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For those going through or already divorced


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I hate to read all the horror tales in the other divorce thread, as a relative noob to the arena myself (5 years next Feb).


So for those willing to share, what did it? Did you just grow apart, was there an affair...? Did you try counseling?

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IF the wife doesn't start cleaning the house a bit better, more often. My house looks like the fu(king Bin Laden compound... after the raid.

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we married too young and found out eight years later that we weren't really all that compatible.


me too, exactly. Married my high school sweetheart, we both went to college, got jobs and it was the next logical step, even though Im pretty sure we both knew it was wrong before we did it.

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My first marriage - we just did it too young. I was in the military and we maintained a 2 year long-distance relationship that gave the illusion that we were in love. I was young, away from home for the first time etc... We married when I was 20 (she was 18) and it lasted 6 years. I'd say about a year into it I knew it wouldn't last but the fighter in me kept me from acting on my instinct. Plus there's the 'comfort zone' factor. In the end the divorce was the best thing and I wish I had done it sooner. The longer you delay the inevitable the worse it is and the more you hold yourself back.


Now on wife #2 who is my soul mate so it's all good in the end :wacko:

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Out of curiosity, why did y'all get married a second time? My thinking would be once bitten, twice shy. Now if you're doing it for religious reasons, I can understand, but other than that, it seems like if two people want to be together, they are going to be together regardless, and a legal contract isn't necessary.

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Out of curiosity, why did y'all get married a second time? My thinking would be once bitten, twice shy. Now if you're doing it for religious reasons, I can understand, but other than that, it seems like if two people want to be together, they are going to be together regardless, and a legal contract isn't necessary.


Tell that to the gheys. :wacko:


I've derailed this enough, I'm out...

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Out of curiosity, why did y'all get married a second time? My thinking would be once bitten, twice shy. Now if you're doing it for religious reasons, I can understand, but other than that, it seems like if two people want to be together, they are going to be together regardless, and a legal contract isn't necessary.

Trust me, I was in no hurry. We dated for 5 years before finally getting married. I was perfectly fine staying un-married but if you're with a girl who has not been married and you want to keep that girl, you best be marrying her a$$. You gotta keep in mind too that most girls fantasize their whole lives about their wedding day. So while most men are happy getting the milk for free, most women are not happy with that arrangement. Bottom line, if you want to keep the girl, you better marry her a$$!!

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So while most men are happy getting the milk for free, most women are not happy with that arrangement. Bottom line, if you want to keep the girl, you better marry her a$$!!

That was certainly the case for me. I said for years that I'd never get married. In retrospect I'm glad I took the plunge, though at the time it was a bit of an ultimatum.

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it's really rather difficult to act married, legally, without being married or other kinds of contracts. I'm probably wrong. As for being afraid a second time, I'd hope one would learn from the first time. My 2nd wife is completely different from my first and I knew very quickly that we'd be together til the end. Also, just seems easier if you want kids.


I was so adamant about having the same last name so it wouldn't be an issue with kids that if she didn't take mine, I'd have taken hers. We know several couples who have their original last names with kids. I'm not really sure how it all works out. I guess hyphenated shared last names?





My wife kept her last name. Our kids took my last name. Doesn't really cause any issues.

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My wife has been doin this Jim guy 3-4 times a week. I built the house and am not leaving and she keeps comin home :tup:






You seriously can't really be this dense can you........breathe grasshopper breathe

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My wife has been doin this Jim guy 3-4 times a week. I built the house and am not leaving and she keeps comin home :wacko:


Yeah, so if you want a divorce, it means she gets half of everything, right? Even if you provide evidence that she's been unfaithful, you'd most likely have to move and take a financial loss.

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My wife has been doin this Jim guy 3-4 times a week. I built the house and am not leaving and she keeps comin home :tup:






Yeah, so if you want a divorce, it means she gets half of everything, right? Even if you provide evidence that she's been unfaithful, you'd most likely have to move and take a financial loss.



You have a couple of live ones here Nuke :lol:



Just a hint for you guys, do Gym and Jim sound the same?

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