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nuke'em ttg


33 members have voted

  1. 1. Like it or Dread it

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    • I spend Thanksgiving with Puddy

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I really dread some of the outlaws ya see twice a year. Would just like our family of 4 plus Ma and my wifes parents. Always politics and how there job sucks, friggin brutal, i'm truely thankful when i walk away.


this is supposed ta be a poll if it turns out right :wacko:

Edited by Big John
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Doing Thanksgiving at our house for the first time... Just my parents and her mom and brother. Hopefully, hopefully, it doesn't get too outta hand.


We had a big Thanksgiving a few years back at my Aunt's house in Cashiers, NC... It was HELL. All the kids were in the way so my Aunt and cousin asked the guys to take them out to do something, just get them outta the house. So, we took them down to a field to play football, a good time was had... Until about an hour later when we get back to the house and we get unloaded on because dinner had been ready for 10 minutes!!!!!!! All the men were irresponsible a-holes, trying to ruin Thanksgiving dinner!!!!! :wacko:

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My wife has an aunt who lives about 20 minutes away. Hadn't hung out with them much, had them over for dinner a few weeks back, the whole clan, 8 in total I think. They are nice people and they invited us over for Thanksgiving. Wife won't have to cook and we'll probably just pop over there for a few hours, gorge ourselves and watch Packers at Detroit. They have a nice house with a big back yard and a dog that likes to run around and fetch, so it pretty much doesn't get any better than that.

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My wife is way more into family than I am. Because of the time of year and all the amazing food that you can make, I always want Thanksgiving to be about the bounty of the season and essentially be a food orgy. If it was up to me, we'd get a bird from one of the local ranches, brine it up, slow roast it on the BGE, and invite a bunch of like-minded food and wine geeks to come over with a bunch of bad-assed sides and drink Champagne all afternoon.


It doesn't hurt my stance that I greatly prefer hanging with friends over hanging with family.


We're just now starting the debate as to whether we drive to Tampa and hang with her dad and his GF and eat marginal grub or let me have my food orgy.

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My mother typically has about 30 to 40 people at her house on Thanksgiving. We like the outlaws. It ends up being about a 5 day affair. Kind of a mini family reunion. We typically also have a part the Saturday after Thanksgiving with a band, for about 150 people or so.

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I love Thanksgiving.


I have my parents, brother and two local families that are transplants from out of the country over for Thanksgiving. The two families are from Germnay and China so we have introduced them to Thanksgiving.


The next day on Friday my cousin and his 3 kids and my uncle and aunt come into town for a big steak dinner after watching the holiday parade and the "lighting of downtown" by Santa Claus to kick off the Christmas season.


Thankfully, no outlaws. My wifes family gets Christmas.

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I tried (briefly), but I can't really come up with anything about it to dread. :wacko:

Always feel bad for people who have crazy family drama around the holidays. For me they are the best times of the year. It must suck to have to deal with bickering, drunk relatives making inappropriate comments, people throwing turkey legs at each other and whatnot.

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Turkey Bowl , Football games and family, good stuff!

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