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Just got a VERY tricky virus-laden email. Sender is "hallmark.com" and subject is "You've received A Hallmark E-Card!". I've sent and received a ton of these in the past, and this is spot on with the real hallmark.com e-cards. Moving to the body of the email, it is in HTML and from what I remember, looks exactly like the real thing. Mousing over various links indicates they have the actual Hallmark site listed... EXCEPT the one that supposedly goes to your e-card. THAT goes to an .exe file-link, which we all know is bad news.


I've been getting a TON of spam lately, on all of my email accounts, but I must admit, this one is the trickiest I've seen in some time.


:D Watch out, y'all.

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My spam filter has been picking these up at a rate of a dozen a day. Recent virus, spam and malware activity on the Internet has increased exponentially.

I get a ton on my one Hotmail address that I use to sign up for crap with (lots get through spam filters). A good amount on my Yahoo email that I use for fantasy football stuff (but most goes to spam folder). Very few on my "personal" Hotmail (thankfully). And my work accounts vary. My consulting email (Gmail) has been getting more and more lately. Same with my company's email.


This Hallmark one was caught by Yahoo's spam filter, I just thought it was pretty slick. Bassturds. :D

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I get a ton on my one Hotmail address that I use to sign up for crap with (lots get through spam filters). A good amount on my Yahoo email that I use for fantasy football stuff (but most goes to spam folder). Very few on my "personal" Hotmail (thankfully). And my work accounts vary. My consulting email (Gmail) has been getting more and more lately. Same with my company's email.


This Hallmark one was caught by Yahoo's spam filter, I just thought it was pretty slick. Bassturds. :D

Our outsourced spam/virus email filtering system has been close to overwhelmed in the last couple weeks.


BTW, most viruses these days are not created by spotty teenagers in mommy's basement. They are created by professional criminal enterprises, c/w marketing, programming, distribution and sales departments, using millions of previously affected computers called botnets for rapid distribution. People get paid based on the number of computers that get infected and their location in the world e.g. an American computer infection nets the virus gang more money than one in e.g. SE Asia. This is because the identity and CC information that can then be stolen is more valuable.

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I've been getting a lot recently that say something like "Dude, I can't believe they caught you doing this on video", with a supposed link to YouTube... which I'm sure redirects you to spyware installations.


Kim Kamando......... radio talk Digital geek was just talkin about this one today.......

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I've been getting a lot recently that say something like "Dude, I can't believe they caught you doing this on video", with a supposed link to YouTube... which I'm sure redirects you to spyware installations.

Yup. Tons of them getting caught by my Yahoo email filter as well as my work one.

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What surprised me was we received a online card from my mom thru one of the common ones a few months ago and since then I have been getting A BUNCH of "e-cards" from people I don't know.. Did they hack the hallmark list???? probably. I never open attachments anyway, not even the one from my mom..

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I got something on my computer yesterday...I think my 12 year old picked it up at the cheat planet site (video game cheats). It kept saying 'By Internet Speed Monitor' and it actually downloaded itself onto my computer. The software said 'outerinfo'. :D I ran a few spyware thingies, did a file search on the computer and actually just found it right on my program files menu. I'm hoping the uninstall really did the trick. I'm running AVG right now. Sure enough, it found a trojan downloader. :D

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What surprised me was we received a online card from my mom thru one of the common ones a few months ago and since then I have been getting A BUNCH of "e-cards" from people I don't know.. Did they hack the hallmark list???? probably. I never open attachments anyway, not even the one from my mom..


Linux laughs at viruses.

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Don't kid yourself. LINUX doesn't get viruses because nobody out there is writing any - there is no money to be made from it. If LINUX was of any importance at all, it would be infected daily.


But is does not and there are none. Actually, even if there were Linux viruses, they would not spread.

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The software said 'outerinfo'


That is a crappy one, make sure you are clean. Run this free scan www.pandasoftware.com/activescan


And polk, no one, I mean NO ONE here is gonna install linux cause you tell them too. It is a nerdy little OS that people with too much time on thier hands like to play with. Keep in mind... every time you say that, you are buttf0king a mac guy who says the same thing, 'buy a mac'.


The entire world does not give a schit about macs or linux, get over yourself already.

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But is does not and there are none. Actually, even if there were Linux viruses, they would not spread.

There are actually several dozen but you are correct in that they don't spread well, largely due to the various distributions of LINUX.


That said, I repeat - there is no real inspiration for anyone to bother with LINUX per se.

Edited by Ursa Majoris
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There are actually several dozen but you are correct in that they don't spread well, largely due to the various distributions of LINUX.


That said, I repeat - there is no real inspiration for anyone to bother with LINUX per se.


Other than it always works and is free. It never crashes. I can't think of anything else.

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That is a crappy one, make sure you are clean. Run this free scan www.pandasoftware.com/activescan


And polk, no one, I mean NO ONE here is gonna install linux cause you tell them too. It is a nerdy little OS that people with too much time on thier hands like to play with. Keep in mind... every time you say that, you are buttf0king a mac guy who says the same thing, 'buy a mac'.


The entire world does not give a schit about macs or linux, get over yourself already.


So saith the Microsoft partner.


I dont install it. I run it off the cd. if I need ms, I just pull out the cd and reboot.

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That is a crappy one, make sure you are clean. Run this free scan www.pandasoftware.com/activescan


And polk, no one, I mean NO ONE here is gonna install linux cause you tell them too. It is a nerdy little OS that people with too much time on thier hands like to play with. Keep in mind... every time you say that, you are buttf0king a mac guy who says the same thing, 'buy a mac'.


The entire world does not give a schit about macs or linux, get over yourself already.

Thanks for the recommendation..running it now...

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