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The unfortunate reality...


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There are few things I am more certain of than that any call I get at work that begins with, "How are you doing today?" is going to end up as a total waste of my time. It's practically become an invitation to hang-up and save everyone the trouble of continuing.


It's a shame, because it's a nice sentiment.


And, no, "Hot enough for ya?" is not going to make me want to buy what you've got either.

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So how are you doing today? :wacko:


I get a lot of phone calls at work from persons wanting to make a doctors appointment. I answer the phone "Demolition Department, Johnson speaking". Even after they hear that they keep going. :tup: One day I am going to make an appointment for someone. :lol:

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I like to ask telemarketers to hold, telling them I am very interested in talking to them but need to shut the door to my office. Then I pick up the phone and say, "Sorry to keep you waiting, I am very interested to talk to you but can you please hold on for another minute" and yes, I leave them hanging...I should say I only do this to the ones that speak broken english or have very thick accents.

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Here's the worst of all. Mostly because it really effs it up for people who need to use this service. About once a week, I get a call from an operator assist provider for the deaf. Every single time. Not, "nearly every single time" but, literally every single time, it's been a scam. Someone wants to order, for pick-up, like 100 orders of some dish that sounds like the kind of dish your restaurant would make. If you stick with the conversation long enough, ultimately you'll get to the part where they want you to charge an extra couple hundred bucks for the delivery guy, blah, blah, blah.


Regardless, it always happens at 7:30 on a Friday night and the hostess is swamped and you've got to deal with this a-hole. Minutes into it, you know it's a scam and you're pissed, so you start yelling at the operator and telling them they're being part of a scam. But they keep telling you that they're just an operator and you need to be communicating with the "customer". "Sir, you need to say "done" when you're finished with your sentence". So you tell them to go cuff themselves and hang-up.


The worst part about this is that, one day, some poor deaf person is actually going to call your restaurant with a simple question and, having gotten 10 calls on 10 Saturday nights from some a-hole trying to pull some scam, I'm going to flip out and tell the guy to cuff off and die.

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What about when you get a call from a telemarketer and it's a recording. Those are the worst. What could the success rate even be on those types of sales calls?

Those are actually the best, because you can hang up instantly and go on with your day. I understand they're lame beyond belief, but they're so much easier to deal with than the rest.

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When a telemarketer calls, I channel that guy from Fletch with the shotgun that catches Fletch snooping around the bedroom, remember, Fletch says he's with the mattress police? Raise my voice and put on that total idiot inflection, and I add a lot of obscenity. "MAGAZINES?!.....UHHH..............OH JESUS H. CHR*ST, I NEED MORE MAGAZINES LIKE A F*CKIN' CAT NEEDS AN UNCLE......."

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Caller ID solves all these problems, at work and home. Simply don't answer the phone.

Not always an option. There've been plenty of times when I've gotten a call that looked like it was going to be someone trying to sell me credit card processing that turned out to be someone calling about a reservation or a take-out order.


It's just not worth the chance of turning away business.

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Not always an option. There've been plenty of times when I've gotten a call that looked like it was going to be someone trying to sell me credit card processing that turned out to be someone calling about a reservation or a take-out order.


It's just not worth the chance of turning away business.

I guess if you run a small business, you're right. I don't, so not answering the phone until I hear the caller's voice is a good option for me.

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What about when you get a call from a telemarketer and it's a recording. Those are the worst. What could the success rate even be on those types of sales calls?



How about an auto-call that basically puts you on hold when you pick up - something like "Hi, this is (name of company), please wait for a moment until we have an available operator."


Or worse yet, I have a friend who does that. She gets mad when I hang up. IMMEDIATELY calls me back - "what did you hang up for?"; "Well, obviously you were busy."

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How about an auto-call that basically puts you on hold when you pick up - something like "Hi, this is (name of company), please wait for a moment until we have an available operator."


Or worse yet, I have a friend who does that. She gets mad when I hang up. IMMEDIATELY calls me back - "what did you hang up for?"; "Well, obviously you were busy."

You have a friend who puts you on hold when she calls you?

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You have a friend who puts you on hold when she calls you?

Phone rings, "oh, it's Melissa" - "Hi!" "Hey, can you hold on a second?" Now, if it happens VERY occasionally, yeah, sure; when it happens EVERY OTHER TIME, it's a tad annoying.

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There are few things I am more certain of than that any call I get at work that begins with, "How are you doing today?" is going to end up as a total waste of my time. It's practically become an invitation to hang-up and save everyone the trouble of continuing.

[huddle trolls] don't be so negative blah blah [/huddle trolls]



What I hate worse is when I answer the phone "David Dorey" and the tele-whatever person says "Is David Dorey there?"

Say "no" and hang up. :wacko:



PS to the politicians - your pre-recorded message to my phone pimping your candidacy/proposed law/whatever if anything will sway me the other way. I suspect I'm not exactly the only one who has this viewpoint.


Also caller IDs which are blocked ("private caller") or vague are a guarantee I will not answer.

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Most of them get credit for the call if you stay on the phone for 3 minutes even if they don't sell anything. At least they did in the early 1990s when I did it. I stay on for 3 minutes then tell them not interested and thanks for calling.


Last thing I'm going to do in this economy is be a dick to someone trying to feed their kids.

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