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Fox Sports admits fabrication of newspaper headlines




So they are using the same methods in their sports reporting?


During the Bears season opener, Fox Sports wanted to reference some headlines that questioned Jay Cutler’s toughness in last year’s NFC Championship game.


Since no headlines actually existed in any newspaper, Fox decided to make them up. And then say they were real. Seriously.


Here are the three headlines Fox used as a graphic, via Poynter:


1. “Cutler Leaves With Injury”


2. “Cutler Lacks Courage”


3. “Cutler’s No Leader”


Fox analyst Darryl Johnston backed them up by saying “these are the actual headlines from the local papers in Chicago.”


Except they weren’t. The Chicago Tribune thought the headlines sounded fishy because Cutler was defended locally. They did an investigation, and there no such headlines in Chicago. Or anywhere else in the country.


“It was misleading,” admitted FOX Sports spokesman Dan Bell.


It’s more than misleading. They intentionally made up headlines and then went out of their way to say they were real.


“Our attempt was to capture the overall sentiment nationwide following that game,” Bell said.


We’re confused by the strategy. Why make up headlines when they could just hack into Cutler’s voice mail and create a real one?

Edited by rajncajn
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No news org in my lifetime has ever fabricated something and passed it off as factual. This is at least the 3rd time in a year and a half by Fox. It's clear that they should have their FCC broadcast license pulled until they learn to at least act like a legit organization. Disgusting, both them and their defenders. :wacko:

Edited by Pope Flick
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No news org in my lifetime has ever fabricated something and passed it off as factual. This is at least the 3rd time in a year and a half by Fox. It's clear that they should have their FCC broadcast license pulled until they learn to at least act like a legit organization. Disgusting, both them and their defenders. :wacko:


I didn't realize you were less than 6 years old.

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I didn't realize you were less than 6 years old.

No, the 6 year olds run Fox. A broadcast license is a very big thing and should not be chit on, much less repeatedly. It should be handled responsibly which they're clearly incapable of handling, much like I guess you cant handle simple concepts like this.

Edited by Pope Flick
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No news org in my lifetime has ever fabricated something and passed it off as factual. This is at least the 3rd time in a year and a half by Fox. It's clear that they should have their FCC broadcast license pulled until they learn to at least act like a legit organization. Disgusting, both them and their defenders. :wacko:


As a former journalist, I agree with this completely. Although I gotta tell you, three blatant fabrications at Fox News is basically a pretty good week for them.

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No, the 6 year olds run Fox. A broadcast license is a very big thing and should not be chit on, much less repeatedly. It should be handled responsibly which they're clearly incapable of handling, much like I guess you cant handle simple concepts like this.


You mean like CBS and Dan Rather trying to bring down a President with an unvetted report that was false, and then Rather stolidly stood by it after it was exposed? That happened in 2005, so I had to surmise that you were 5 years old or less since you stated that something like this never happened in your lifetime with any other mass media outlet.


And you'll notice I'm not defending Fox, but rather showing you that they aren't the only corrupt members of the 4th estate. There's a reason more than half the country has little or no confidence in any of the LSM.


So you can unbunch your panties now.

Edited by Bronco Billy
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You mean like CBS and Dan Rather trying to bring down a President with an unvetted report that was false, and then Rather stolidly stood by it after it was exposed? That happened in 2005, so I had to surmise that you were 5 years old or less since you stated that something like this never happened in your lifetime with any other mass media outlet.


And you'll notice I'm not defending Fox, but rather showing you that they aren't the only corrupt members of the 4th estate. There's a reason more than half the country has little or no confidence in any of the LSM.


So you can unbunch your panties now.


And after you unbunch your panties, if you're just going to throw them away, could I have them?

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Anyone familiar with Rupert Murdoch ought to know that anything published by any of his media, whether print, radio, TV or Internet, needs to be eyed very critically. Murdoch is completely without scruples of any kind and he makes sure his staff work the same way. The entire organization operates on fear and lies.

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You mean like CBS and Dan Rather trying to bring down a President with an unvetted report that was false, and then Rather stolidly stood by it after it was exposed? That happened in 2005, so I had to surmise that you were 5 years old or less since you stated that something like this never happened in your lifetime with any other mass media outlet.


And you'll notice I'm not defending Fox, but rather showing you that they aren't the only corrupt members of the 4th estate. There's a reason more than half the country has little or no confidence in any of the LSM.


So you can unbunch your panties now.


Because one example from six years ago clearly puts CBS on the same level as Faux News. :wacko:

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Because one example from six years ago clearly puts CBS on the same level as Faux News. :wacko:


I'm not defending Fox news or sports and agree with the comments here about them. But to pretend that the rest of the LSM is any different is laughable. There's a reason why you can watch any of them on any given day and get talking points being pawned off as news, using the exact same vernacular from multiple vacuous beautiful people on multiple major networks.


Now I'll quit. This should be headed to the tailgate so that GOPers and Dems can embark on their pissing contest.

Edited by Bronco Billy
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I'm not defending Fox news or sports and agree with the comments here about them. But to pretend that the rest of the LSM is any different is laughable. There's a reason why you can watch any of them on any given day and get talking points being pawned off as news, using the exact same vernacular from multiple vacuous beautiful people on multiple major networks.


Now I'll quit. This should be headed to the tailgate so that GOPers and Dems can embark on their pissing contest.


Hey, hey.... hey!!! You keep this crap out of my beloved Tailgate. :wacko:

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What is unfortunate about Pope Flick's post is that Fox has set the new standard in crappy journalism and that, in itself, is enough to bash them mercilessly. None the less, as BB points out, their actions are not entirely unprecedented in main-stream media, even if they've distanced themselves from the competition in this regard.


So, yes, Fox should be punished for their continued disregard for actually covering news and not making chight up. Up to, and perhaps including having their license ripped from them. At very least, they should take their spot among the hack tabloids where they belong. But we shouldn't, however, pretend that this has never been done by anyone else who is considered a legit news source.

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I'm not defending Fox news or sports and agree with the comments here about them. But to pretend that the rest of the LSM is any different is laughable. There's a reason why you can watch any of them on any given day and get talking points being pawned off as news, using the exact same vernacular from multiple vacuous beautiful people on multiple major networks.


Now I'll quit. This should be headed to the tailgate so that GOPers and Dems can embark on their pissing contest.


There is a fundamental difference between media bias and fabrication of headlines. You dont get it, and call other people names. :wacko: Dan Rather is a great example and it cost him his career AND he was the victim of the hoax as well. Im glad he took the hit becuasr unlike you I believe integrity is important. Fox continues to do it and no one has been docked a paycheck. Your Fox blinders are disgusting as well so yes you should leave before you dig a bigger hole here.


Detlef - what's unfortunate about your post is you made something up: please provide an example where headlines were fabricated OR lies were presented as factual news on a station different than Fox - please go find one to back that up because I call BS. And bias doesn't count I'm asking for an equivalent here.

Edited by Pope Flick
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