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Katrina Funds abuse


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http://www.charter.net/news/read.php...SDCCLM_UN EWS





Yeah, I know there are many who did not make such abuses. Sure, I feel sorry for the lives it ruined or severely impacted. And yes, I am disgusted that the gov't didn't manage this a lot better (debit cards? you sh---in me??)


But I am sick beyond belief of people getting handing BILLIONS in freakin support and then everyone whining because they didn't get enough, they didn't get it quickly enough, etc etc.....and now the GROSS abuses here. Not that it shocks me, frankly; I know people born and raised there and the Great American "welfare mentality" (gimme something for nothing, and I'll abuse it any way I want and don't expect to be held accountable) isn't exactly rare.


Hello people: generally speaking, you choose to live there. You know the dangers of such flooding/etc is always there. Worse, you knew of this impending danger of Katrina and still chose to stay/come back.


It IS NOT (or should not be) the country's responsibiliy to babysit/wet nurse you. Be grateful for whatever support you did get, take care of your friggin self, and shut t-f up. As for the people who abused it, I hope they're sucked in by the next hurricane and find themselves washed up on an Iraqi beach, or just freakin drown. It'd be a net gain to this world.

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I couldn't agree more. My cousin owns two home / car audio stores, one in Baton Rouge and another in Denim Springs (just outside of Baton Rouge). The first month after the debit cards were handed out, his sales tripled the best month he had ever had prior to that.


Sentimentaly I'd love to save NO, but practically it just doesn't make sense. I've heard numerous arguments on this board and on the news about why we should continue throwin money at NO, but they have all been based in emotions, not logic.

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I've heard numerous arguments on this board and on the news about why we should continue throwin money at NO...



The problem is that Bush's team of incompetent cronies has been throwing money at it. A better solution would be to manage it with intelligent governance and fiscal decisions. You know... as if someone who knew what they were doing was in charge.


This is not the fault of the people spending the money. If someone hands me money, I'm taking it. This is the fault of the people "throwing the money" out there and not keeping track of how or why. It's shameful that our tax dollars were treated so carelessly by FEMA.

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The problem is that Bush's team of incompetent cronies has been throwing money at it. A better solution would be to manage it with intelligent governance and fiscal decisions. You know... as if someone who knew what they were doing was in charge.


This is not the fault of the people spending the money. If someone hands me money, I'm taking it. This is the fault of the people "throwing the money" out there and not keeping track of how or why. It's shameful that our tax dollars were treated so carelessly by FEMA.



True dat. And generally speaking (and i emphasize generally), people who are living in poverty are probably not known for there fiscal prudence.

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My cousin owns two home / car audio stores, one in Baton Rouge and another in Denim Springs (just outside of Baton Rouge). The first month after the debit cards were handed out, his sales tripled the best month he had ever had prior to that.


Who said trickle down doesn't work! :D

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I couldn't agree more. My cousin owns two home / car audio stores, one in Baton Rouge and another in Denim Springs (just outside of Baton Rouge). The first month after the debit cards were handed out, his sales tripled the best month he had ever had prior to that.



So you're passing judgement on what? The fact that people in New orleans who've lost everything might want to listen to music in a struggle to return to normalcy?

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So you're passing judgement on what? The fact that people in New orleans who've lost everything might want to listen to music in a struggle to return to normalcy?



No, I think he's considering participating in the abuse as a good business practice. Kind of in the same vein as Exxon's coincidence, luck and good business practices last summer and fall.



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98% of the federal money headed to the gulf could be abused and I wouldn't care. Call me when we stop wasting money in Iraq.





We have American citizens killing and being killed for some inexplicable reason in Iraq that is costing us way way way more $$$ than a sex change in NOLA.


Where's the outrage from Republitards about that?

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The problem is that Bush's team of incompetent cronies has been throwing money at it. A better solution would be to manage it with intelligent governance and fiscal decisions. You know... as if someone who knew what they were doing was in charge.


This is not the fault of the people spending the money. If someone hands me money, I'm taking it. This is the fault of the people "throwing the money" out there and not keeping track of how or why. It's shameful that our tax dollars were treated so carelessly by FEMA.



In a sense I agree with you, however the people spending the money given to them on luxury items instead of food, clothing, and housing hold some of the responsiblilty as well. I know that it is hard for someone that slants left to understand personal responsibility, but come on. These people spent their money on sh*t, because they know the government is going to be there again, and again, and again to bail them out with some type of welfare. It was irresonsible for FEMA, however with all the heat they were getting from the entitlement class they had to do something. People slam FEMA for not having food and clothing for the people of NO, but the truth is they had it, in the surrounding areas, they just couldn't get it into NO. Had the people evacuated as FEMA told them to, to the surrounding areas they would have had the food, clothing and temporary housing. I just get sick of all the entitlement class, and their destructive and selfdestructive behavior.


People complain about the emergency assistance available, then complain about the type of assistance given, yet the same people want the government to help pay to rebuild their homes right next to the gulf on land lower than sea level, and some of you on this board think it is a good idea. You actually think a hurricane proof levy can be built, and should be built, but not built with the money of those that are going to live there, but by all of our taxes. I seem to remeber a ship that was supposed to be unsinkable. I think they even made a movie about it, if I recall, Kate Winslet got naked in it. Maybe we will make a movie in 100 years about how foolish it is to build below sea level and tout a levy as hurican proof should some of you get your way and NO be rebuilt.

Edited by Perchoutofwater
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personal responsibility


The president you voted for put an incompetent arabian horse dealer in charge of an organization that threw away a billion dollars foolishly.


Take personal responsibility for that, doooosh. :D


Oh sorry... personal responsibility is something other people need to do. :irony:

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The president you voted for put an incompetent arabian horse dealer in charge of an organization that threw away a billion dollars foolishly.


Take personal responsibility for that, doooosh. :D


Oh sorry... personal responsibility is something other people need to do. :irony:



I don't like the President I voted for anymore than you do, I just like him more than the alternative. Maybe if they guys on your side of the isle would put up someone worth a damn, they'd get my vote.

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I don't like the President I voted for anymore than you do, I just like him more than the alternative. Maybe if they guys on your side of the isle would put up someone worth a damn, they'd get my vote.





Mr Personal Responsibility is blaming the democrats for the fact that he voted for an idiot. Smooth, kid. :D

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Mr Personal Responsibility is blaming the democrats for the fact that he voted for an idiot. Smooth, kid. :D



It's the simple truth. I'll admit that I really supported Bush in 2000, because he did a lot of real good work here in Texas. By the time the 2004 election rolled around I really didn't support Bush, I just thought he would be more fiscally conservative than Kerry. Had the dems put up a truley fiscally conservative candidate, there was a very good chance I'd vote for him. I think if you go back and read most of my posts you will realize that I'm more socially liberal than the typical Republican, but I am a staunch fiscal conservative.

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It's the simple truth. I'll admit that I really supported Bush in 2000, because he did a lot of real good work here in Texas. By the time the 2004 election rolled around I really didn't support Bush, I just thought he would be more fiscally conservative than Kerry. Had the dems put up a truley fiscally conservative candidate, there was a very good chance I'd vote for him. I think if you go back and read most of my posts you will realize that I'm more socially liberal than the typical Republican, but I am a staunch fiscal conservative.



No, I understand your position.


It's just ironic that you are blaming everyone else for your vote in a thread where you expouse personal responsibility as a problem of liberals. :D


Bush's stupid appointment, Brown's incompentence, and FEMA's scrambling to throw away money as an effort to save face for being totally unprepared are at fault here. Where the money went after that is irrelevant. It's too late to get my tax dollars back once they are handed away.

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Mr Personal Responsibility is blaming the democrats for the fact that he voted for an idiot. Smooth, kid. :D




When you look at the choices that were there It is not hard to see why Bush was voted in.


I mean you vote a guy in who has Ideas or you vote for a poll jumper. I mean, what is there to do?

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When you look at the choices that were there It is not hard to see why Bush was voted in.


I mean you vote a guy in who has Ideas or you vote for a poll jumper. I mean, what is there to do?


I dunno... do you vote for the guy who has shown himself to be a corrupt, incompetent liar? Or do you trust the corrupt incompetent liar's supporters when they tell you that a war hero was a traitor and the corrupt incomptent lying deserter is a war hero? Tough choice there.


The concept that you or perch would ever find a democrat plausible when there is a billion dollar media campaign to feed your innate distrust of them is laughable. And that isn't the democrats' fault. That's your fault for falling for it.

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http://www.charter.net/news/read.php...SDCCLM_UN EWS



Yeah, I know there are many who did not make such abuses. Sure, I feel sorry for the lives it ruined or severely impacted. And yes, I am disgusted that the gov't didn't manage this a lot better (debit cards? you sh---in me??)


But I am sick beyond belief of people getting handing BILLIONS in freakin support and then everyone whining because they didn't get enough, they didn't get it quickly enough, etc etc.....and now the GROSS abuses here. Not that it shocks me, frankly; I know people born and raised there and the Great American "welfare mentality" (gimme something for nothing, and I'll abuse it any way I want and don't expect to be held accountable) isn't exactly rare.


Hello people: generally speaking, you choose to live there. You know the dangers of such flooding/etc is always there. Worse, you knew of this impending danger of Katrina and still chose to stay/come back.


It IS NOT (or should not be) the country's responsibiliy to babysit/wet nurse you. Be grateful for whatever support you did get, take care of your friggin self, and shut t-f up. As for the people who abused it, I hope they're sucked in by the next hurricane and find themselves washed up on an Iraqi beach, or just freakin drown. It'd be a net gain to this world.




The Katrina fund, that The Huddle so graciously sponsored :D was spent on real issues and for real people. :D I am glad that I met everyone involved because they are all HUGH people. :D


The Katrina disastor tore into the Gubbamint in a way never before seen. Imagine the coastline from Central Louisiana all the way to Mobileish, AL ...then picture hell on Earth. The "sucking", if you will, from the citizens (mostly legit remember...not everyone in LA is a splash splash bag that steals) off the Mother FEMA's tit was insane and apparently...out of control. There was no management structure designed to handle the disastor. Especially when THEY/GUBBAMINT were in panic mode more than the citizens were. I thought the Gubbamint was the one friggin out during the storm. (Obviously, those on CNN walking in waist deep water were friggin out too but just as much as those that looted the Wal Mart firearm and toys department) The Gubbamint's lack of focus and decision making left citizens stranded simply because we used the A4790-0-A Standard Opp's Of Crap procedure that didn't fly cause Blankstare wasn't having Federal troops in Louisiana...and Ray Chocolate Noggin (who was re-elcted... :D but his alternative was a :D ) sent school buses around Nawlins with a mega phone yelling to people to evacuate. :D We displayed a crippled and monglodian management "system" on all levels of Gubbamint. Simple. You take that Gubbamint and the craftiest theives in the world and you have this thread. Sorry...



I couldn't agree more. My cousin owns two home / car audio stores, one in Baton Rouge and another in Denim Springs (just outside of Baton Rouge). The first month after the debit cards were handed out, his sales tripled the best month he had ever had prior to that.


Sentimentaly I'd love to save NO, but practically it just doesn't make sense. I've heard numerous arguments on this board and on the news about why we should continue throwin money at NO, but they have all been based in emotions, not logic.




Guess how many crappy shoes from spammers Shox we've sold this year? :D




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Mr Personal Responsibility is blaming the democrats for the fact that he voted for an idiot. Smooth, kid. :D



Yer guy was an even bigger idiot. I'd wish I could have voted for BOZO the Clown before either of them. Funny how a non-political topic turns into a Hyena feeding frenzy on Bush. TypIKal. :D or :D <--- One of these two are going to be the OFFICIAL liberal emoticon here.


I dunno... do you vote for the guy who has shown himself to be a corrupt, incompetent liar? Or do you trust the corrupt incompetent liar's supporters when they tell you that a war hero was a traitor and the corrupt incomptent lying deserter is a war hero? Tough choice there.


The concept that you or perch would ever find a democrat plausible when there is a billion dollar media campaign to feed your innate distrust of them is laughable. And that isn't the democrats' fault. That's your fault for falling for it.




First off: Who said Bush was a War hero? :D:D



Second off: Yer guy was (Kerry) a freak stiffed-up slurred dufus and I am not surprised that he received as many votes as he did...considering the slobbering veggie we sent up...for the second time. I am glad we aren't Chinese by now...

Edited by SuperBalla
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Yer guy was an even bigger idiot. I'd wish I could have voted for BOZO the Clown before either of them. Funny how a non-political topic turns into a Hyena feeding frenzy on Bush. TypIKal. :D or :D <--- One of these two are going to be the OFFICIAL liberal emoticon here.

First off: Who said Bush was a War hero? :D:D

Second off: Yer guy was (Kerry) a freak stiffed-up slurred dufus and I am not surprised that he received as many votes as he did...considering the slobbering veggie we sent up...for the second time. I am glad we aren't Chinese by now...



Balla, you voted for the guy who drowned New Orleans. You should probably sit out a couple of elections and just think about that. And acting like you dont like him now when you finally catch on to what we saw all along isnt going to cut it. Not after you gobbled his manjerky for years and drooled over his Mission Accomplished codpiece while he whispered "Condi, stay the course, heh heh heh" in yer ear.


You gotta dance with the one that brung ya, son. You bought Bush, you own him.

Edited by skins
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Balla, you voted for the guy who drowned New Orleans. You should probably sit out a couple of elections and just think about that. And acting like you dont like him now when you finally catch on to what we saw all along isnt going to cut it. Not after you gobbled his manjerky for years and drooled over his Mission Accomplished codpiece while he whispered "Condi, stay the course, heh heh heh" in yer ear.


You gotta dance with the one that brung ya, son. You bought Bush, you own him.





I don't see where I have strayed from my original path of not feeling comfortable with either of the fektards we had to choose from. Bush didn't drown New Orleans silly :D ...that is yer my favorite party dorkbags whispering in yer ear via the news. There was a hugh storm called Katrina that flooded New Orleans and the Lemming Beuracraps fek'd us after that happened. (Not me technically...I had zero damage but 1 tree down)


Don't come hand me the Bush card like I am a scapegoat cause I voted for him and not yer "Hero" ...I blame you for yer lack of support for America and its pres. You and yer gang are simply sore losers...you wouldn't know cause they teach it in PE but it means suck it up and keep werkin for a better America...not the anchor you guys seem to think makes progress.

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