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who's workin?

nuke'em ttg

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I can no longer distinquish between "work" and whatever the other time is called. Up at 5:30, did chores, then started work in garden. Grandson wakes up, wants pancakes and bacon (he's 4 and I will stop whatever I am doing to make him whatever he wants!), everyone else gets up and I end up cooking breakfast for all (my pleasure). Then out to the garden and continue handpicking a quarter acre of edamame beans. Take a break, plants some lettuce, spinach, and radishes in one of the vacant raised beds. Son-in-law ready to do some tractor work for me, got him going after having to pull start the $%#@!% because it's 70 years old and gets tired. Haul 80 pounds of dog food into the house because I forgot it and left it in the truck overnight. Go back to the edamames. SIL has the tractor die at the other end of the farm. Have to go start it again. Put away chainsaw and other tools from yesterday's work. Came in the house to wish Big John a Happy Birthday.


Plus I'm in an auction that starts tonight at 10:30 Central when my normal bedtime is around 10:00.


I am blessed beyond measure! :wacko:

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