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movies that make men cry


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+1 (actually I really like Gump, but I loved PF).


Surely you don't think PF was a better film than Shawshank Redemption....as Forrest Gump took all the accolades from this film as well. I think Tom Hanks certainly should have gotten best actor...no doubt....but best film should have bee Shawshank. JMHO. And I like PF as well.

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You can say that again. It sure made me cry. . .


when that piece of fluff stole the Oscars away from Pulp Fiction.

Forrest Gump is one of the most sanctimonious, revisionist, reactionary soppy pieces of propaganda I've ever seen. I find it incredibly objectionable.


Follow the paths of Forest and Jenny through the movie:


Forest is simple. He loves him mom. He does as he's told. He goes where he's told. And, without really earning or even understanding any of it, he comes into great wealth and fame. Forest is the mythical God-fearing America of the 50s, a retarded Clark Kent.


Jenny questions authority. She questions what she's told. She demonstrates against things she doesn't believe in. She ends up alone, falls prey to the Black Panthers and dies of AIDS. She's a conservative parable about the fate that soulless hippies and commies deserve.


If that's not a message to all the middle-aged baby boomers feeling lingering guilt over their sold-out 60s ideals, I don't know what is. It's a despicable message wrapped up in a facile and obvious movie, prettied up with predictable musical cues and manufactured fake nostalgia.


Zemeckis' vision is that "stay true to American values and everything will be all right"; Jenny embraces '60s counterculture, experiments with drugs, and embraces the sexual revolution and it comes to a VERY bad end for her; the only happiness she finds is when she returns to the conservative, traditional values that have made Forrest so happy - never mind that Forrest was more lucky than anything.


Basically, it make all the Boomers feel "well, yeah, I took LSD and was at a key party or two in the 70s and did some coke....but I go to church now and vote Republican and send money to Focus on the Family, so I'm a good person."


Potato chips fill you up the same as gazpacho; the difference is one is VERY good for you and the other leads to a quicker death.


Same thing with music, film, books - by supporting populist, manipulative claptrap like Gump and watching it, you deny yourself BETTER movies.

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Surely you don't think PF was a better film than Shawshank Redemption....as Forrest Gump took all the accolades from this film as well. I think Tom Hanks certainly should have gotten best actor...no doubt....but best film should have bee Shawshank. JMHO. And I like PF as well.

I'm no movie buff so I didn't realize those were all from the same year. That's a tough call for me. Both movies are top 5-7 for me.

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You can say that again. It sure made me cry. . .


when that piece of fluff stole the Oscars away from Pulp Fiction.



If in fact Shawshank was the same year it deserved the Oscar over the other 2 . I liked both movies but Gump was good stuff

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I'm no movie buff so I didn't realize those were all from the same year. That's a tough call for me. Both movies are top 5-7 for me.



Here is some stuff I lifted off the net....I will post the web address for you to peruse the entire 1995 awards show:


Best Picture



Forrest Gump (1994) - Wendy Finerman; Steve Starkey; Steve Tisch


Other Nominees:

Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) - Duncan Kenworthy

Pulp Fiction (1994) - Lawrence Bender

Quiz Show (1994) - Michael Jacobs (II); Julian Krainin; Michael Nozik (I); Robert Redford (I)

Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) - Niki Marvin



Best Actor in a Leading Role



Forrest Gump (1994) - Tom Hanks


Other Nominees:

Madness of King George, The (1994) - Nigel Hawthorne

Nobody's Fool (1994) - Paul Newman (I)

Pulp Fiction (1994) - John Travolta

Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) - Morgan Freeman (I)



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I'm talking a tear wells up; not full on snot-bubble action...


The more "Manly" movies:


Saving Private Ryan

Remember the Titans





On the "softer" side:

A Walk to Remember

Some Kind of Wonderful



Lion King



When I was younger:



Old Yeller

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The Family Stone


was on last nite and it sorta brought a tear to my eye....why? well because the following christmas the mom isnt there because she passed away and it reminded me of how christmas just didnt feel the same after my grandma passed away

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The Family Stone


was on last nite and it sorta brought a tear to my eye....why? well because the following christmas the mom isnt there because she passed away and it reminded me of how christmas just didnt feel the same after my grandma passed away



Dang...I completely forgot one of my favorite movies of all time. I full out snot bubble bawl at the end of Ordinary People I am such a girll!!!!!

Edited by TheShiznit
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Rocky II, when Stallone staggers to his feet as Creed slumps to the canvas. The shot of a pregnant Adrian at home jumping to her feet covering her mouth with joy as her pummelled husband just followed her wish to "win"....remarkable, and 20 years later and having seen it 50+ times, it still has the same emotional effect of how compelling human endurance can be.




Titanic, when the old couple is shown cuddling each other as their stateroom fills with water.


Saving PR...when Corporal Upham broke down on the stairs as the Gernam that stabbed his freind saunters down the steps, not even wasting his time with Upham.


Rudy.....when the crowd is cheering his name for the coach to put him in, his teammates are clapping, even the assistants are begging the coach to get Rudy in the game...he enters and records a sack, and is carried off the field. Amazing.


You have very good taste...........all were great choices !!! :D

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A movie from 1989 with Jack Lemmon and Ted Danson.

Sometimes the greatest man you ever meet... is the first one.


Never saw this movie. Now I want to, and I'm adding this line to my sig. Damn, I still miss that guy. :D

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I don't know if it was just the mood I was in today, but I watched the last hour of Raging Bull today, and I got a little choked up. . .


"You never knocked me down, Ray. . . you never knocked me down"



Friggin amazing performance. :D

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A lot of these were already mentioned, but, these are the ones that come to mind for me. Not all of them create tears, but, some just give me the chills......


These are ones I couldn't find clips for:


Hoosiers - Olley's underhand winning shot, "I'll make it", & Hackman's speeches before the final game and at the end of the movie

Miracle - The game against the Russians and the ending

Stepmom - I know I'm a wuss, but, the end of this movie gets me

The Family Stone - The ending when Mom is no longer there for Christmas


Field of Dreams - Father & Son have a catch..........


Old Yeller - The ending :D.......................:wacko:


Good Will Hunting - Affleck's speech to Damon...................

Good Will Hunting - Robin Williams speech to Damon...............


Rudy - End Scene........................ ;)


Rocky II - WIN !!!!...................

Rocky II - Ending....................yawn:


Rocky IV - Fight.....................:bio:

Rocky IV - Speech.................:D


Rocky Balboa - Speech to Son..................... :bash:

Rocky Balboa - Fighter's Fight......................

Rocky Balboa - The Last Fight......................:bow:


Saving Private Ryan - Wade's Death..................:bow:

Saving Private Ryan - End Fight.........................:(

Saving Private Ryan - "Earn This"......................:lol:

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Continued (had too many emoticons)



The Natural - Ending.......................


61* - Roger Maris hits #61...................


Braveheart - FREEDOM !!!!!......................:wacko:


Karate Kid - Ending (Cheesy, I know)......................


Shawshank Redemption - Ending........................:D


Vision Quest - Ending..................................;)


And finally......................the #1 movie on mine and everyone else's list (at least it should be):


Just a girl and her dreams....................................:headbang:

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  • 3 years later...
oh man, another mel gibson one. 'the patriot'


he's about to leave his daughter who hasn't spoken to him since her brother was murdered by the british bad guy. he's about to return to the fight and looks at her and asks if she has anything to say. she just stands there, he bows his head and starts to head out. then there's this shot of her face, a tear goes down, and she yells 'Papa!' mel turns around and runs back and scoops her up, she's yelling 'i'm sorry, i'm sorry', he's telling her it's all right, everyone in the family on the beach is crying.


my god.


that scene just got done showing now on USA....I am sitting here alone in the kitchen with streams down my cheeks.

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Gets me every time.


Tonorator didn't really even tell it right - it's when the little girl says "I'll say anything you want if you just don't go!" I just watched the clip on youtube to make sure I got it right and I'm crying at my desk right now. That 2-minutes is one of the best acted pieces of film ever. Man what a tearjerker.


And my most tear-jerking part of Saving Pvt Ryan was at the end, where he's on his knees in front of the grave, begging his wife "Tell me I've lived a good life"... Man...


Don't know if this one's been mentioned, but Sabrina, the Harrison Ford/Julia Ormond version. At the end when he meets her in Paris. She asks how she can trust him and he says because he loves her, and she's the only person who really knows him. That's a total chick flick, but it's a guilty pleasure of mine so much I bought the DVD.

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