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i know its been talked about much since his days in Minnesota, but how far can a guy fall? see Michael Vick i guess....but short of prison time, it doesn't get much worse.

Culpepper did pretty well in his start last week but is still apparently battling with McCown for the starting spot. McCown will start this week.

Given his experience and arm you'd think CPep would just win by default. McCown's never been able to impress anyone.


Personally, I think he'll get the nod from Kiffin. This may be the young coach's way of establishing his own leadership and power.

Or maybe its just that I can't get the image out of my head of the Daunte from a few years ago who sat beside Peyton as the two premiere NFL QBs.

Edited by rebdog
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IMO, CPep would be the higher price of the 2. I dont think the Raiders are going for it all this year. They might SAY they are, but everyone knows, including the coach, they wont win it all. McCown gives them a QB to put in place while JR sits and watches (if he ever signs). It is all about JR on that team. Not Cpep or McCown...


Now, any coach that admits they wont win in any given year should be fired, so Im guessing they are making it seem like a competition when it really isnt. I think itll be McCown. I would think they would cut Cpep after that.... I could be wrong....

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With all do respect, I have followed the Raider off-season and training camp as close as I can via the local newspapers articles that are online. C-Pep has the inside track on the starting QB spot and it looks like Walter may get cut if JR ever does get signed.


Al Davis is holding off on guaranteed money, posibly in light of the Vick scenario and the chance that a new CBA will favor reason, i.e. rookie salaries will be fixed so no more outlandish guarantees just to have someone pull an akili SMith, or a (who was the guy from WSU that went to SD)


Anyway, look for the Raiders to go 8-8 and be pushing for 9-7 this year. The defense is even going ot be better. Those who discount what the Raiders are doing in the pre-season with respect to how well they did last year in pre-season are not watching the games.


Last year in pre-season those games were run by the scrubs at the end of the game. This year we are going into the end of the half with the lead playing starters vs starters.


Now, I do take our success with a grain of salt in that we haven't faced imposing defenses or all the starters on a teams offense. Still, if we weren't moving the ball, as was the case last year then I'd be inclined to say SOS, just a different year


Culpepper, Jordan and Porter will have respectable numbers.


The team is on it's way up but I don't expect miracles.

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With all do respect, I have followed the Raider off-season and training camp as close as I can via the local newspapers articles that are online. C-Pep has the inside track on the starting QB spot and it looks like Walter may get cut if JR ever does get signed.


Al Davis is holding off on guaranteed money, posibly in light of the Vick scenario and the chance that a new CBA will favor reason, i.e. rookie salaries will be fixed so no more outlandish guarantees just to have someone pull an akili SMith, or a (who was the guy from WSU that went to SD)


Anyway, look for the Raiders to go 8-8 and be pushing for 9-7 this year. The defense is even going ot be better. Those who discount what the Raiders are doing in the pre-season with respect to how well they did last year in pre-season are not watching the games.


Last year in pre-season those games were run by the scrubs at the end of the game. This year we are going into the end of the half with the lead playing starters vs starters.


Now, I do take our success with a grain of salt in that we haven't faced imposing defenses or all the starters on a teams offense. Still, if we weren't moving the ball, as was the case last year then I'd be inclined to say SOS, just a different year


Culpepper, Jordan and Porter will have respectable numbers.


The team is on it's way up but I don't expect miracles.


You would know better than me as I havent watched any games... Just highlights from most games. However, that 8-8 or 9-7 prediction is a bit bold. What did that team do to the OL to make them better?

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As much as I was certain that Culpepper would be an abyssmal flop last season, I am now fairly certain that he is a very good sleeper candidate to produce respectable FF numbers this season. I would take a late round flyer on him.

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Don't forget C-Pep arrived VERY late to the party. He had to pick this ofense up quickly on very short notice. The fact that he's close to winning the QB job is quite impressive. I'm one of the few that feel like he has some good football left in his tank and can still be a franchise QB. Remember, his injury usually takes 2 full years to recover from so he's getting stronger and stronger with time. Why the Dolphins let him go is beyond me. And why teams like Jacksonville and Tampa wouldn't give him a shot is puzzling.


I think C-Pep should start and win a few games for this miserable franchise and put them back on the right track. Use him for a year, get Russell up to speed and then let the young QB of the future take over next year. McCown is nothing more than a career back-up IMO.

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You would know better than me as I havent watched any games... Just highlights from most games. However, that 8-8 or 9-7 prediction is a bit bold. What did that team do to the OL to make them better?


The most important thing I think is the blocking scheme and change of coaches who won;t require 7 step drops. Seriously, Shell and Mr IHOP could not coach n the modern era. Bottom line.

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The most important thing I think is the blocking scheme and change of coaches who won;t require 7 step drops. Seriously, Shell and Mr IHOP could not coach n the modern era. Bottom line.

Greg Knapp hasn't seemed as smart since the glory days of the 49ers offense.

If I were an OAK fan, I'd hope Kiffin is calling most of the shots on offense.

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Greg Knapp hasn't seemed as smart since the glory days of the 49ers offense.

If I were an OAK fan, I'd hope Kiffin is calling most of the shots on offense.


He isin fact going to be making all the calls, with Knapp up in the box offering advice from that perspective. But yes, it's Kiffin's offense to run.

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More than likely shows how unimpressive the options of Josh McCown and Andrew Walter really are.


CPep didn't exactly usurp two seasoned NFL starters for the starting gig.


Taking small portions of my post to make your point is very shady reporter like. The actual point I was making is that C-Pep signed on 7/31 after training camp started. He literally had to digest and adapt to their offense on a fly. Less than a month later he's closing in on the starting gig. That is impressive regardless of what you think about C-Pep, McNown and Walter.

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I was at the game last week. Pepper looked pretty good. He made a few nice scrambles and was pretty accurate. To all those that think we will not be improved I can understand why after last season's debacle, but look this isn't Art Shell's team anymore and we do not have some offensive coordinator from a breakfast inn. Our O line looks much improved and I think we have the talent for Pepper to put up some decent numbers from time to time. Worth a very late round grab in my opinion.

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The only thing I am worried abotu is the line. And with the different scheme, I'm hoping... praying... that it will improve.


CPep looks pretty darn good so far, and as stated, he has been in the Offense for less than 6 weeks. Porter is fine with Al, as Al pretty much talked him into staying. They have always had a decent batch of WRs, and their RBs have promise (I hope Jordan improves and Rhodes is an impact). JR is the future, everybody knows that, and CPep is tryign to prove he is not washed up.


If this Offense improves slightly from last year... maybe 1 more score a game, then we are going to be much improved (can't get much worse). Our Defense was really good, much better than even stats show. It was on the field so often, it woudl wear down by the 4th Qtr. But just as an example, in a 4 week stretch at teh end of last season we went into the 4th holding a lead against SD, DEN and KC. That wasn't because of spectacular play from the Offense. Give those guys a break in each game, and they are going to be a true force to be reckoned with.

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My brother insisted we draft him as our backup in a 12 team league for his work based on his performance last week. I tried to talk him out of it but I wasn't there and didn't have the energy to try and sway him. :D

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with all that's been said here, McCown is getting the start tonight. so i guess McCown's performance tonight will be the determining factor.


It's week 4. Who starts tonight makes very little to no impact as to who starts in week 1 of the regular season with a very few exceptions.

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It's week 4. Who starts tonight makes very little to no impact as to who starts in week 1 of the regular season with a very few exceptions.



nod. McCown is probably playing for a roster spot. Culpepper NOT starting tonight is the biggest sign he will be the week 1 starter IMO.

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Taking small portions of my post to make your point is very shady reporter like. The actual point I was making is that C-Pep signed on 7/31 after training camp started. He literally had to digest and adapt to their offense on a fly. Less than a month later he's closing in on the starting gig. That is impressive regardless of what you think about C-Pep, McNown and Walter.

You didn't say all of that in your original post, but fair enough.


The day CPep signed he was the most talented, experienced QB on their roster... even with no knowledge of the offense. That's not impressive. That makes him their best QB by default.

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nod. McCown is probably playing for a roster spot. Culpepper NOT starting tonight is the biggest sign he will be the week 1 starter IMO.


Culpepper is coming in after McCown....so its not an issue of them keeping Culpepper healthy for the opener. and Kiffin said tonight is an audition for the two of them for the starting spot.

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