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Alright, let me first make it clear that I fully understand that I am still considered a noob and I understand that and am in no way trying to argue that.


What is the deal with the endless streams of new posters (and I mean NEW, first timers) starting leagues and asking for our freaking money? I can understand a few but latley it seams like they are popping up everywhere. Its extremely annoying and obvious that they never read any of the other posts because they get ripped into and made fun of evertime (which they should). I know its probably wishful thinking but maybe we could have a probationary period on new members where the following words cannot be used until 6 months into their membership: Join, My, New, League, Its, Fun, Money, $20, Free, Looking, For, Dedicated, Owners, and Yahoo.


Just an idea.

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From a newbie start point.


~~~I don't know why but this brings painful memories from my fraternity initiation, except we were called worms... that was back in 1985 - Freshman~~~


The information highway is very competitive and obviously thehuddle wants to make money so you maximize the amount of hits you get when somebody looks around for FFL stuff. That's exactly how I joined a week ago.


I do agree in the fact that you don't go around asking people for money out of the blue. However, it is normal that some of us (newbies) are looking for more challenging leagues beyond CBS, ESPN, Yahooligans, etc.


I've won my share of championships (7) in the last four years playing those leagues and I'm looking around to go into the next level. Playing in only 3-5 really competitive good leagues instead than 10-15 avarage ones. If it wasn't for this website I would have never been able to find out about Antsports (I don't know if that is a good thing after reading the threat by rattsass). And another league.


You have a really good thing going on.




1) have stricter rules governing the threads and kick those threads seeking money outside the lines.

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From a newbie start point.


~~~I don't know why but this brings painful memories from my fraternity initiation, except we were called worms... that was back in 1985 - Freshman~~~


The information highway is very competitive and obviously thehuddle wants to make money so you maximize the amount of hits you get when somebody looks around for FFL stuff. That's exactly how I joined a week ago.


I do agree in the fact that you don't go around asking people for money out of the blue. However, it is normal that some of us (newbies) are looking for more challenging leagues beyond CBS, ESPN, Yahooligans, etc.


I've won my share of championships (7) in the last four years playing those leagues and I'm looking around to go into the next level. Playing in only 3-5 really competitive good leagues instead than 10-15 avarage ones. If it wasn't for this website I would have never been able to find out about Antsports (I don't know if that is a good thing after reading the threat by rattsass). And another league.


You have a really good thing going on.




1) have stricter rules governing the threads and kick those threads seeking money outside the lines.



Well, you already broke the first rule of newbism in that newbs are not allowed to post reasonable, well thought out arguments and suggestions. So go away and come back with something we can really make fun of you with.





































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From a newbie start point.


~~~I don't know why but this brings painful memories from my fraternity initiation, except we were called worms... that was back in 1985 - Freshman~~~


The information highway is very competitive and obviously thehuddle wants to make money so you maximize the amount of hits you get when somebody looks around for FFL stuff. That's exactly how I joined a week ago.


I do agree in the fact that you don't go around asking people for money out of the blue. However, it is normal that some of us (newbies) are looking for more challenging leagues beyond CBS, ESPN, Yahooligans, etc.


I've won my share of championships (7) in the last four years playing those leagues and I'm looking around to go into the next level. Playing in only 3-5 really competitive good leagues instead than 10-15 avarage ones. If it wasn't for this website I would have never been able to find out about Antsports (I don't know if that is a good thing after reading the threat by rattsass). And another league.


You have a really good thing going on.




1) have stricter rules governing the threads and kick those threads seeking money outside the lines.



The threads don't bother me so much...it's that the threads are cluttering up this forum, which is the main forum for football information. They just need a spot somewhere else.

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From a newbie start point.


~~~I don't know why but this brings painful memories from my fraternity initiation, except we were called worms... that was back in 1985 - Freshman~~~


The information highway is very competitive and obviously thehuddle wants to make money so you maximize the amount of hits you get when somebody looks around for FFL stuff. That's exactly how I joined a week ago.


I do agree in the fact that you don't go around asking people for money out of the blue. However, it is normal that some of us (newbies) are looking for more challenging leagues beyond CBS, ESPN, Yahooligans, etc.


I've won my share of championships (7) in the last four years playing those leagues and I'm looking around to go into the next level. Playing in only 3-5 really competitive good leagues instead than 10-15 avarage ones. If it wasn't for this website I would have never been able to find out about Antsports (I don't know if that is a good thing after reading the threat by rattsass). And another league.


You have a really good thing going on.




1) have stricter rules governing the threads and kick those threads seeking money outside the lines.



That's a pretty reasonable argument - especially for a worm like you :D .


However, there is the flip side. I got screwed once years ago by joining one of the leagues being pimped on the front page here. The guy who started it wasn't even a wet-behind-the-ears newbie. He plotted well and had about a year of posting time. He advertised the league he was starting - $60 buy in, with all being paid out except for mfl.com costs. So I joined, and was doing pretty well - second place in my conference & high scorer in the league going into the 2nd last week of the regular season. All of a sudden, the guy disappears, with 11 guys' money in his pocket. Never saw him again, though I did post here afterwards to warn others about him. I'm sure this wasn't the only league he did that with.


So it's not only a huge clutter on the board, which is a real pain in the ass when trying to actually talk about FF, but there are also scam artists using this forum to aid their fleecing of FF owners who might think a guy has a little more credibility because he posts here. I got nailed once & learned my lesson, and I'd prefer that no one here has to learn it the hard way like I did.


Now, get back to posting inane & stupid things that provide fodder for the vets like a good little newbie should...

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From a newbie start point.


~~~I don't know why but this brings painful memories from my fraternity initiation, except we were called worms... that was back in 1985 - Freshman~~~


The information highway is very competitive and obviously thehuddle wants to make money so you maximize the amount of hits you get when somebody looks around for FFL stuff. That's exactly how I joined a week ago.


I do agree in the fact that you don't go around asking people for money out of the blue. However, it is normal that some of us (newbies) are looking for more challenging leagues beyond CBS, ESPN, Yahooligans, etc.


I've won my share of championships (7) in the last four years playing those leagues and I'm looking around to go into the next level. Playing in only 3-5 really competitive good leagues instead than 10-15 avarage ones. If it wasn't for this website I would have never been able to find out about Antsports (I don't know if that is a good thing after reading the threat by rattsass). And another league.


You have a really good thing going on.




1) have stricter rules governing the threads and kick those threads seeking money outside the lines.


Lesbos and gentlemen, this is how people coming to this site for the first time should post. :D


Check out the tailgate when you get a chance joe, that's where all the cool people hang out. :D

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Now, get back to posting inane & stupid things that provide fodder for the vets like a good little newbie should...



Damn! That was definitely a comment from a fraternity brother, :D


I'll be bringing in the hay stack along with a sicks pack sir! :D:D:D

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Well, maybe since they're Noobs they aren't quite aware of the talent level of fantasy owners here at the Huddle. Once they're more acclimated to the knowledge that Huddlers have their post will be rewritten to say, " Hey, I'm a noobie here, I wanna start a new money league. Any of you Huddlers wanna take my $20 now" :D

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