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Younger People Are Angry


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You teatards sure have a lot of OWS envy.


This coming from the guy who has posted anti-Tea Party articles and comments every 15 minutes since 2009? Who has got the envy? I think Flea Baggers like you do.

Edited by tosberg34
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But it's okay to injure the police by throwing rocks at them and whatever else you can get your hands on? Listen, if you're going to be stupid enough to break the law, riot and throw crap at the police you better AT LEAST be smart enough to know that it might not end pretty for you.


Please provide a link showing Oakland police who were injured or put in the hospital. I'm too brain dead to look. TIA

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Please provide a link showing Oakland police who were injured or put in the hospital. I'm too brain dead to look. TIA


So you don't think hitting someone with rocks, glass bottles, etc... doesn't cause injury? I don't need to provide a link - just have one of your Flea Bagger friends throw a rock at your head and then report back to us whether you were injured or not.


I'll be waiting ever so patiently for your next post. TIA.

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why is how much they have relative to people in Rwanda irrelevant, but how much they have relative to the wall street banker is supremely relevant? I am not sure I get the logic.


I wasn't talking about people in Rwanda, I was talking specifically about the growth and unprecedented absolute heights in median income and living standards here, in the US, over the relevant time frame. what actually matters in the context of this argument is how much people have relative to what they themselves or people similarly stationed had over past periods. what they have relative to extremes of wealth or poverty is indeed a red herring -- so maybe you should stop throwing them out there.

To answer your first paragraph, because relating an individual here to an individual in Rwanda has no logical meaning since they exist without any connectivity between them. Relating two people who must exist in the same socioeconomic system is relevant.


The standard of living in the US is undeniably the highest in the world (though some of that is dependent on the measure used but let's pass on that now because it too is irrelevant, as is any comparison outside the US in this context).


You still haven't acknowledged the existence of two post-war periods, which my graph makes very clear. You keep insisting that it's all one period, which it obviously isn't.


By your own argument ("what actually matters in the context of this argument is how much people have relative to what they themselves or people similarly stationed had over past periods"), why would a return to higher levels of taxation for wealthy people be a bad thing? After all, what actually matters is their position relative to people similarly stationed in past periods, no?

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So you don't think hitting someone with rocks, glass bottles, etc... doesn't cause injury? I don't need to provide a link - just have one of your Flea Bagger friends throw a rock at your head and then report back to us whether you were injured or not.


I'll be waiting ever so patiently for your next post. TIA.


Maybe hitting a civilian will cause injury but not a cop in riot gear. Amirite?

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Maybe hitting a civilian will cause injury but not a cop in riot gear. Amirite?


Boy, when you miss you miss BIG.


Let me see if I can break it down for you:


a) Why should the cops even have riot gear on? If the Flea Baggers were obeying the law this would all be unecessary. No one would be injured.


:wacko: So now you're defending throwing objects at the police with riot gear on because there is absolutely ZERO injury risk to the cops?


c) Cops get injured ALL the time during riots, even with riot gear on. Are you that slow that you actually think throwing rocks, glass bottles or whatever DOESN'T cause injury? C'mon, man. You're not that saying that, are you?


If you still can't understand it, maybe someone else on these forums can break it down in even simpler terms for you. I've gone as far as I can.

Edited by tosberg34
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Please excuse the lateness of my reply, as a member of the mortgage industry I have been otherwise occupied savaging the unsuspecting public, tying damsels in distress to railroad tracks, etc.


Speaking as a long-time member of the economics profession, I concur with nothing that you have written.


If you are a Keynesian don't bother to reply, your philosophy is collapsing.Once you've ceased sobbing into your pillow I recommend beginning anew with Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson. Once you have gotten your mind right we shall proceed further.



Well, you would, wouldn't you? :wacko:


Would you do me a favor and post any example you have of a lender being forced by any government agency to lend money to someone who could not pay it back? Thanks.


Certainly! Here is an article from The Von Mises Institute which should clear things up a bit (note the date). Prepare yourself, it is based in fact and logic, something which most of us aren't ready to accept:




Once you've digested it, I will happily post some more :tup:

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Please excuse the lateness of my reply, as a member of the mortgage industry I have been otherwise occupied savaging the unsuspecting public, tying damsels in distress to railroad tracks, etc.




If you are a Keynesian don't bother to reply, your philosophy is collapsing.Once you've ceased sobbing into your pillow I recommend beginning anew with Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson. Once you have gotten your mind right we shall proceed further.





Certainly! Here is an article from The Von Mises Institute which should clear things up a bit (note the date). Prepare yourself, it is based in fact and logic, something which most of us aren't ready to accept:




Once you've digested it, I will happily post some more :wacko:


Don't hold your breath. I've posted a few articles showing how governments interference in capitalism, not a failure in capitalism caused the housing bubble and subsequent recession, asking both wiegie and ursa to comment, and they have yet to do so.

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Don't hold your breath. I've posted a few articles showing how governments interference in capitalism, not a failure in capitalism caused the housing bubble and subsequent recession, asking both wiegie and ursa to comment, and they have yet to do so.



Thanks for the heads up but I gathered that I had addressed those that will not listen. The illogical among us refuse to acknowledge reason, it is not in their nature; only the inevitable collapse will ring true with such as those.

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Certainly! Here is an article from The Von Mises Institute which should clear things up a bit (note the date). Prepare yourself, it is based in fact and logic, something which most of us aren't ready to accept:




Once you've digested it, I will happily post some more :wacko:

Read the whole thing not once but twice and I remain completely unconvinced. I also remain entirely without an example of a bank being forced to make a loan it didn't want to, despite the vague protestations to the contrary contained in your article.

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Don't hold your breath. I've posted a few articles showing how governments interference in capitalism, not a failure in capitalism caused the housing bubble and subsequent recession, asking both wiegie and ursa to comment, and they have yet to do so.

We have both repeatedly replied to your constant attempts to blame the evil gubment.

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Read the whole thing not once but twice and I remain completely unconvinced. I also remain entirely without an example of a bank being forced to make a loan it didn't want to, despite the vague protestations to the contrary contained in your article.


Fire two:



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I would be interested to hear how our current situation does not end in collapse. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


Spare me the "eat the rich" arguments, I'd love to hear how the aforementioned aside you will continue our Keynesian "prosperity".

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Boy, when you miss you miss BIG.


Let me see if I can break it down for you:


a) Why should the cops even have riot gear on? If the Flea Baggers were obeying the law this would all be unecessary. No one would be injured.


:wacko: So now you're defending throwing objects at the police with riot gear on because there is absolutely ZERO injury risk to the cops?


c) Cops get injured ALL the time during riots, even with riot gear on. Are you that slow that you actually think throwing rocks, glass bottles or whatever DOESN'T cause injury? C'mon, man. You're not that saying that, are you?


If you still can't understand it, maybe someone else on these forums can break it down in even simpler terms for you. I've gone as far as I can.


All I'm understanding from you is that you think a protest should end when the government's cops say so. And the tally so far is at least one unarmed protester has been injured while the police only have bruised egos.

Edited by WaterMan
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All I'm understanding from you is that you think a protest should end when the government's cops say so. And the tally so far is at least one unarmed protester has been injured while the police only have bruised egos.




Dude - you're amazing. Keep up the good work.

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