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Jumpin Johnies

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Isn't Carmello a candy bar?


He'll get slapped with a suspension - he has to. That was a sucker punch after it was over and he looked like an idiot doing it and then running.

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:D THAT was the pansiest runaway ever!!! :D


I can't believe he ran to half court like that after sucker punching the guy! Probably an attempt to win street cred for how fast you can run away after popping someone if you wear his shoes!



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Brawl? Give me a break.


I'm not sure what is going on. Do men who have the gifted basketball player gene lack the gene that enables men to fight? Does the NBA have a fight school that eliminates any vestige of physical combat skills that a guy has?


The way that they fight is more of an embarassment to the league than the "fight" itself.

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Isn't Carmello a candy bar?


He'll get slapped with a suspension - he has to. That was a sucker punch after it was over and he looked like an idiot doing it and then running.


Actually that was CarAmello. Creamy caramel goodness. Actually I didnt care too much for them.

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Brawl? Give me a break.


I'm not sure what is going on. Do men who have the gifted basketball player gene lack the gene that enables men to fight? Does the NBA have a fight school that eliminates any vestige of physical combat skills that a guy has?


The way that they fight is more of an embarassment to the league than the "fight" itself.



+1. The US Olympic Women's Softball Team would kick their asses. Pathetic.

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Brawl? Give me a break.


I'm not sure what is going on. Do men who have the gifted basketball player gene lack the gene that enables men to fight? Does the NBA have a fight school that eliminates any vestige of physical combat skills that a guy has?


The way that they fight is more of an embarassment to the league than the "fight" itself.


I agree. People always say hockey is the dirtiest sport, but atleast they fight like men and atleast it's entertaining.

Also, NBA players get kicked out for fighting, hockey players get a 5 minute penalty :D

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well he DID drop the guy with one....well, can you call that a punch? :D


f'n idiot, getting himself suspended for probably 10 games right at the start of a crucial stretch of the nuggets' season. :bash:


i have to say though, it's pretty amusing to come in here and see a bunch of out of shape internet warriors talking about what Rosie O'Donnell 6'8", 250 lb. black men in peak physical condition are. hmm let's see, carmelo vs. furd or JJ in a throwdown? call me crazy, but my money is on the "big floppy smile" :D

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Melo's street cred may take a tumble but he did at least connect before he backpedaled like a girl. Watchin those guys fight is funny although Stern is gonna come down hard on these mofos.


Thug mentality? NBA has a ways to go to catch up to the NFL, these guys are posers more than anything. NFL is where you find the real thugs, gangstas and badasses.


As for making money?? you kidding, Stern is doin just fine with the NBA, game is going global more than any other league.

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well he DID drop the guy with one....well, can you call that a punch? :D


f'n idiot, getting himself suspended for probably 10 games right at the start of a crucial stretch of the nuggets' season. :bash:


i have to say though, it's pretty amusing to come in here and see a bunch of out of shape internet warriors talking about what Rosie O'Donnell 6'8", 250 lb. black men in peak physical condition are. hmm let's see, carmelo vs. furd or JJ in a throwdown? call me crazy, but my money is on the "big floppy smile" :D



Good point.


I was surprised that Collins went down from that shot - he's not that small a guy (6'6", 220 lbs.), and it didn't look like Anthony put his weight behind that sucker punch (looked like he was well into his backpedal as he was throwing).

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6'8", 250 lb. black men in peak physical condition are.


why the need for the color description? :D


I got lambasted(well sorta) for adding that word when I was talking about a store manager when I got my PS3

















oh and I could care less that you used the word Black :D

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Melo's street cred may take a tumble but he did at least connect before he backpedaled like a girl.


i don't think you can really draw much of a conclusion about how these guys would look in a street fight based on how they look in one of these things. you can almost see the little light go on in melo's 10-cent head about half way into his "punch"....oh chit, david stern is watching and i'm gonna git in troooouble. :D

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I just heard - Carmelo Anthony got 15 games, Nate Robinson and JR Smith got 10 each. Mardy Collins gets 6 games and Jared Jeffires gets 4 games.


One interesting sidelight that's being played up quite a bit here in NY - just before the incident, as Marcus Camby was shooting free throws, Isiah Thomas can be seen smiling on the sidelines and mouthing to Carmel Anthony, "Stay out of the paint". Several Knicks afterwards, including Thomas, said in their post-game comments that they were ticked that the Nuggests still had some of their starters in the game at that point (up 20 or so, under 2 minutes to play), so it does make you wonder if the initial hard foul on Smith was coach's orders. There's also some speculation that the reason the Nuggest' regulars were still in the game is because Nuggets coach George Karl, a close friend of Larry Brown, was trying to rub it in Thomas' face.

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I just heard - Carmelo Anthony got 15 games, Nate Robinson and JR Smith got 10 each. Mardy Collins gets 6 games and Jared Jeffires gets 4 games.


One interesting sidelight that's being played up quite a bit here in NY - just before the incident, as Marcus Camby was shooting free throws, Isiah Thomas can be seen smiling on the sidelines and mouthing to Carmel Anthony, "Stay out of the paint". Several Knicks afterwards, including Thomas, said in their post-game comments that they were ticked that the Nuggests still had some of their starters in the game at that point (up 20 or so, under 2 minutes to play), so it does make you wonder if the initial hard foul on Smith was coach's orders. There's also some speculation that the reason the Nuggest' regulars were still in the game is because Nuggets coach George Karl, a close friend of Larry Brown, was trying to rub it in Thomas' face.



15 games?!?? :D


f'n isiaiah better have some comeuppance coming from the league as well. :D

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I just heard - Carmelo Anthony got 15 games, Nate Robinson and JR Smith got 10 each. Mardy Collins gets 6 games and Jared Jeffires gets 4 games.



If true, surprises me that Smith got more than Collins. It was Collins foul that started the whole thing, and even if there was no fight, that foul was worthy of a suspension on its own.

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i have to say though, it's pretty amusing to come in here and see a bunch of out of shape internet warriors talking about what Rosie O'Donnell 6'8", 250 lb. black men in peak physical condition are. hmm let's see, carmelo vs. furd or JJ in a throwdown? call me crazy, but my money is on the "big floppy smile" :D




That's really not the point, is it?


If I'm going to get into a fight with you or 'melo (or whatever you call him), I'm going to fight. Maybe you kick my ass. But I'm not going to run away, or flail away like a b*tch, particularly with my homeys around. It's embarassing, especially if you are a 6'8" 250 lbs black man in peak physical condition.

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I just heard - Carmelo Anthony got 15 games, Nate Robinson and JR Smith got 10 each. Mardy Collins gets 6 games and Jared Jeffires gets 4 games.


One interesting sidelight that's being played up quite a bit here in NY - just before the incident, as Marcus Camby was shooting free throws, Isiah Thomas can be seen smiling on the sidelines and mouthing to Carmel Anthony, "Stay out of the paint". Several Knicks afterwards, including Thomas, said in their post-game comments that they were ticked that the Nuggests still had some of their starters in the game at that point (up 20 or so, under 2 minutes to play), so it does make you wonder if the initial hard foul on Smith was coach's orders. There's also some speculation that the reason the Nuggest' regulars were still in the game is because Nuggets coach George Karl, a close friend of Larry Brown, was trying to rub it in Thomas' face.


I read a commentary this morning bashing Thomas for his part in this that wondered why they simply didin't just play better rather than making it a point to "punish" teams for beating them so badly on the floor. The author wondered where was the same pride that caused them to act like enforcers as the game comes to end was in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods when the other team was building it's 20 pt lead. Apparently Thomas held a grudge against an Indy team that kept scoring on them late in a blowout that may have caused the same goon Collins to commit a hard foul in the next NY/INDY game.


Thomas is an embarrassment to anyone who works for a living regardless of what they do.

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