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Rick Perry


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You're way off. I guarantee that Obama would most like to see Romney win the nomination. He's the one guy that would NOT inspire the conservative base to show up. Andwithout that conservative base showing up, Obama has a chance.


I don't know much about Perry. He seems like an opportunist at best.


Ursa and I are pulling for Bachmann at this point. :wacko:


In truth, I'm still holding out the slightest glimmer of hope that someone decent will enter the race under the GOP banner. But its not looking good.


I disagree. The conservative base is showing up big time to vote against Obama. It won't matter whose name is on the Republican ticket. So Obama's biggest threat will come from the Republican with the biggest appeal to moderates, which is Romney.

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At the risk of Az accusing me of attacking Perry just because he is the new GOP frontrunner, alllow me to post this quote from Perry to get Az's response of whether or not Perry is an idiot:


“If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I don’t know what y’all would do to him in Iowa, but we — we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treacherous — or treasonous in my opinion.”


– Texas Gov. Rick Perry,

speaking of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

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At the risk of Az accusing me of attacking Perry just because he is the new GOP frontrunner, alllow me to post this quote from Perry to get Az's response of whether or not Perry is an idiot:


“If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I don’t know what y’all would do to him in Iowa, but we — we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treacherous — or treasonous in my opinion.”


This statement kind of points to reason #2 for the "ten reasons Perry won't win" list:


2.He's too Texan. Sorry. Maybe that's fair, maybe it's not. But even in the Republican Party, not everyone is from the South and not everyone is bowled over by a Texas drawl. Perry is, by a fair amount, more Texan than George W. Bush, and an awful lot of people are still suffering from Bush fatigue.

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It looks like I'm probably voting libertarian once again. I can't vote for someone like Perry - the graft, the "my faith should be law" bs, and the imminent domain alone would have had people grabbing torches 50 years ago. cucksockers, every on ('cept maybe Herman Cain, and he doesn't have the chance of the proverbial snowball).

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I disagree. The conservative base is showing up big time to vote against Obama. It won't matter whose name is on the Republican ticket. So Obama's biggest threat will come from the Republican with the biggest appeal to moderates, which is Romney.


You're wrong. I should know, being a conservative. If Romney wins the nomination I won't be voting for him. I've vowed never to vote for another RINO again, and I know many many other conservatives are right there with me. The base is tired of the establisment re-tread GOP politicians. If Romney wins, you will see a major defection, and Obama will win in a landslide.

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You're wrong. I should know, being a conservative. If Romney wins the nomination I won't be voting for him. I've vowed never to vote for another RINO again, and I know many many other conservatives are right there with me. The base is tired of the establisment re-tread GOP politicians. If Romney wins, you will see a major defection, and Obama will win in a landslide.


In that case I hope Romney wins and that you are right. :wacko:

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You're way off. I guarantee that Obama would most like to see Romney win the nomination. He's the one guy that would NOT inspire the conservative base to show up. Andwithout that conservative base showing up, Obama has a chance.

I don't know much about Perry. He seems like an opportunist at best.


Ursa and I are pulling for Bachmann at this point. :wacko:


In truth, I'm still holding out the slightest glimmer of hope that someone decent will enter the race under the GOP banner. But its not looking good.


The GOP has painted Obama as a socialist kenyan m00slim who is destroying America. It doesnt matter WHO the nominee is, the "base" will come out in droves, not because the candidate is exciting, but because it aint Obama.

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The GOP has painted Obama as a socialist kenyan m00slim who is destroying America. It doesnt matter WHO the nominee is, the "base" will come out in droves, not because the candidate is exciting, but because it aint Obama.


If the paint fits... :wacko:

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Taliban Perry?


I couldn't think of a bigger scumbag to be president that that low-life piece of $hit.


I can, but tend to agree with the sentiment.

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The independents are the real issue here. The heffalumps cannot put up someone who's main cannard is social conservatism, because the independents will be running away from them. I don't know if they'll run back to the obamessiah, because they've soured on him. He's as much a partisan ideologue as anyone has seen since Reagan. So Savage, Romney might not excite the base, but unless Perry can convince them he's the next Reagan, he is too much a social conservative, IMO. Bachman, Palin and Santorum cannot win. Pawlenty is Romney-lite, but he might have kept in it just to see if he could tweak himself enough to surpass Romney. But I think Romney would be just another Dole or McSame - not particularly good for the heffalumps or America. I'm just not sure I see a great candidate. Obama should be easily defeatable here, but absent someone clearly better, you'll stick with the devil you know.

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The independents are the real issue here. The heffalumps cannot put up someone who's main cannard is social conservatism, because the independents will be running away from them. I don't know if they'll run back to the obamessiah, because they've soured on him. He's as much a partisan ideologue as anyone has seen since Reagan. So Savage, Romney might not excite the base, but unless Perry can convince them he's the next Reagan, he is too much a social conservative, IMO. Bachman, Palin and Santorum cannot win. Pawlenty is Romney-lite, but he might have kept in it just to see if he could tweak himself enough to surpass Romney. But I think Romney would be just another Dole or McSame - not particularly good for the heffalumps or America. I'm just not sure I see a great candidate. Obama should be easily defeatable here, but absent someone clearly better, you'll stick with the devil you know.


I'd vote for Romney.


I have too many skeletons in my lake to run, or I would... And offer Americans a viable alternative to the morans in power now. :wacko:

Edited by SEC=UGA
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The independents are the real issue here. The heffalumps cannot put up someone who's main cannard is social conservatism, because the independents will be running away from them. I don't know if they'll run back to the obamessiah, because they've soured on him. He's as much a partisan ideologue as anyone has seen since Reagan. So Savage, Romney might not excite the base, but unless Perry can convince them he's the next Reagan, he is too much a social conservative, IMO. Bachman, Palin and Santorum cannot win. Pawlenty is Romney-lite, but he might have kept in it just to see if he could tweak himself enough to surpass Romney. But I think Romney would be just another Dole or McSame - not particularly good for the heffalumps or America. I'm just not sure I see a great candidate. Obama should be easily defeatable here, but absent someone clearly better, you'll stick with the devil you know.


This sums up my sentiment exactly. If you're asking people to make a change, you have to present yourself as a MUCH better alternative. Which GOP candidate can sell that to independents and swing voters while simultaneously surviving the Dem smear machine? Obama is vulnerable, to be sure, but that alone isn't enough to win the election. The GOP needs to put someone up there that is electable-- I honestly don't think anyone in the current crop is.

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fixed for accuracy


Which is why I think obamessiah gets a second term as it stands now. If Perry can survive the dem machine, make himself known as a socially conservative guy (which is NOT the same as being a staunch social conservative - remember, obamessiah was seen as a moderate with liberal tendancies by the independents, even though most people who would look into his past could see convincing evidence he was more of a liberal with socialist tendancies) who is more interested in the economy, deficit and jobs than in establishing a theocracy, then maybe he can get there. I'll bet he has to go to socially conservative to do that though.

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Not only a buffoon but an inarticulate one at that.


At the breakfast, Perry also questioned the loyalty of the Federal Reserve, just days after saying that if the Federal Reserve puts more money in the U.S. system, it could be considered a treasonous act that would be treated "pretty ugly" back home.


He noted the criticism he took for the comment, but did not back away from them. And he called on the institution to open its books.


"It would go a long way toward either finding out whether or not there is some activities that are improper of that they've been handling themselves quite well," he said.


He should, according to his own state's laws, still be in sixth grade.

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Great piece on Rick Perry tonight on Anderson Cooper. The highlight was showing Perry saying that its the private sector that creates the jobs, and then we see the stats that the so called Texas Miracle actually shows employment gains in all the govt areas state, county, and local in Texas since the recovery started while the private sector actually lost jobs. And gee, why do you think Texas was able to create those govt jobs? Stimulus money from the feds. Man this guy is a real piece of work.

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Great piece on Rick Perry tonight on Anderson Cooper. The highlight was showing Perry saying that its the private sector that creates the jobs, and then we see the stats that the so called Texas Miracle actually shows employment gains in all the govt areas state, county, and local in Texas since the recovery started while the private sector actually lost jobs. And gee, why do you think Texas was able to create those govt jobs? Stimulus money from the feds. Man this guy is a real piece of work.

Anderson Cooper? :wacko:

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