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Friend looking for donations


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Hey guys, If you ever wanted to help make a movie, now is your chance. A childhood friend of mine has made a movie and is trying to get her finances finalized. She is soo close to finishing it. If you can, check out the link below and donate to the kickstarter. She only has a few hours left. If you can great, if not no problem. Thanks for considering.


BTW, the movie in a nutshell is a documentary. She has over 4800 friends on facebook yet, she felt alone. She battled with "all these friends, yet know one to hug or laugh with" So she decided to go and meet 50 random people that friended her, and make them true friends. She has interviewed them and is putting together this documentary. I don't want to spoil some of the things she encountered but it is very deep.


Hey Chad,


I hope this message finds you very happy in your life.


I have finished shooting Face 2 Face and I am trying to raise money on kickstarter for "finishing funds" and only have 62 hours left. I have made 78% of my goal, but if I don't raise the rest during this short time, I will get nothing and be unable to finish this incredible project.


Please take 1:45 minutes and watch some of the footage and if you could please put the info on your page to possibly get your friends to pledge it would mean a great deal to me.


A grateful artist and friend,




Kickstarter link:


Her web-site


Please post here if you donated, I'd like to thank each of you.

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Is it pron? I'll donate to that!!!



I think she said there was some nudity in it, but by looking at some of the chicks in there...:wacko:


Now, I'd like to check Katherine's "bi" arss out! Don't tell my ol' lady I said that.

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I bet she would get A LOT more money if she asked for investments yielding even a potential return, instead of donations.



I agree, but this isn't that type of movie. She has made several movies backed by investors. This is a grass roots documentary, I don't really understand the reason why she is doing it this way?

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I bet she would get A LOT more money if she asked for investments yielding even a potential return, instead of donations.

my thoughts too

I agree, but this isn't that type of movie. She has made several movies backed by investors. This is a grass roots documentary, I don't really understand the reason why she is doing it this way?

perhaps she is doing it this way so that she can keep all of the profits for herself

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This young lady is being very loose with her safety, there are any number of predators on sites like that and many do not have any interest in whatever production she may have a good heart to try and create.


When you add to that she is actively soliciting money for numerous rendezvous with what she admits are strangers, well then I really have doubts as too her actual intentions.

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perhaps she is doing it this way so that she can keep all of the profits for herself


She is an experienced Hollywood type. She has directed years of The Real World, The Simple Life, and The Osbournes. I wonder if there is a "tax" incentive to doing it this way? She has already filmed everything, BTW.


This young lady is being very loose with her safety, there are any number of predators on sites like that and many do not have any interest in whatever production she may have a good heart to try and create.


When you add to that she is actively soliciting money for numerous rendezvous with what she admits are strangers, well then I really have doubts as too her actual intentions.


:wacko: Not sure what you are talking about. She isn't your typical chick.


perfect timing!


I have been looking to donate my hard earned money somewhere. Apparently the Nigerian's and Craiglist buyers can no longer be trusted, so someone making a movie sounds about right.


Please let me know where to send the loot




In my first post follow the kickstarter link.

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This young lady is being very loose with her safety, there are any number of predators on sites like that and many do not have any interest in whatever production she may have a good heart to try and create.


When you add to that she is actively soliciting money for numerous rendezvous with what she admits are strangers, well then I really have doubts as too her actual intentions.



I :heart: this alias.

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Is it me or does it seem creepy that she is never smiling when she hugs any of these people? :wacko:

I'm not going to lie, the whole trailer seemed creepy to me and didn't leave me wanting to see the movie even though at first blush the basic idea behind the movie seemed interesting.

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I'm not going to lie, the whole trailer seemed creepy to me and didn't leave me wanting to see the movie even though at first blush the basic idea behind the movie seemed interesting.


I didn't mind most of the trailer, but was VERY turned off by the crying. I just thought it was going to be simply about exposing our online relationships to the light of personal meetings. I would watch that. But this seemed more like one woman pouring out her own emotional baggage on film.

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I wonder if this will sell more box office tickets than the movie adaption of Atlas Shrugged? :wacko:


I'm betting it ranks up there with Sarah Palin's movie. The audience may be a bit "different", though.

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I admit I agree about the crying in the beginning...still should be an interesting flick. I listened to her last night on the voekle chat, and the movie is more of a documentary. Apparently she was contacted by Ophrah's peeps about putting it on her DOC LIST. :wacko:

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I admit I agree about the crying in the beginning...still should be an interesting flick. I listened to her last night on the voekle chat, and the movie is more of a documentary. Apparently she was contacted by Ophrah's peeps about putting it on her DOC LIST. :wacko:


Tell her to have Oprah bank roll it.

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