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Best and Worst Candy to get while Trick or Treating?

Atlanta Cracker

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Instead of giving out candy, I do a little dance and bust out a really phat rap that I wrote about staying in school and off drugs. The kids really don't seem to care for it, but it's important that they get that message.



Good one. I actually chuckled out loud.

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I like when kids do the right thing in this situation and just take one of 2. My wife leaves a bowl out once she leaves the house with the kids for the day



Unrelated side note: Is this day torture for anyone else aside from us because our dogs go insane every time the bell rings ? I love Halloween and so does my family but that is the one thing that drives us crazy

Oh yeah...so instead of torturing the dogs and the Hubby, who is sleeping, I sit outside in the cold to pass out candy. This will now be the second year in a row I'll be sick and drinking tea, while sitting in the cold to pass out candy. :wacko:

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First Halloween at our last house, we were all excited to see all the kids and meet the neighbors so we sat outside on the porch with about 5 bags of candy. There were plenty of good/nice kids but enough of another element to give us pause...12 year old girls dressed as French maids and sexy nurses, packs of teens not wearing costumes and being really rude, adult couples carrying infants who were incapable of saying "trick or treat", nor I assume, chewing candy. We ran out of candy fast and I had to go to the store TWICE to get more. I've never seen so many gd trick or treaters. I think some of them came around twice.

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Best - the slacker guy who didn't know it was halloween and just gave a group of us 14 year olds those little chocolate bottles with booze inside.


Worst - toss up between Mounds (kids don't like freaking coconut, even if you do jackass), and 3 Musketeers or Mars (have no clue if there is actually a difference between the 2).. I mean, whose brilliant idea was it to come up with that crap called "nouget" and then put it on display in a candy bar with no caramel, peanuts or anything to kill that god-awful marshmellow terribleness, and think "Man, this is GOOD"...


But the best candy only comes around Easter with those Butterfinger and Reeses eggs. The different chocolate/filling ratio makes them the BEST.

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I bought 60 full size candy bars to give out this year (I gave out 50 last year). I supplement those with the big variety packs of Skittles, M&Ms and Willy Wonka stuff as well as the variety Lifesavers giant bag. The kids in my neighborhood kept coming back. lol. Most of them 2 or 3 times! I figure it's the only thing I do for the neighborhood and for once a year it's a cheap way to be a cool neighbor.

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Just remembered, there were a few old ladies that gave out little baggies with pennies in them, maybe 25 or 50 cents total. Hated that because the coins just added more weight and the bag was already difficult to carry by the end of the night. And some old ladies gave out raisins too, I was like you've got to be kidding me.

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Just remembered, there were a few old ladies that gave out little baggies with pennies in them, maybe 25 or 50 cents total. Hated that because the coins just added more weight and the bag was already difficult to carry by the end of the night. And some old ladies gave out raisins too, I was like you've got to be kidding me.

:wacko: spoiled american

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I always loved (and my kids do too) those houses where the owner wasn't home but left a big bowl of candy out front for the kids.

lol - I remember that one year. Accompanied by a sign: "Please take one and consider the other children blah blah blah"


Typically it was whoever got to it first got it all.




enough of another element to give us pause...12 year old girls dressed as French maids and sexy nurses, packs of teens not wearing costumes and being really rude, adult couples carrying infants who were incapable of saying "trick or treat", nor I assume, chewing candy. We ran out of candy fast and I had to go to the store TWICE to get more. I've never seen so many gd trick or treaters. I think some of them came around twice.

And you accommodated the assorted POSs because-? lol @ coming up to my house w/o a costume (and way too old - or young - for it besides) and expecting anything.


(PS anyone else think of "Curb" when reading this)

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:wacko: i've only seen it at movie theaters, didn't know it was on the open market



Back in the day of black and white T.V. featuring Jack Benny and Ed Sullivan Good and Plenty had a comercial. It was line drawing animation, as crude and simple as could be, comical by any standards, but not intentionally so, that's just the way things were. They had a jingle, obviously effective in that I remember it, but it could not get me to like that dreck. It went:


Charlie sez, love that Good and Plenty

Charlie sez, really rings that bell

Charlie sez, love that Good and Plenty

Don't know any other candy that I love so well.

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First Halloween at our last house, we were all excited to see all the kids and meet the neighbors so we sat outside on the porch with about 5 bags of candy. There were plenty of good/nice kids but enough of another element to give us pause...12 year old girls dressed as French maids and sexy nurses, packs of teens not wearing costumes and being really rude, adult couples carrying infants who were incapable of saying "trick or treat", nor I assume, chewing candy. We ran out of candy fast and I had to go to the store TWICE to get more. I've never seen so many gd trick or treaters. I think some of them came around twice.

Two kids last night, with their mom. Kids very polite, mom wasn't hot. :wacko:

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Along with this thread......what are YOU giving out this year??



We (and by "we" I mean my wife) getting kinda anti-junk food.


So instead of giving out candy, my wife went to the dollar store and spent about $25 (more than we'd spend on candy, FWIW) on stickers, temporary tats, little plastic spider rings, etc. I was wondering how it would go over, most of the kids that came by seemed to think it was pretty cool (I'm figuring when kids ACT excited, they are excited).


We had a few, but I took my kids for a quick spin (after about 4 blocks and probably a dozen houses, the 4 yr old crawled into the stroller and fell asleep; the 1 yr old seemed to think the whole scenario was neat-o) and about 2 blocks away was a mob scene. Also, we have some hot moms living in our general vicinity.

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Back in the day of black and white T.V. featuring Jack Benny and Ed Sullivan Good and Plenty had a comercial. It was line drawing animation, as crude and simple as could be, comical by any standards, but not intentionally so, that's just the way things were. They had a jingle, obviously effective in that I remember it, but it could not get me to like that dreck. It went:


Charlie sez, love that Good and Plenty

Charlie sez, really rings that bell

Charlie sez, love that Good and Plenty

Don't know any other candy that I love so well.

It was around long after that. I remember it and we had color TV (black n whites were still around but fading). No such thing as remotes then though.

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It was around long after that. I remember it and we had color TV (black n whites were still around but fading). No such thing as remotes then though.

Maybe we had black and white ong after color arrived. Aftger all I was born into extreme poverty. In fact I was born a poor black child.

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