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Huddle Teachers/Romans/ Countrymen


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I have some ideas how to handle this issue but since we have teachers on the boards as well as parents that have kids my daughters age I figure I would throw it out there and see if maybe there is a tip I could use to help out.


My 11 year old is in 5th grade. Thank God she has been getting great report cards. The teacher said she is a good student and a pretty hard worker but the teacher said ,and I totally agree , that she gets a little lazy at times . In my house I am the person that helps with the homework, studying for tests and doing reports. My little one is a very aggressive learner. She needs my help on occasion but she is very self motivated. My oldest has the tools and grinds out nice grades. It doesnt come as easy for her as her sister but she gets it done and we have been pleased with her grades and reports from the teacher.


Here is my biggest issue. Her spelling is pretty bad. I contribute some of it to laziness and some of it to her not really sounding these things out correctly or having a quick grasp of the spelling "formulas" that you use to be a decent speller. Last night we were studying for a test and in her class she completed a 6 page study guide. I asked her where she got the answers from the study guide. She tried to lie and say she just knew them :lol: I said sure, every kid knows the stamp act and sons of liberty. So she then says she got the answers from the book. . This pissed me off pretty good because I said if you took the time to search the book for the answers and create a great study guide that means the words were right there in front of you. So why would they be spelled wrong when you took them from the book and wrote them on the guide ? The problem is she is now at the age where they deduct points when a word is spelled wrong. So she knew the material really well but on a 6 page test if she spells 6-7 words wrong it can turn a 85 into a 77 and that bugs me beyond belief.


Anyway if anyone has any suggestions on maybe books or a program I can get to help improve her spelling I would appreciate it. Any of you that are friends with my wife on facebook know that she is certainly no help in this dept :lol: so I am reaching out to the huddle. Thanks

Edited by whomper
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Coming from a teacher Whomp, this is a pretty tall task. If spelling doesn't come naturally/easy to kids, it's a pain in the ass and must be done by going back and reviewing all the rules. There are many kinds of programs but she would have to be assessed in regard to what skills she has, the level she is currently at and what her deficiencies are. The Wilson program and Orten Gilligham are 2 intensive programs used to address spelling or phonemic problems. However, you have to also understand that there are also pretty significant chances that she will always struggle with spelling, without any serious intervention. She will develop coping skills and technology will also assist with the problem.

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Coming from a teacher Whomp, this is a pretty tall task. If spelling doesn't come naturally/easy to kids, it's a pain in the ass and must be done by going back and reviewing all the rules. There are many kinds of programs but she would have to be assessed in regard to what skills she has, the level she is currently at and what her deficiencies are. The Wilson program and Orten Gilligham are 2 intensive programs used to address spelling or phonemic problems. However, you have to also understand that there are also pretty significant chances that she will always struggle with spelling, without any serious intervention. She will develop coping skills and technology will also assist with the problem.



Thanks bro. This is the kind of thing I was looking for. I am going to look in to those

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There are also after school education centers, Sylvan is one that comes to mind, that will help students with any educational issues.


In middle school I was a complete and utter incompetent when it cam to algebra. After about 6 months of Sylvan I was grading better than the rest of the class.

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In middle school I was a complete and utter incompetent when it cam to algebra. After about 6 months of Sylvan I was grading better than the rest of the class.


A bit off-topic, you had algebra in middle school? I didn't take that until 9th grade and Grades 9-11 was the range to take regular or basic(simplified) version.

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A bit off-topic, you had algebra in middle school? I didn't take that until 9th grade and Grades 9-11 was the range to take regular or basic(simplified) version.



Yep, 8th grade. I want to say 7th also, but may be misremembering that.

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A bit off-topic, you had algebra in middle school? I didn't take that until 9th grade and Grades 9-11 was the range to take regular or basic(simplified) version.



For me:

Algebra I in 8th grade.

Algebra II in 9th.

Trig and Geometry in 10th(skipped Algebra III)

Pre-Calc in 11th

Calc and Economics in 12th(dropped out of Calc to Algebra III - too much work due to extracaricular activities) ;-)



I think it was in early 80's when they started Algebra in middle school. My 2 older brothers were both in honors courses and started doing Algebra in 2nd semester of 7th grade.


Graduation years were, 1987 - 1991 - and I was 1993.


Fixed the trig/pre calc/calc years - possible memory loss from those days.

Edited by Woodside Warriors
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There are also after school education centers, Sylvan is one that comes to mind, that will help students with any educational issues.


In middle school I was a complete and utter incompetent when it cam to algebra. After about 6 months of Sylvan I was grading better than the rest of the class.



Maybe you should attend the spelling courses with whomp's daughter. :oldrazz:


A bit off-topic, you had algebra in middle school? I didn't take that until 9th grade and Grades 9-11 was the range to take regular or basic(simplified) version.



I had it in middle school as well. IIRC, I had Pre-Algebra in 7th grade, Algebra 1 in 8th grade, Algebra 2 in 9th grade, geometry in 10th grade, trig in 11th grade and pre-calculus in 12th grade.

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Maybe you should attend the spelling courses with whomp's daughter. :oldrazz:




I had it in middle school as well. IIRC, I had Pre-Algebra in 7th grade, Algebra 1 in 8th grade, Algebra 2 in 9th grade, geometry in 10th grade, trig in 11th grade and pre-calculus in 12th grade.



Ysince I installed the new firefox, I lost my spell checker and will, ever-so0often miss a letter. Though, "cam" would not have been picked up by the spell checker.... Maybe yer kerrect.

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