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also known as "detlef's law"


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The city work in is very conservative.... but there is a small neighborhood of what the locals call "little Madison" , they wanted to install disc golf holes at one of the parks so people could play disc golf. 4 of the 5 city council members( all conservative) voted NO to the disc golf because they were afraid someone would get injured hiking from hole to hole as well as the possibility of someone getting hit by a flying disc. Now this was not going to cost the city a single thing, the community was going to buy the post etc. In the same council meeting they said it was OK to hit golf balls at any city's parks! :wacko:

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The city work in is very conservative.... but there is a small neighborhood of what the locals call "little Madison" , they wanted to install disc golf holes at one of the parks so people could play disc golf. 4 of the 5 city council members( all conservative) voted NO to the disc golf because they were afraid someone would get injured hiking from hole to hole as well as the possibility of someone getting hit by a flying disc. Now this was not going to cost the city a single thing, the community was going to buy the post etc. In the same council meeting they said it was OK to hit golf balls at any city's parks! :wacko:

Now that's messed up, but I assume this statute is in response to people that have gotten drilled by one.


A long time ago we were playing disc golf at a local park, and right as my disc was cutting hard from high elevation, this guy walks straight into it, getting nailed in the side of the head with the sharp discus, laying him out on the ground. We thought for sure it knocked him out, but the guy got up and threw the disc over the fence into a pond (Dick!)


Disc golf discs are like actual discuses, and I learned that day why you need to be playing it only in designated parks and not launching them 100 yards into walking-traffic areas.


This particular statute is a bit more overreaching, but if you've ever thrown a frisbee or even in some cases a football on a windy beach, they can frequently go off target, and 180 gram ultimate frisbee to the noggin could easily knock out a small child.... I'm certainly not in favor of this everywhere, but as it said in the article, this was put in place for the peak summer months in LA (not California), where I assume they've had safety issues with big crowds (also why it mentioned you can't dig a hole deeper than 18 inches).

Edited by delusions of granduer
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Dumbest thing I've ever seen. Don't give your kids any buckets/shovels either as digging a hole more than 18 inches is also a fine. Nothing more than a cash grab for LA County. Ridiculous.

I know... where are you suppose to bury the dead hooker on last second notice by the beach anyway?

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Dumbest thing I've ever seen. Don't give your kids any buckets/shovels either as digging a hole more than 18 inches is also a fine. Nothing more than a cash grab for LA County. Ridiculous.

Well, I guess I'm as guilty of speed-reading and making assumptions as anyone, the article actually said that they were lifting a ban on frisbees and footballs.... It's not clear that there was ever a fine for either that or digging a 19-inch deep hole. I doubt it, and I would certainly be against fining someone for those activities.


The article just says that you can be ticketed for refusing a lifeguard's orders... So all that means is that if a lifeguard says "Hey, it's too crowded and windy for you guys to keep throwing that frisbee around", you have stop or get a ticket. What an outrage that you can't ignore the guy who's job it is to keep the beach safe! Pretty simple, if he feels it's unsafe then and he tells you to stop, you stop, or pay a fine for ignoring him. Hardly outrageous or a money grab for those who comply.


So I really fail to see where the infringement or money grab is here. You're not allowed to just do whatever you want in public if it infringes on someone else liberty and safety, and Az, I thought you were in favor of leaving things as local as possible to allow for stupid ordinances to be overturned, like this one ended up being.


I'm against government overreach and profiteering under the guise of law as much as anyone, but I think you guys are making something out of nothing here.

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Well, I guess I'm as guilty of speed-reading and making assumptions as anyone, the article actually said that they were lifting a ban on frisbees and footballs.... It's not clear that there was ever a fine for either that or digging a 19-inch deep hole. I doubt it, and I would certainly be against fining someone for those activities.


The article just says that you can be ticketed for refusing a lifeguard's orders... So all that means is that if a lifeguard says "Hey, it's too crowded and windy for you guys to keep throwing that frisbee around", you have stop or get a ticket. What an outrage that you can't ignore the guy who's job it is to keep the beach safe! Pretty simple, if he feels it's unsafe then and he tells you to stop, you stop, or pay a fine for ignoring him. Hardly outrageous or a money grab for those who comply.


So I really fail to see where the infringement or money grab is here. You're not allowed to just do whatever you want in public if it infringes on someone else liberty and safety, and Az, I thought you were in favor of leaving things as local as possible to allow for stupid ordinances to be overturned, like this one ended up being.


I'm against government overreach and profiteering under the guise of law as much as anyone, but I think you guys are making something out of nothing here.


whoa, that is a completely different article than what was originally at the link. :wacko: either the paper screwed up royally, or the locality did a complete about-face.

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here's the original text:




LOS ANGELES (CBS) — When you head down to the beach for a little fun this summer, county officials want you to leave the pigskin at home.


The Board of Supervisors this week agreed to raise fines to up to $1,000 for anyone who throws a football or a Frisbee on any beach in Los Angeles County.


In passing the 37-page ordinance on Tuesday, officials sought to outline responsibilities for law enforcement and other public agencies while also providing clarification on beach-goer activities that could potentially disrupt or even injure the public.


The updated rules now prohibit “any person to cast, toss, throw, kick or roll” any object other than a beach ball or volleyball “upon or over any beach” between Memorial Day and Labor Day.


Exceptions allow for ball-throwing in predesignated areas, when a person obtains a permit, or playing water polo “in or over the Pacific Ocean”.


However, during the winter off-season, the new rules will be relaxed.


Officials warned that any activities that could potentially harm “any person or property on or near the beach” should not be allowed during the peak summer season.


Your kids could also end up costing you big bucks: the ordinance also prohibits digging any hole deeper than 18 inches into the sand except where permission is granted for film and TV production services only

Edited by Azazello1313
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here's the original text:

Whoa, that's incredibly weird, and if I'd read the "up to $1,000 fine' part I would have been with you. That's a clear money grab, and completely different than an ordinance that just has them tell you to "cut it out" if you're doing it during peak season.


My mistake. I would have been :wacko: too if that's what I thought they were doing.... The original text and new article are like night and day...

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