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New fee coming to a debit card near you


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So Well Fargo announced that it is pilot-testing a program in a few states in which they will charge $3/month for their customers to use a debit card. Not that big a fee to the end user, but likely billions in future revenue for the bank. Other banks have said they would charge their customers a per transaction fee as much as 21 cents. For a guy like me that uses my debit card multiple times a day, that could well amount to over $15 per month.


However, a poll showed that 61% of customers would find another way to pay for items, and get cash from ATMs, if hit with this fee. The question is, could you go without using your debit card? Not sure I could, unless I just picked one credit card, used it, and paid it off every month.

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it's like havin ta pay for parkin at a hotel, shoe :wacko: ya that's alot of gravy, if ya have a certain balance i don't think mine charges, my kid was gettin an acct. at a credit union and they said 3 free and people are just getting "Want Cash" and that doesn't cost towards the 3....who uses a check anymore, somebodys always findin a way ta put ya in a vise

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I don't get this, the banks don't make money when you withdraw. I know they would lose me as a customer if they did this, but I'm betting that a lot of the people who stay will just start withdrawing cash instead. When a person withdraws cash for purchases they generally take out more than they actually need and in turn that is less money being held by the bank. It seems to me that they would stand to lose revenue off of this deal rather than gain. :wacko:

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I don't get this, the banks don't make money when you withdraw. I know they would lose me as a customer if they did this, but I'm betting that a lot of the people who stay will just start withdrawing cash instead. When a person withdraws cash for purchases they generally take out more than they actually need and in turn that is less money being held by the bank. It seems to me that they would stand to lose revenue off of this deal rather than gain. :wacko:


bankers are dipchits.

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I'll just make cash only transactions...use my bank to receive money and then withdraw ..


That harkens back to the days prior to debit cards...which I don't think most of the population will tolerate. I know there have been plenty of times I have made a purchase after banking hours (which would prevent me from accessing my cash), or online, which if I tried to do what you suggest, would be impossible without a debit card.


I am thinking they did a lot of research, and determined that a small $3 fee per account per month would be rather transparent to the customer, but make them millions.

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I never use a debit card, only credit. I don't like how they can hold more than the transaction amount and I don't want to worry about my balance even with overdraft protection. Besides, the credit card is cash back and I pay it off every month.

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I am thinking they did a lot of research, and determined that a small $3 fee per account per month would be rather transparent to the customer, but make them millions.



Plus, they can always test the waters and see how it goes.


This is another reason I hate all these mergers that have allowed these mega-banks to exist. Years ago we had a lot more choices. Now all it takes is for 4 or 5 of these mega-banks to adopt this policy and 90% of us will be screwed.

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The free market had developed for the instant use of debit/credit cards and had settled out so that the banks could absorb the cost in various ways. Well, the recent bill passed and capped the fees banks were allowed to charge each other. An article from USA Today about the issue. Just like rent control, price ceilings and other gov't interference in the free market, this crap doesn't happen in a vacuum. Now, because of this, there will be usage fees. ALL HAIL OBAMESSIAH!

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The free market had developed for the instant use of debit/credit cards and had settled out so that the banks could absorb the cost in various ways. Well, the recent bill passed and capped the fees banks were allowed to charge each other. An article from USA Today about the issue. Just like rent control, price ceilings and other gov't interference in the free market, this crap doesn't happen in a vacuum. Now, because of this, there will be usage fees. ALL HAIL OBAMESSIAH!

Not a case of what they charged each other, but what they charged retailers. This was a hugh fight between two mighty lobbies - retailers and banks. A pox on both of them but trust you to make it Obama's fault.

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That harkens back to the days prior to debit cards...which I don't think most of the population will tolerate. I know there have been plenty of times I have made a purchase after banking hours (which would prevent me from accessing my cash), or online, which if I tried to do what you suggest, would be impossible without a debit card.


I am thinking they did a lot of research, and determined that a small $3 fee per account per month would be rather transparent to the customer, but make them millions.


would they still charge this for using their ATM? because my bank has 24/7 ATM's...

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Not a case of what they charged each other, but what they charged retailers. This was a hugh fight between two mighty lobbies - retailers and banks. A pox on both of them but trust you to make it Obama's fault.


Oh, and the point was that retailers had built it into the prices of their goods. So now the retailers won't lower prices unless they must to compete and the banks will start charging their customers. Once again, gov't interference in the marketplace is a boon for those who contribute to their campaigns, and we get screwed.

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I believe so...if you are issued a debit card, you incur the fee (at least that's what I understand the wording to mean).

Yes, this is a monthly fee. As I understand it, whether you use it or not, as long as you have one then you get charged.

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Oh, and the point was that retailers had built it into the prices of their goods. So now the retailers won't lower prices unless they must to compete and the banks will start charging their customers. Once again, gov't interference in the marketplace is a boon for those who contribute to their campaigns, and we get screwed.



Leave it to you to miss it being a chicken and egg thing: govt regulations set this up to begin with. :tup: Now they get tweaked and it's only the tweak that represents big bad 'fedgov' while missing the fact that the free market allows us to bank at places that don't use these fees. Hey, here's a thought - maybe the regs weren't all that great to begin with... :wacko:

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