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You ever do something...And then instantly realized that was stupid to do


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There was that time when I was trying to knock down a leanto on our barn. Knocked one corner post out. Walked over to the other one, back swing, started coming forward and realized I was standing on the inside under the leanto... Thank god it was only 10 Ft. deep by about 20 wide.

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Called in a fire mission on the wrong mortar range.


We set off a mortar simulator on independence day once. There were cops everywhere, and people thinking we were under attack. :tup:


Once strung a dummy up on a piece of cable between two college dorms (opposite sides of a residential street) on halloween. We stuffed the dummy with old clothes and slid it down the cable as cars ran by. We'd done it the previous year w/o incident (meaning no one we scared was too upset), but this year the first damn car down the street was a detective. We didn't get to do it the next year. :wacko:

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Hiking in the snowy woods in January. I was about 13. Came across a frozen creek, and I wondered to myself, "I wonder how much weight that ice can hold?" Just as I heard the ice crack, I was kicking myself to the bottom. Thankfully, it was only about 18 inches deep, and home was 10 minutes away. Boy, were my feet cold.

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Thought I could climb up my oak tree and trim it myself with a chainsaw. My wife enjoyed laughing at me from my perch in the tree. Oak is heavy wood and an aluminum ladder really is no match.


OK I take it back, I think this is the winner.


I appreciate y'all making me feel a lot better about saluting enlisted people (I out-ranked no less).

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I used to work at a marine hardware store in high school, I was unloading a paint shipment and had 4 cases of copper bottom paint stacked up on the dolly. As I was cruising down the aisle I failed to notice the piece of chain link on the floor. I hit the chain & over went the dolly. Two cases of paint went flipping off and busted on the ground managing to knock open all but one of the 8 gallons of $135 paint. I thought i was fired, my boss laughed & told me to clean it up. Man I loved that job.

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