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I'm on the verge on mono....


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So the last couple of days I have been feeling quite weak and all. I have had a very bad throat, a fever, stomach and breathing issues, coughing a lot, and headaches. I have a very hard time sleeping last night and decided to see the doctor today. He tested for strep; negative. Mono; negative. However, he did say that my platelet count is significantly low and that usually means you are "on the verge of mono." He said I need to come in early next week to check again for mono and make sure the platelet count is ok. Am I gonna get mono no matter what or can I do something to fight it right now?

Edited by Goopster24
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Get a lot of sleep. Consider your current life style. If your not eating well, not getting good rest start reversing that.




A very good friend of mine in college was run down, partying too much, yada-yada. He got TB!!! :D That was ~35 years ago and he still takes meds for it!


Not trying to scare you, just givin' facts/experience!


Keep in close touch w/ your Doc!!!! Do what he says!!!

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Get a lot of sleep. Consider your current life style. If your not eating well, not getting good rest start reversing that.




Keep in close touch w/ your Doc!!!! Do what he says!!!


Good info here. :D

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If you went to the doctor already, why didn't you ask him rather than a few numbskulls on a fantasy football message board? :D No offense to the numbskulls.



I'm sure just for some extra info, some of OUR life experiences, etc. I see no problem w/ that. There are NEVER enough sources/resources when one is sick, under stress, needs an opinion for a personal problem or computer problem or any problem. Hell, w/o that there would be no reason for the tailgate! :D:D



Good info here. :D



TY....Doc! :D

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Mono sucks, I had it in college. If you do develop it then I recommend getting plenty of rest. Actually, mono will MAKE you get plenty of rest. I remember that it use to take me 15 mins to walk up 2 flights of steps because I was so damn tired. The fatigue will last for about a month or two and I know it took a good 3 or 4 months before I felt 100%.

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If you went to the doctor already, why didn't you ask him rather than a few numbskulls on a fantasy football message board? :D No offense to the numbskulls.



As a numbskull who had mono in college, it sucks!

Get lots of sleep and drink lots of water. In that order!


On the plus side, you will get to watch a lot of Price is Right for the 1-2 hours per day you are awake.

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As a numbskull who had mono in college, it sucks!

Get lots of sleep and drink lots of water. In that order!


On the plus side, you will get to watch a lot of Price is Right for the 1-2 hours per day you are awake.


good info here

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So does that mean that you are not going to NY to see the Yanks and Braves?



Haha, thanks for the concern. I no doubt still plan on going to New York to see the Yankees-Braves game and the NBA draft; I technically don't have mono yet but it's not looking good....


I'm gonna suck this one up :D.

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I'm gonna suck this one up :D.



That's probably how you got mono in the first place! Stop "sucking" on infecting thingies!









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I'm gonna suck this one up :D.




That's funny. If you get mono, you won't be sucking anything up. I got it right around Mardi Gras and tried to tough it out. I lasted 3 mins. Trust me, the tough guy attitude will not work with mono. Take your fatigue right now and multiple it by 100. That's mono.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Get a lot of sleep. Consider your current life style. If your not eating well, not getting good rest start reversing that.




A very good friend of mine in college was run down, partying too much, yada-yada. He got TB!!! :D That was ~35 years ago and he still takes meds for it!


Not trying to scare you, just givin' facts/experience!


Keep in close touch w/ your Doc!!!! Do what he says!!!




I didn't even know they had college back when you were in college...

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