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Most annoying football fans?

Dont Rookie Me........

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This is a hands down, lapping the field, close the polls no brainer.


Philadelphia sports fans are the worst in America. If it wasn't for European soccer fans who hurl explosives onto the field, they'd be world champions. Philadelphia fans are sore losers. They are sore winners (not that it ever happens). They do not support those who give everything they have to their teams. They have no sense of loyalty. They cheer when their stars get injured. They drive their most talented players out of town and then complain that their teams suck.


They get what they deserve. They're just douches. Period.


You want to call Philly fans violent go ahead. You want to say there are a bunch of idiots in the fans base, I agree. God knows there is enough ammo over the years to back that up. I think it is a disgrace they way some philly fans act. But you are dead wrong with the loyalty thing. Maybe we turn on players who don't perform up to par. But the Eagles, Phillies, and Flyers are practically always sold out. Hell, even the Phantoms (AHL) and Wings (lacrosse) draw hugh crowds. We stand behind the teams win or lose. We may not always support all of the players, but our loyalty is with the team, not the players who are here for only a few years. If a guy is playing sub-par, like McNabb now, I think it is our right as fans who pay the ticket prices to be able to boo sub-par performances. So if your QB was playing like crap would you cheer and say it is going to be alright?

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Couldnt have said it better myself.


Many people use the derogatory term "The Rust Belt" to describe the series of (often economically-depressed) old steel mill cities extending from Gary, IN through Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo. Similarly, I have labeled the area going from Philly northeast through NYC and northern NJ and up through Boston "The A$$hole Belt." Of course, the label doesn't apply to everybody, but the reputation is well-deserved.

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And where do you live..that you know all of this..bc aaron rowand jimmy rollins are two players that give it their all on the phillies and no one is running them out of town..we mainly complain about managment not doing their job...and yes we harp if a player isnt performing, but they are paid atheletes..they need to perform if they want to stay

he does have a point. Philly fans are always throwing batteries, starting fights and what not. and for the most part, are just abusive a-holes that dont show any passion for the sport, but rather a love for the testosterone and hatred.

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So if your QB was playing like crap would you cheer and say it is going to be alright?


My QB IS playing like crap, and everything ISN'T going to be alright. The front office screwed up big time getting him because he and his daddy wanted what they wanted, for whatever reason it is that they wanted it and cried until they plagued our team with their presence. But I would NEVER boo him during a game. Booing a player on your "favorite" team is like going into work and telling a co-worker that they suck at their job to their face. It doesn't accomplish anything but make them feel like garbage and stroke your own ego. It certainly wouldn't lead to productivity. And other companies would look at that kind of behavior as a glaring weakness.

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My QB IS playing like crap, and everything ISN'T going to be alright. The front office screwed up big time getting him because he and his daddy wanted what they wanted, for whatever reason it is that they wanted it and cried until they plagued our team with their presence.


Actually, your QB isn't playing that badly. Agreed that he's probably not going to be his brother, but it's not like the Giants are in a position to win with that O-line, that defense, or a coach that nobody on the team respects.


But I would NEVER boo him during a game. Booing a player on your "favorite" team is like going into work and telling a co-worker that they suck at their job to their face. It doesn't accomplish anything but make them feel like garbage and stroke your own ego. It certainly wouldn't lead to productivity. And other companies would look at that kind of behavior as a glaring weakness.


Not sure I agree with that, but some of the fans, and especially the media, in NY/Philly/Boston don't exactly help their players thrive. It's no wonder that some players completely fall apart when they join the Yankees.

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Swerski, thanks, ever been to New York or New Jersey? Appreciate the kind words, I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Kind of amusing coming from one of the more "opinionated" huddlers though.


The last time I was in NYC (Dec of '04), a traffic cop threatened to beat the crap out of our cab driver.


Like I said, the label doesn't apply to everybody, but the reputation is well-deserved.

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But I would NEVER boo him during a game. Booing a player on your "favorite" team is like going into work and telling a co-worker that they suck at their job to their face. It doesn't accomplish anything but make them feel like garbage and stroke your own ego. It certainly wouldn't lead to productivity. And other companies would look at that kind of behavior as a glaring weakness.


Or if the player has a strong character it may just light a fire under his a$$. Pat Burrell has taken more crap then any player I can remember in this city. He just praisedthe Philly fans a lot of credit for sticking with the team through thinck and thin. That is some one who really gets it.


I just never understood the idea that players are above criticism, especially from the people who pay their salaries. How else can fans voice their opinion other then at the game?

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Seriously, I didn't mean any offense. My in-laws have lived all of their lives in Western CT (practically NYC) and they're some of the nicest people I've ever met.


Meh, none taken, I just hate generalizations about people in my area. Besides, Sarge agrees with you, so you know your statement has to be somewhat flawed.

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Exactly. And any team with recent success has boisterous fans in numbers which is why the Colts, Steelers, Pats are getting a lot of votes.


You crack me up. There hasn't been one mention of Steelers fans in this thread. I'm assuming you are their first vote.

Edited by Menudo
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Many people use the derogatory term "The Rust Belt" to describe the series of (often economically-depressed) old steel mill cities extending from Gary, IN through Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo. Similarly, I have labeled the area going from Philly northeast through NYC and northern NJ and up through Boston "The A$$hole Belt." Of course, the label doesn't apply to everybody, but the reputation is well-deserved.



That means a lot coming from the likes of you. Now don't forget, the leaves will be falling soon so please get up here and earn your $200 income.

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Or if the player has a strong character it may just light a fire under his a$$.


This sounds like a parent who berates their children and calls them stupid and says "well, how else are they going to learn?". It's a scary mentality.


I think I've had enough of this thread for a while. . .


Nice chatting with you all.



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Exactly. And any team with recent success has boisterous fans in numbers which is why the Colts, Steelers, Pats are getting a lot of votes.

Where are the Steeler votes? I've never had a bad Steeler fan experience. They're passionate, for sure. But I've never had one pick a fight with me for no good reason (like Eagles fan did to me, twice).

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