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some good recent quotes


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"It's a stark illustration of the inequities of capitalism that organized labor can only afford to buy one political party, but Wall Street can buy both of them." mickey kaus


"The overarching principle I have is that we should try to make the financial system easy to fix. The more you try to make it harder to break, the more recklessly people will behave." arnold kling


"'Politicians' are composite entities, more like firms than individuals." Garret Jones


"The government war is playing out just as you’d expect it to, strengthening those with pure positions and leaving those of us in the middle in the cross-fire. If the debate were about how to increase productivity or improve living standards, people like me could play. But when the country is wrapped up in a theological debate about the size of government, people like me are stuck crossways, trying to make distinctions no one heeds." David Brooks

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"The overarching principle I have is that we should try to make the financial system easy to fix. The more you try to make it harder to break, the more recklessly people will behave." arnold kling


This one really rings true. Part of my problem with regulation is it gives people a false sense of security. It makes people think the government is doing their due diligence for them. When the government fails to do one of it's main purpose such as protect our borders, what makes people think they are actually going to oversee regulations? If anything, it just gives politicians another hammer to use selectively against their enemies in the future, rather than the consumer any real protections.

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This one really rings true. Part of my problem with regulation is it gives people a false sense of security. It makes people think the government is doing their due diligence for them. When the government fails to do one of it's main purpose such as protect our borders, what makes people think they are actually going to oversee regulations? If anything, it just gives politicians another hammer to use selectively against their enemies in the future, rather than the consumer any real protections.


Perch, what is with the all-of-a-sudden passion for border control? I know you have been against the fed gubmnet (rightly so, IMO) on this issue, but why the sudden surge in anti-immigration posts?

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Perch, what is with the all-of-a-sudden passion for border control? I know you have been against the fed gubmnet (rightly so, IMO) on this issue, but why the sudden surge in anti-immigration posts?


It is a byproduct of the health care debate. When we started debating health care and the costs of it, I really started to recognize the cost illegals put on our state through medicaid, and then started looking at the cost to public education, other social programs, and law enforcement / corrections. Also I now see that Obama is about to start pushing for amnesty which I believe was one of Reagan's biggest mistakes, based on the influx of illegal immigration after this. Of course in fairness to Reagan, the amnesty was supposed to be coupled with stricter border control thereafter that subsequent congresses failed to fund.

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It is a byproduct of the health care debate. When we started debating health care and the costs of it, I really started to recognize the cost illegals put on our state through medicaid, and then started looking at the cost to public education, other social programs, and law enforcement / corrections. Also I now see that Obama is about to start pushing for amnesty which I believe was one of Reagan's biggest mistakes, based on the influx of illegal immigration after this. Of course in fairness to Reagan, the amnesty was supposed to be coupled with stricter border control thereafter that subsequent congresses failed to fund.


You dont have to try and slip in some ode to Ronnie in here . . . a simple straighforward answer is good enough. :wacko:


Illegal imigration is an issue that has been ignored way too long by the fed and local gubmnets, and in many ways has been allowed with a :tup: because it has been in the interests of business to encourage a stream of very low paid employees.


I look forward to the other southern border states to follow Arizona and start enacting some tougher bills to encourage that "fear factor" that SEC referenced. I also wish Florida would get in the act . . . .

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You dont have to try and slip in some ode to Ronnie in here . . . a simple straighforward answer is good enough. :wacko:


Illegal imigration is an issue that has been ignored way too long by the fed and local gubmnets, and in many ways has been allowed with a :tup: because it has been in the interests of business to encourage a stream of very low paid employees.


I look forward to the other southern border states to follow Arizona and start enacting some tougher bills to encourage that "fear factor" that SEC referenced. I also wish Florida would get in the act . . . .


I actually emailed my state representative about it yesterday, telling him it was a damned shame that Arizona is leading the way, and not Texas. I'll see him in a couple of weeks and give him an earful. I actually like the crazy old coot, I used to date his niece. I can't be to hard on him though, as he has introduced legislation regarding illegal immigration several times.

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You dont have to try and slip in some ode to Ronnie in here . . . a simple straighforward answer is good enough. :wacko:


Illegal imigration is an issue that has been ignored way too long by the fed and local gubmnets, and in many ways has been allowed with a :tup: because it has been in the interests of business to encourage a stream of very low paid employees.


I look forward to the other southern border states to follow Arizona and start enacting some tougher bills to encourage that "fear factor" that SEC referenced. I also wish Florida would get in the act . . . .


Maybe we need to start hanging a few of the employers...

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I actually emailed my state representative about it yesterday, telling him it was a damned shame that Arizona is leading the way, and not Texas. I'll see him in a couple of weeks and give him an earful. I actually like the crazy old coot, I used to date his niece. I can't be to hard on him though, as he has introduced legislation regarding illegal immigration several times.


Unfortunately that is where it will fall short. I give Arizona props for doing ANYTHING. It would be great if more states followed suit and then pressured the feds to step up enforcement.

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  • 1 month later...
I believe that greater concentration of power in the hands of government experts is wrong for two reasons. First, other things equal, it diminishes the liberty and dignity of the typical individual. Second, I believe that experts systematically over-estimate the value of what they know and under-estimate the value of what they do not know.


This second problem is getting worse. As I argue in the widely-unread Unchecked and Unbalanced, knowledge is becoming more dispersed while political power in the United States is becoming more concentrated.



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In a sense, Obama is hoist on his own petard. The man who blames Bush for everything now finds there are some things presidents cannot do. More deeply, the opposition party that persuades the public government can solve all their problems, discovers once in power there are problems their government cannot solve.


Alas, it will take more time than they have to learn the next lesson: that governments which try to solve the insoluble, more or less invariably, make each problem worse.

david warren
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"Man is a social being, and his desire for community will not be denied. The liberated individual is just as likely to become the alienated individual, the paranoid individual, the lonely and desperately-seeking-community individual. And if he can’t find that community on a human scale, then he’ll look for it on an inhuman scale—in the total community of the totalizing state."


Ross Douthat

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"People need to wake up and understand that be it Republican or Democrat, their goals and objectives are not to help us. No, both sides of the fence have a common goal and that is to pit us against each other over political topics that will never be solved while they empty the coffers...and by coffers I mean the American people's wealth and assets...and my empty I mean rape." ~Me


And for the United States of America to go down in history..."If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error." ~John Kenneth Galbraith


"If you really think the Republican Agenda is right or that the Democratic agenda is right then you are hopeless. Our federal government is a tool for control that goes against a lot of what our Constitution states and we are merely the cobblestones the government walks over to get to their next pay day." ~Me


"Life's like a d*ck, when it gets hard - screw it." ~Me

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