.


. . .


With all that, would it be too much to suggest the tea partiers are riding to the nation's rescue on the political/ideological inconvenience of the truth?


Real Clear Politics

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