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Hurricane Irene


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its not that it is 70 mph wind, it is that the wind is constant, never stopping and will uproot trees. You are going to get alot, I mean alot of rain for days, yes days.


so you're saying I won't have to shower for days?....this saves on my water bill....another success for me,....:wacko:

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so you're saying I won't have to shower for days?....this saves on my water bill....another success for me,....:wacko:

you wouldn't want to drink the tap water anyway. think about it, everything in the sewers, all the trash around, the used sewer water, all of that is gonna be thrown right back in the mix. :tup:

Edited by Scooby's Hubby
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its not that it is 70 mph wind, it is that the wind is constant, never stopping and will uproot trees. You are going to get alot, I mean alot of rain for days, yes days.

rain ends on Sunday...Mon-Fri is mid 80s and all sun.

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I think they are categorized by sustained wind speed. Bigger diameter actually reduces that maybe - think of a skater spinning. Of course this one will impact more people due to that size. Although here in Raleigh it hasn't been much as far as hurricanes go.

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Tree down in my front yard...luckily it fell away from the house and just missed the front end of my truck.


My wife is pretty freaked out because the other oaks around the house are swaying pretty badly too. Trying my

best to comfort her but not the easiest thing to do right now....and that tree has me and our road blocked in...if a tree falls on the

house and we have to leave I could probably get out by driving up the hill across the street in my neighbors yard...but don't want to do that if I don't have too...plus driving in this right now wouldn't be very safe either....add to it that the news reported a tree fell on an apt. complex and killed a 9-11yr old boy and you can understand the mood here

Edited by keggerz
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size comparisons, irene, ike, isabel, katrina & charley

For the most part size doesn't really tell you a lot. Hurricanes are pretty unique, each one having it's own "personality." Some storms have the really high winds, some like Katrina push a really strong storm surge, some like Irene just dump a lot of rain. The winds aren't necessarily what do a lot of the damage, but when you have so much rain constantly coming down in a prolonged period it saturates and softens the ground. Then the wind you have starts pushing over trees and telephone poles. that's where most of your damage will come from unless you live right on the water.

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Tree down in my front yard...luckily it fell away from the house and just missed the front end of my truck.


My wife is pretty freaked out because the other oaks around the house are swaying pretty badly too. Trying my

best to comfort her but not the easiest thing to do right now....and that tree has me and our road blocked in...if a tree falls on the

house and we have to leave I could probably get out by driving up the hill across the street in my neighbors yard...but don't want to do that if I don't have too...plus driving in this right now wouldn't be very safe either....add to it that the news reported a tree fell on an apt. complex and killed a 9-11yr old boy and you can understand the mood here

My advice would be to stay in a room away from the remaining trees. Pay attention to the direction of the wind and watch for them showing any lean. If it does fall on the house you're going to want to be there to help minimize the water damage. Unless you're flooding or the house is extremely damaged or the trees are beginning to lean your way with the wind pushing them towards you, I would highly recommend not trying to move.

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My advice would be to stay in a room away from the remaining trees. Pay attention to the direction of the wind and watch for them showing any lean. If it does fall on the house you're going to want to be there to help minimize the water damage. Unless you're flooding or the house is extremely damaged or the trees are beginning to lean your way with the wind pushing them towards you, I would highly recommend not trying to move.

been doing basically all that...no plan to leave...what sucks is i cant do anything because of my back surgery...the hospital bed I am in is in a room that is in the line of where 2 trees could come down on...so my wife had to move the bed into the kitchen which is under our second story and in a much safer spot...just sucks not being able to help...but we will be sleeping in the kitchen tonite...the next 2-4 hours are supposed to be the nastiest of the storm.

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