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MacBook Pro


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I was a huge Mac proponent, and I still prefer it to Windows by a long shot... but I'm an Ubuntu guy now. If you don't mind a little fiddling (and I don't) you get the same types of benefits for half the cost of a Windows box instead of 3 times as much.

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I've got a 2.5GHz, 4GB DDR2 Macbook Pro - the last of the Matte Screen models - love it.


Yep, same machine here. It was actually a really good deal - $1400 after a $100 student discount, plus a free printer adn iPod touch. :wacko:

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All the guys I know who have Macs just love 'em. I think I'm going to have to break down and buy one. I've been resisting it because my wife doesn't want to learn a new system, but I had a Mac a long time ago and it seemed pretty user-freiendly.

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Made the switch over to Macs with a MacBook Pro...loving it. Amazingly simple. Drinking the Kool Aid. Anyone else?


After our 6 year old Dell laptop died for the 3rd time we made the switch early this year. We love it!

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Buying a MAC [assuming you are not into high end graphic or video design] makes as much sense as the Cash for Clunkers program. They cost WAY too much and do not offer squat. People drink the cool-aid and don't know why. For $1049 you can have this baby which I can speak on 1st hand is a million times better than a mac book. After 2 weeks with my MAC book, I sent it back. Now I have this puppy and can't believe I ever spent money on a MAC.

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For $1049 you can have this baby which I can speak on 1st hand is a million times better than a mac book.


I disagree.


Fatal Flaw: "Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit with SP1 preloaded"


It's like buying a Porsche and then spray painting it with feces. That could be the best computer in the world, but it's ruined.

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cliaz does make a valid point even though all the Mac users tend to fail to recognize this. Macs run on the same hardware (Intel) as Windows, has a Unix based operating system (BSD Unix) and significantly less software titles available for use. However they do charge you a premium for their user interface. There are valid reasons to get a Mac but they are most often the ones not spoken of by the MacBorg.

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the MacBorg.




Us poor MacBorg can have a difficult time articulating why the experience is better overall because the number of ways in which it's better is overwhelming.


Having used and administered MacOS, Windows 95-Vista, and several flavors of Unix/Linux, IMO there is really no comparison. The lack of software titles rears it's ugly head once in a while, but there are many solutions to software needs.


I :heart: my fleet of macs.

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I disagree.


Fatal Flaw: "Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit with SP1 preloaded"


It's like buying a Porsche and then spray painting it with feces. That could be the best computer in the world, but it's ruined.








Sorry, buying a MAC is like going to Ruth Chris and ordering a New York Strip w/lobster, getting a McDonald's cheese burger but still expected to pay for the surf and turf. MAC/Apple is pompous and SOOOOO not worth the price. And this is a professional opinion.


However, take a closer look, you get a free windows 7 upgrade. Even still, I must be the only person on the planet that does not experience issues or the rest of the world doesn't know how to use windows correctly. However, if people don't like windows vista home, so be it, wipe it and put XP on it until windows 7 is released.

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MAC/Apple is pompous and SOOOOO not worth the price. And this is a professional opinion.


You'll get no argument from me:

I was a huge Mac proponent, and I still prefer it to Windows by a long shot... but I'm an Ubuntu guy now. If you don't mind a little fiddling (and I don't) you get the same types of benefits for half the cost of a Windows box instead of 3 times as much.


The lack of software titles rears it's ugly head once in a while, but there are many solutions to software needs.


I've switched almost entirely to web apps now, and I'm an early adopter. It'll be much easier even in a year. The browser is becoming the OS... at least, that's what a lot of smart companies are banking on (like Google).

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Buying a MAC [assuming you are not into high end graphic or video design] makes as much sense as the Cash for Clunkers program. They cost WAY too much and do not offer squat. People drink the cool-aid and don't know why. For $1049 you can have this baby which I can speak on 1st hand is a million times better than a mac book. After 2 weeks with my MAC book, I sent it back. Now I have this puppy and can't believe I ever spent money on a MAC.


Wanna buy my Jeep? :wacko:

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alright, I was going to buy my Niece a Macbook for $850 (new) as a graduation present...because I thought that was the best option....


is there a better option for $850?

I will say this much, you get a lot more computer for $850 going Windows than you do Mac. However, if she doesn't know much about computers, just want's to push the ON button and chat with her friends, play Bejeweled, or write a term paper, then a Mac may be the way to go.

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I will say this much, you get a lot more computer for $850 going Windows than you do Mac. However, if she doesn't know much about computers, just want's to push the ON button and chat with her friends, play Bejeweled, or write a term paper, then a Mac may be the way to go.



she knows a bit about computers but I was under the assumption that it was the other way around for $850...


if anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated...

Edited by Avernus
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I will say this much, you get a lot more computer for $850 going Windows than you do Mac. However, if she doesn't know much about computers, just want's to push the ON button and chat with her friends, play Bejeweled, or write a term paper, then a Mac may be the way to go.


Or, if she wants to enable the root login, and learn how to manipulate the underlying unix OS and someday make the real big dollars in the computer industry instead of doing tier 1 helpdesk support for the rest of her life... she could do that.

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