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Time Clock


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1 hour ago, Footballjoe said:

But why? It’s part of the game and time should be accounted for.


Its been a rule basically forever, so assuming this isn't the first game (or season even) that you've watched football it should be no surprise. Why should it suddenly be accounted for now?


Did you know that a kickoff may not cause the clock to move? Only if there is a a runback does the clock move, if its a touchback or even taking a knee in field of play, no time runs off. Opening kickoff of CAR-NO playoff game, Gano kicks off at 15:00, touchback, first down at 15:00.


(This happens at end of half/game too, only a few [2-3] seconds left they squib kick trying to make them field the kickoff, player falls on it and takes knee, they still have 2 seconds to run a play. Or something like that.)

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19 hours ago, tazinib1 said:

FG's take time off the clock but Extra Points do not. Reason being, an XP is an extension of the initial score. Or something like that. 2pt conversions do not take time off the clock either.


Conversions (kick or 2P try) after a TD are untimed downs, FG are run on an actual down and the clock starts on the snap like any other play, same for a punt. Kickoff as mentioned earlier are special and usually have time running, after the ball is caught and player returns (but no time on touchbacks or other downed kick).

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