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Stress levels


Stress levels  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. How high is your stress level at work ?

    • Very high, I wish rickets upon multiple people on a daily basis
    • Moderate, some days get a little stressful and others I can juggle my nutsack
    • Stress free / very low
    • Puddy
  2. 2. How High is your stress level at home ?

    • High, sometimes I want to punt , pass and kick my family members
    • Moderate
    • Stress free / very low
    • Puddy, makes me want to break dance

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I want to give liver shots and suplex every person that sent me a work related email this morning

Edited by Big John
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At work, the only major stressors are volume of work at times, and dealing with lazy people and idiots. I've gotten much better at dealing with both types of issues over the years, so I said moderate.


Voted moderate at home too. I'm married to a female, so, yeah...

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I voted moderate but sometimes I think it might be more around high. My work pays the bills, but it's not a low maintenance kind of party. contractors, projects, and engineers will make you want to club baby seals sometimes. :wacko: Wife and two young children keep things stressful at home. If we can get the 8 month old to sleep through the night, it will probably take a step down.

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Work is moderate because I have managed after all these years to deal with it.


Home is low-stress because my wife has learned to give me my space when I first arrive in the evening. After I decompress I can deal better with home stress.

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work stress is usually low-to-moderate, sometimes higher, but I always find it to be manageable. home stress would usually be pretty low, but the wife is just a more high-stress person by nature and when she's stressed out it has a way of rubbing off, particularly when you throw two young kids into the mix.

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Only reason stress level is high is because work is slow right now and that means every tiny screw up is that much more magnified.


Home, well, it's moderate right now as my MIL is at my house recovering from surgery. She is a bit needy and whiny and makes my wife's life a bit more complicated, which in turn negatively impacts my quality of life.

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Well that's it, there is no hope for the rest of us if even your job is stressful. :wacko:

The positives are obvious, but being a physician is demanding. Alot of the stress is self-inflicted because I try hard to make sure I do the best for every patient. Giving bad news to patients and their families and being sued by patients also adds to the stress.

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The positives are obvious, but being a physician is demanding. Alot of the stress is self-inflicted because I try hard to make sure I do the best for every patient. Giving bad news to patients and their families and being sued by patients also adds to the stress.

I think the job of "Dr." sounds good on paper or in movies, but the actual day to day BS would make me put a bullet in my head. Especially having to go through that much school just to do a job like that. Blah, no gracias.


ETA, didn't mean to make that sound like an indictment of you or anything. I have several friends that are doctors and they are very cool people. I just don't think I'd like the actual work, the BS insurance stuff, along with the chitty hours & patients.

Edited by Square
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