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They do have a prosthetic for that...


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SHELBYVILLE, Ky. — A Kentucky man suing a doctor for amputating his penis testified Monday that he wanted to flee the hospital when he learned part of the organ had been removed.


In this Aug. 18, 2011 photo, Phillip Seaton of Waddy, Ky., center, stands to leave court with his attorney Kevin George and wife Deborah after jury selection in their case against Dr. John Patterson, of Louisville, at the Shelby County Courthouse in Shelbyville, Ky. The dispute over the necessity of amputating Seaton's penis during surgery in 2008 is set to go to trial Monday, Aug. 22. (AP Photo/Brian Bohannon)


Former truck driver Phillip Seaton testified during his civil trial against Dr. John Patterson that the doctor came into his room after the 2007 surgery that was supposed to have been a circumcision. Patterson's attorney said during opening arguments that he had no choice but to remove the tip of Seaton's penis because it was riddled with deadly penile cancer.


Seaton recalled Patterson telling him, "The bad news is you have cancer. The good news is I had to cut some of your penis off."


Seaton said he then went into the restroom.


"I pulled the dressing down, and I didn't see nothing," Seaton said under questioning by his attorney, Kevin George. "Then I came out of the restroom and I said, 'I'm getting the hell out of this damn hospital.'"


Seaton, 64, and his wife, Deborah, are seeking unspecified damages for "loss of service, love and affection."


Deborah Seaton covered her face and cried when George asked her husband how he has felt since the surgery.


"It's all been a dream," Phillip Seaton replied. "I ain't woke up yet."


He said he's a "bad case."


"I didn't have no say in it," he testified. "I wasn't told what had to be done. It was just done."


Patterson's attorney, Clay Robinson, said during opening arguments in Shelby County Circuit Court that the doctor discovered deadly penile cancer during the surgery, and that Seaton had initialed a document authorizing treatment in unforeseen circumstances.


George had said during opening statements that the document had been read to him because Seaton cannot read.


Seaton testified that Patterson had told him he would cut foreskin during the circumcision and described it as "more or less in and out." He said he had even joked with the doctor about the procedure.


Robinson said during opening arguments that Patterson was faced with "a dreaded dilemma" during surgery upon discovering the cancer, which he said was invasive and could only be treated by surgical removal. He told jurors his client removed only the tip of Seaton's penis because it was so riddled with cancer it "had the appearance of rotten cauliflower."


"Mr. Seaton is here today, able to be in this courtroom ... because John Patterson saved his life," Robinson said.


Jurors were shown graphic images.


George presented four photographs of Seaton's groin saying, "You can see there's nothing there." He also told jurors that Seaton "doesn't feel like a man" anymore.


Robinson offered up a photograph of the cancerous tip of a penis — not Seaton's.


Seaton's brother, David Seaton, later testified that Phillip Seaton has been depressed and angry since the surgery.


"The spark is gone out of his life. He used to be such a happy person," David Seaton testified.

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It is apparent that Dr. works on tips.


I wonder if he added the tip to the bill?


No sense in losing your head over this.


Sounds like a rather heady situation.


That doctor wasn't dicking around, he is at the tip-top of his profession.

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Get yer bunz over to MSHB and prick. :wacko:


PS...I was looking for a pick name that would go with this story....to no avail. :tup:



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His case was flacid...



(CBS/AP) First Phillip Seaton lost his penis. Now the 64-year-old truck driver has lost his case against the surgeon who "took his manhood."


A Kentucky jury returned with a verdict Wednesday against Seaton, who sued his urologist claiming the doctor amputated his penis without consent. Seaton had been seeking up to $16 million in damages for "loss of service, love and affection."


The jury ruled unanimously against the claim that Dr. John Patterson of Frankfort had failed to exercise proper care.


Seaton's attorney, Kevin George, said he planned to appeal the ruling on the grounds that a doctor can change a consent for surgery only if there is a danger of imminent death.


"There was no emergency, no reason to do it," George said of the amputation.


One urologist who testified for Seaton agreed.


"I couldn't identify any emergency situation that dictated an amputation," said Dr. David Benson, who added such a procedure was "psychologically debilitating."


Another urologist, Dr. William Monnig, testified that taking the time to consult with the family would have given the potentially lethal cancer time to spread.


Penile cancer strikes more than 1,300 men per year, killing 300. Uncircumcised men who fail to keep the area under their foreskin clean are at a higher risk. So are men with a history of genital warts.


Besides surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are potential treatments. Surgical options include a partial or total penectomy. In these cases, doctors create a new opening that allows urine to pass through the body.


How can men cut their risk of developing penile cancer? Circumcision, good personal hygiene if uncircumcised, and safe sex practices that reduce the risk of catching HPV.

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