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Florida Teacher Suspended for Anti-Gay Marriage Posts on Personal Facebook Page


A former “Teacher of the Year” in Mount Dora, Fla. has been suspended and could lose his job after he voiced his objection to gay marriage on his personal Facebook page.


Jerry Buell, a veteran American history teacher at Mount Dora High School, was removed from his teaching duties this week as school officials in Lake County investigate allegations that what he posted was biased towards homosexuals.


We took the allegations seriously,” said Chris Patton, a communication officer with Lake County Schools. “All teachers are bound by a code of special ethics (and) this is a code ethics violation investigation.”


Patton said the school system received a complaint on Tuesday about something Buell had written last July when New York legalized same sex unions. On Wednesday, he was temporarily suspended from the classroom and reassigned.


Patton said Buell has taught in the school system for 22 years and has a spotless record. Last year, he was selected as the high school’s “Teacher of the Year.”


But now his job is on the line because of what some have called anti-gay and homophobic comments.


Buell told Fox News Radio that he was stunned by the accusations. “It was my own personal comment on my own personal time on my own personal computer in my own personal house, exercising what I believed as a social studies teacher to be my First Amendment rights,” he said.


The school system declined to comment on the specific Facebook messages that led to their investigation, but Buell provided Fox News Radio with a copy of the two Facebook messages that he said landed him in trouble.


The first was posted on July 25 at 5:43 p.m. as he was eating dinner and watching the evening news.


“I’m watching the news, eating dinner when the story about New York okaying same-sex unions came on and I almost threw up,” he wrote. “And now they showed two guys kissing after their announcement. If they want to call it a union, go ahead. But don’t insult a man and woman’s marriage by throwing it in the same cesspool of whatever. God will not be mocked. When did this sin become acceptable?”


Three minutes later, Buell posted another comment: “By the way, if one doesn’t like the most recently posted opinion based on biblical principles and God’s laws, then go ahead and unfriend me. I’ll miss you like I miss my kidney stone from 1994. And I will never accept it because God will never accept it. Romans chapter one.”


According to the school system, what Buell wrote on his private account was disturbing. They were especially concerned that gay students at the school might be frightened or intimidated walking into his classroom. Patton also disputed the notion that Buell’s Facebook account is private.


“He has (more than) 700 friends,” he said. “How private is that – really? Social media can be troubling if you don’t respect it and know that just because you think you are in a private realm – it’s not private.”


Buell’s attorney strongly disagreed and accused the school system of violating his First Amendment rights.


“The school district is being anti-straight, anti-First Amendment and anti-personal liberty,” said Horatio Mihet, an attorney with the Liberty Counsel. “The idea that public servants have to whole-heartedly endorse homosexual marriage is repugnant to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,” Mihet told Fox News Radio.


“All he did was speak out on an issue of national importance and because his comments did not fit a particular mold, he is now being investigated and could possibly lose his job. What have we come to?”


Buell said he does not know the individual who filed the complaint, but the past week has caused his family “heartache.”


“To try and say you could lose your job over speaking about something in the venue that I did in the manner that I did is not just a knee-jerk reaction,” he said. “It’s a violent reaction to one person making a complaint.”


But Patton said the school system has an obligation to take the comments seriously. He said Buell will not be allowed back in the classroom “until we do all the interviews and do a thorough job of looking at everything – past or previous writings.”


To accomplish that, he said people have been sending the school system screenshots of Buell’s Facebook page.


“Just because you think it’s private, other people are viewing it,” Patton said, noting that the teacher’s Facebook page also contained numerous Bible passages.


Mihet said he was livid.


“These are not fringe ideas that Mr. Buell espoused on his personal Facebook page,” he told Fox News Radio. “They are mainstream textbook opposition to homosexual unions – and now he’s been deemed unfit to teach children because he opposes gay marriage? My goodness.” Buell believes the school system is trying to send a message to Christian teachers.


“There is an intimidation factor if you are a Christian or if you make a statement against it (gay marriage) you are a bigot, a homophobe, you’re a creep, you’re intolerant,” he said. “We should have the right to express our opinions and talk about things.”


But some legal experts believe that school teachers could be held to a different standard when it comes to using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.


“This teacher is right on the cusp of going over the line,” said Miami attorney Justin Leto. “If he is ‘friends’ with his students on Facebook, then I think he should not be surprised by the school’s actions. However, if he has a private page and restricts student access, then he should be free to say what he wishes.”


Leto said teachers should have the right to make statements about their own personal beliefs without fear of retribution from their employer. “This assumes that the comments are not hateful, racist or malicious,” he said.


“It’s a little bit more complicated with a school teacher,” said Brad Jacob, a law professor at Regent University. “The first question you have to ask, did this context communicate that the teacher was speaking on behalf of the government?”


But what about on social networking sites, like Facebook and Twitter? “School teachers generally have free speech rights, and the government may not censor the private speech on public school teachers,” he said.


However, if Buell had communicated his opinion on gay marriage in the classroom, Jacob said the teacher would have been on shaky legal ground. “If he communicated those views in the classroom, I think the state could have grounds to punish or fire him,” he said.


Reaction in Central Florida has been mixed.


Brett Winters, a former Mount Dora student, told the Orlando Sentinel he was disappointed about Buell’s comments. “This type of hateful language is dangerous not only to gay students, but also to anti-gay students,” Winters told the newspaper.


Michael Slaymaker, president of the Orlando Youth Alliance, told the newspaper that gay students might feel uncomfortable in Buell’s class.


“I would hope a teacher would be there to help them and not hurt them,” he told the Orlando Sentinel.


Meanwhile, hundreds of people have joined at least two Facebook groups calling for the school system to reinstate the popular teacher. “He’s developed a reputation as being one of the most caring teachers in the school,” Mihet said.


Buell said the most disappointing part of the investigation is that he may not be in his classroom on Monday – the first day of the school year.


“This is the place where you will receive the most respect out of any place you’ll be all day. I love my kids. I take my job very seriously.”



Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/08/19/flori.../#ixzz1VZO0U9rM





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Oh sure, this is all about intimidation of Christians.


How about this is a story about a teacher who's too stupid to know that he shouldn't be using facebook? Truth is, there are consequences for the things that we say and do in public. He's not the first guy to get into hot water at work because of what he's done or said on facebook.

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So a guy thinks that somebody's lifestyle is repugnant (despite not hurting anybody) based up what he believes his bible told him (in other words a bigotted dbag) and unwisely posts it and gets fired? Was it smart to post that? Maybe not. Was it right that he got fire? Absolutely not.


But this is you foundation for "it won't be long now?" Really?


I think we can all finally conclude that the thing we are waiting for does not involve a thought-provoking post from you, right?

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again, I don't think this guy should be fired... but if you were a gay kid in his class, do you think it would be fair to be concerned that you might not be treated equally to kids whose makeup he didn't find repugnant?



It might be reasonable to be vigilant as to how you got treated. It is not fair or right to punish someone on the off chance that your suspicions of some chance of future harm might come to pass.


Seems to me that lots of gay folks have had to fight against the fear in others of how those gay folks might conduct themselves in the future if allowed to participate in certain social institutions.


I remember when folks might defend to the death your right to express yourself. Now they persecute and punish. They have become that which they vowed to fight.

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It speaks volumes that all the kids are deprived of the skills and inspiration of a "teacher of the year" so that the speculative chilling effects of his free speech might be prevented.


Since when does one have the right to be free of offense. To be free from hearing debate,just because the opposing opinion upsets.

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Too bad a Teacher of the Year has been taken out of the mix, while I'm sure some completely crappy teachers are working steady. But let's face it, the guy should have used better judgment. It's not as if he doesn't know that the Education system is overrun with a liberal agenda. Does he deserve to be fired? Probably not... but as Czarina said, there are consequences for actions. When you're a Teacher with 700+ friends on Facebook, you need to watch what you post.

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Too bad a Teacher of the Year has been taken out of the mix, while I'm sure some completely crappy teachers are working steady. But let's face it, the guy should have used better judgment. It's not as if he doesn't know that the Education system is overrun with a liberal agenda. Does he deserve to be fired? Probably not... but as Czarina said, there are consequences for actions. When you're a Teacher with 700+ friends on Facebook, you need to watch what you post.





He could have said the same anywhere since what he was saying was not inciting imminent violence and he was in no way speaking for the school or the district, and that could in no way have been inferred, at least from what is posted in the article.

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He could have said the same anywhere since what he was saying was not inciting imminent violence


As far as I know there are two areas in the bible that speak about homosexuality, one of them being Leviticus.


Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.[2](Leviticus 18:22 KJV)

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.[3](Leviticus 20:13 KJV)


If your reason for saying that being gay is a sin is because it says so in the bible, if that is the only foundation for somebody hating on another, how can you reasonably dismiss the second half of the verse (they shall surely be put to death)? If it is right simply because it shows up twice in the bible - should all of it be right?

Edited by Duchess Jack
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As far as I know there are two areas in the bible that speak about homosexuality, one of them being Leviticus.




If your reason for saying that being gay is a sin is because it says so in the bible, if that is the only foundation for somebody hating on another, how can you reasonably dismiss the second half of the verse (they shall surely be put to death)? If it is right simply because it shows up twice in the bible - should all of it be right?



I have not said that being gay is a sin.


I do not base my thought on the bible anymore or less than I do Aesop's Fables, Greek mythology, or the writings of Freud.





My only concern here is the speech issue, and my concern is more or less seperate from the content. Had he spoken in his private capacity for equal treatment for homosexual couples 30 years ago, or for the right to believe in communist principals back during the McCarthy era, my position would remain the same. So long as he does not incite imminent violence or misrepresent that he speaks for others or for organizations, he should be allowed to speak in his free time. That's part of what makes free time free.

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I have not said that being gay is a sin.


I do not base my thought on the bible anymore or less than I do Aesop's Fables, Greek mythology, or the writings of Freud.

I miscommunicated. It was more of a hypothetical "you". I did not mean to suggest that you held these views.

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He could have said the same anywhere since what he was saying was not inciting imminent violence and he was in no way speaking for the school or the district, and that could in no way have been inferred, at least from what is posted in the article.

Many private companies have policies on what employees can say or do on Facebook. The same applies to public agencies. If what is said violates known company / agency policy, the employer can take the actions stated in the policy.


I'm not sure that this is entirely a suppression of free speech episode so much as a person knowingly violating an employer policy.

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Many private companies have policies on what employees can say or do on Facebook. The same applies to public agencies. If what is said violates known company / agency policy, the employer can take the actions stated in the policy.


I'm not sure that this is entirely a suppression of free speech episode so much as a person knowingly violating an employer policy.

Seriously, I didn't know that companies have polocies regarding facebook. Interesting says a lot about the world today.

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Too bad a Teacher of the Year has been taken out of the mix, while I'm sure some completely crappy teachers are working steady. But let's face it, the guy should have used better judgment. It's not as if he doesn't know that the Education system is overrun with a liberal agenda. Does he deserve to be fired? Probably not... but as Czarina said, there are consequences for actions. When you're a Teacher with 700+ friends on Facebook, you need to watch what you post.



That darn liberal agenda keeping this teacher from spewing hateful messages on the interwebs. :wacko:

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Seriously, I didn't know that companies have polocies regarding facebook. Interesting says a lot about the world today.

In a way, it does. It says that companies are very aware of their public image and will go to whatever lengths it takes to protect it. I like to think that's by and large a good thing - you take the dollar, you follow the rules. Don't like it, leave.


What could be more appealing to conservatives than that?

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In a way, it does. It says that companies are very aware of their public image and will go to whatever lengths it takes to protect it. I like to think that's by and large a good thing - you take the dollar, you follow the rules. Don't like it, leave.


What could be more appealing to conservatives than that?

Did this specific school have that policy?


If there is a specific policy about it and the employees are aware of that policy then I do agree with you.

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