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I have a complaint...


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What the hell is wrong with the media today?!?!?!?! I am more specifically calling out written media. It seems that every freaking day I read the AJC, NY TImes, WSJ, CBS News, CNN, ABC News, etc... That the columns are rife with spelling and grammatical errors.


Who the are these news outlets hiring? Today CBS News spells "Tunisia" as "Tunesia" and it is on the front page of their website. Last night I read anarticle that lookedsomething like thisall the words jumbled togetherwith no punctuation orspacing in somecases and a number ofmisspelings...


The AJC is even worse than most of the other media outlets (though I did find it hughmorous the other day when in a CNN article they stated that a 23% federal sales tax means you will pay $1.30 for something that used to cost 1.00...) It seems every day, in almost every article, there are multiple errors.


Do the journalists not have a grasp of the English Language and grammar, are editors not proofreading the crap that the writers are putting forth, are the staff of these media groups plagued by too heavy of a workload to keep from making these errors? I don't know...


But, no matter to what the article pertains, I can not take it "seriously" when I see these instances of errors that most 8th graders would pick up on.

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Do the journalists not have a grasp of the English Language and grammar, are editors not proofreading the crap that the writers are putting forth, are the staff of these media groups plagued by too heavy of a workload to keep from making these errors? I don't know...


But, no matter to what the article pertains, I can not take it "seriously" when I see these instances of errors that most 8th graders would pick up on.


I can't take your rant seriously until you fix the above.

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What the hell is wrong with the media today?!?!?!?! I am more specifically calling out written media. It seems that every freaking day I read the AJC, NY TImes, WSJ, CBS News, CNN, ABC News, etc... That the columns are rife with spelling and grammatical errors.


Who the fu(k are these news outlets hiring? Today CBS News spells "Tunisia" as "Tunesia" and it is on the front page of their website. Last night I read anarticle that lookedsomething like thisall the words jumbled togetherwith no punctuation orspacing in somecases and a number ofmisspelings...


The AJC is even worse than most of the other media outlets (though I did find it hughmorous the other day when in a CNN article they stated that a 23% federal sales tax means you will pay $1.30 for something that used to cost 1.00...) It seems every day, in almost every article, there are multiple errors.


Do the journalists not have a grasp of the English Language and grammar, are editors not proofreading the crap that the writers are putting forth, are the staff of these media groups plagued by too heavy of a workload to keep from making these errors? I don't know...


But, no matter to what the article pertains, I can not take it "seriously" when I see these instances of errors that most 8th graders would pick up on.

I agree, grammar has gone down the crapper out in society in general and it is reflected in the media. My biggest pet peeve: "there are" isn't used at all anymore, everyone says "there's" regardless of singular or plural object. Drives me f'n nuts.

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It's because the education of this country has been handled by politicians and bureaucrats who cater to unions and money, not trying to better the education.


"When school children start paying union dues, that's when I'll start representing the interests of school children." - Albert Shanker, Former President of the American Federation of Teachers

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6th grade???


Only thing I can figure is that I should have excluded "on" at the end of the sentence/paragraph. Technically, I should not start a sentence with "but". Though, I do not hold a degree in journalism, I do not have a minor in English and I do not work for a fu(king newspaper.


I do, however, know that misspelling "Tunisia" should not occur when one is writing an article about, well, Tunisia.

Edited by SEC=UGA
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It is a good thing that people read my IDP articles for the content, and not my grammatical prowess. However, I will point out that I do try to do my best, but I too, do not have a degree in journalism, English or anything of that ilk.


As for why the problem exists, I think there are a multitude of reasons, but with how "fast" things/news hits the net, I feel safe assuming that much of what hits the net isn't proof read, at least not how it should be.


How'd I did? :wacko:

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It is a good thing that people read my IDP articles for the content, and not my grammatical prowess. However, I will point out that I do try to do my best, but I too, do not have a degree in journalism, English or anything of that ilk.


As for why the problem exists, I think there are a multitude of reasons, but with how "fast" things/news hits the net, I feel safe assuming that much of what hits the net isn't proof read, at least not how it should be.


How'd I did? :wacko:


I don't expect much from you guys... However, if you hold yourself out to be a Journalist and are reporting on a country, I do expect you to correctly spell the name of the country.

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