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Skin heads in the military?


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Oh great.


First terrorists are using Iraq to train terrorists to kill our soldiers and now Neo Nazis are being trained by the military.


Those rapists and killers are probably skin heads.


The military toughened its peacetime policy toward extremists in 1996, after decorated Gulf War veteran Timothy McVeigh was convicted of detonating a truck bomb that killed 169 people in Oklahoma City.


But the Montgomery, Alabama-based center said in a report that military officers were proving less likely in wartime to Josh Gordon out extremists, especially those in combat units.


The Army missed its annual recruiting goal last year for the first time since 1999, posting one of its poorest recruiting performances since the birth of the all-volunteer military in 1973 during the upheaval of the Vietnam War.


"We've got Aryan Nations graffiti in Baghdad," the report quoted a Defense Department investigator as saying.


The center said young civilian extremists are encouraged by adult leaders to enlist in the military to gain access to weapons and training and to recruit other military personnel.


"The reasons are obvious: soldiers are trained to be proficient with weapons, combat tactics and explosives, to train others in their use, and to operate in a highly disciplined culture that is focused on the organized violence of war," the center said.

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It reminds me of that Sam Kinison routine. He suggested when we are at war we empty our prisons . His line was :kinisonscream: Id rather have Manson fighting for me then a guy that was flipping burgers at burger king :kinisonscream:

Edited by whomper
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Nothing wrong with this if they don't have a criminal record.

After all they allow gays in the military.




Heil! Intelligence has never been a prequisite either. So I agree. If we are going to put Iraqis on USA welfare in the name of some deranged plan that never really had an objective, we might as well recruit homos and hate mongers among with the rest. :D

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I heard that skinhead racists have a fairly easy time adjusting into military life because their parents already trained them to say "yes, sir" and "no, sir" as part of normal conversations.




Now, where have I heard this before... :D

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I heard that skinhead racists have a fairly easy time adjusting into military life because their parents already trained them to say "yes, sir" and "no, sir" as part of normal conversations.




The problem is the saluting as the skinheads typically salute using the "hook em horns" sign instead of snapping off a smarty...

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no--and I fail to see the relevance of your question


Well, you lefties are always up in arms about Skinheads, KKK, and other white hate groups whose numbers are so insignificant as to be laughable. And yet, black groups with similar beliefs are given a free passed and welcomed into the Democratic Party as honored guests. You treat them differently so I was just wondering if you felt differently about them. You know, with your hypocrisy on the left and all...

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Well, you lefties are always up in arms about Skinheads, KKK, and other white hate groups whose numbers are so insignificant as to be laughable. And yet, black groups with similar beliefs are given a free passed and welcomed into the Democratic Party as honored guests. You treat them differently so I was just wondering if you felt differently about them. You know, with your hypocrisy on the left and all...


Now, where have I heard this before... :D

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Well, you lefties are always up in arms about Skinheads, KKK, and other white hate groups whose numbers are so insignificant as to be laughable. And yet, black groups with similar beliefs are given a free passed and welcomed into the Democratic Party as honored guests. You treat them differently so I was just wondering if you felt differently about them. You know, with your hypocrisy on the left and all...




When has a black guy been arrested for burning a cross?

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Nothing wrong with this if they don't have a criminal record.

After all they allow gays in the military.


Have you ever worked with someone who is gay? I have and they usually are pretty good folks. Comparing skin head extremists to gays is as about as ignorant as it gets.

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Heil! Intelligence has never been a prequisite either. So I agree. If we are going to put Iraqis on USA welfare in the name of some deranged plan that never really had an objective, we might as well recruit homos and hate mongers among with the rest. :D


So people in the military are not intelligent?

Edited by The D
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When has a black guy been arrested for burning a cross?




doubt ever, but how many black people have been arrested after screaming racisim when they dont get waiting on in line fast enough, or scream race issues when a cop gives them a speeding ticket.


Here is a bit of knowledge for you all (and i'm sure spain is gonna love this)


In Montgomery County Maryland there is a limit to the speeding tickets that can be given to african americans in a single month. So if a cop pulls someone over for going 45 in a 35 school zone and that person is black, he can't give them a ticket if the quota is filled.


WAAAYYY too much crap because people are black.


In my country whites are the minority but the african-americans b1tched that we got the minorty treatment so all programs and stuff flipped back over to them even though they are the majority.

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does this mean that you consider racist skinheads to be Christians?



in the article it mentioned the aryian nation....i think they are pro christian and pro white. thats what i meant.

Edited by dmarc117
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When has a black guy been arrested for burning a cross?


Whites are ALOT more likely to be the victims of racial violence by blacks, than vice versa these days. But the left refuses to acknowledge the obvious: that racists come from all races. You libs love to call every white person who isnt to the left of Stalin a racist. But you never call out blacks for the same or worse behavior. That is the hypocrisy...

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Whites are ALOT more likely to be the victims of racial violence by blacks, than vice versa these days. But the left refuses to acknowledge the obvious: that racists come from all races. You libs love to call every white person who isnt to the left of Stalin a racist. But you never call out blacks for the same or worse behavior. That is the hypocrisy...


Is anybody here denying that there are a large number of black racists?

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im going to go out on a limb and say that there is a greater percentage of black racists than there are white racists within their respective races....i have no facts or numbers to support this....just 30 some years of growing up in this wonderful world.

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