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For those of you old enough to remember


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My mother tells me I was being pushed around a shopping cart in a grocery store at the time. I was still less than a year old. I get the sense from her that the mood of the country was very similar to what I remember feeling on 9/11.

But I DO remember watching Robert Kennedy's funeral on our black and white TV a five years later. :wacko:

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4th grade. Our teacher, Mr. Williams came back after lunch, had us stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and then calmly announced that President Kennedy had been killed. He was very quiet and we knew something terrible had happened.


Hope he didnt make you use the line, "one nation under GOD"


Sorry that part of religion and school drives me :wacko:


Me....not born yet!

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Passing from one HS class (Algebra) to Mrs. Kutza's English class. My brother stopped me in the hall and said "Did you hear JFK was shot?". I said, "OK what's the punchline, I'm running late for class!". All I had to do was look around and see all the girls crying I realized it was not a joke. Getting to class and seeing Mrs. Kutza crying sealed it. I'm guessing that was around 1:00pm, but not sure.

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I was in grade school. I went to Little Flower Elementary a Catholic School. I think I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade. I remember an announcement being made over the loud speaker. We were sent home for the day. I knew it was a big deal with the President being shot but really did not understand the entire picture. I remember going home and sitting in front of the TV most of the day with tthe rest of the family watching updates as they came.

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Hope he didnt make you use the line, "one nation under GOD"


Sorry that part of religion and school drives me :wacko:


Me....not born yet!


I don't remember but probably we did say "one nation under God". Makes me proud to be an American. "In God We Trust", ya know.

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My dad talks about how when Robert got shot, that was just as surreal. You wake up 4 1/2 years later and groggily see the headlines 'Kennedy Shot' on a paper in the morning (killed late at night Cali time he was in Chicago). One of those 30 seconds where he couldn't figure out what the f was going on, and then it sinking in.

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